to take the air

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  • To critical floating velocity experiment take the air velocity and moisture content of rapeseeds as factors .

    针对油菜籽悬浮速度的测定试验, 选择 风速、含水率作为试验因素,悬浮速度测定试验台上完成了既定的试验。

  • She turned on the fire to take the chill from the air .

    她拨旺炉火 驱除 空气 寒气。

  • To take into the air my quiet breath ;

    我的一息散入 茫;

  • About 1 personnel will remain behind to take care of the air base .

    大约会有1人留守 看管 这个 空军基地。

  • That affront to Cantonese an earthy language spoken by up to 70m people was accompanied by a proposal to take Cantonese programming off the air during prime time .

    在对有7000万人使用的俚俗语言&粤语 进行这种公开打压的同时,还有人提议在黄金时段不再 播放粤语节目。

  • He was stripped to the waist revealing a huge chest overlaid with hard muscle . I proceeded to take an X-ray which showed that the air passages in the middle sections were thicker than normal .

    他光着上身,露出宽大、厚实、满是肌肉的胸部,胳膊像树干一样粗。我 拍摄了胸部平片,发现肺中段 气道有点变厚。

  • I came forth to take the air .

    我出来 透气

  • After a busy morning in my office I found it refreshing to take a stroll at lunchtime to breathe the fresh air and feel the sun .

    在办公室里忙了一个上午之后,我发现午饭时出去 一走,吸一口新鲜 空气,享受一下阳光,十分令人神清气爽。

  • The energy consumption of which the ratio of window to wall is 35 % was less 54 % than those which the ratio is 80 % . This infer that reduce the ratio of window to wall could markedly take from the energy consumption of air conditioning systems .

    窗墙比为35%的办公楼 空调系统较窗墙比为80%的节能54%,减小窗墙比可以大大 降低空调能耗。

  • If you receive a high lob from your opponent when you are on the baseline try to take it in the air before it bounces .

    ▼当你在底线时,如果你接来自你的对手的高吊球,试 它弹跳之前 空中击球。

  • To solve this problem based on expert opinion and experience of the Shenyang City for many years to reduce emissions mainly to take the following measures air quality standards is possible .

    针对这一问题,根据专家意见及沈阳市多年的减排经验,主要 采取以下措施, 空气质量达标是可能的。

  • Passepartout about nine o'clock went out upon the platform to take the air .

    上午将近九点钟的时候,路路通 车桥上去透透 空气

  • Plant have the power to take this gas from the air combine it with water and make it into their tissues ; in fact it is from this source that all organic carbon comes .

    植物有能力从 空气 吸收二氧化碳,使之与水化合转化成植物的组织,实际上,所有有机碳化合物都是通过这种方式形成的。

  • Looks like our country Kunming such area because it in the climatic conditions superiority may use outdoor air to take the heat sink directly applies in the air conditioning aspect .

    象我国昆明这样的地区,由于其在气候条件上的优势,可以直接利用室外空气 作为冷源,应用在 空气调节方面。

  • John likes to take exercise in the open air .

    约翰喜欢在 户外 锻炼

  • OK . It 's delightful to take a walk in the park with the air so fresh .

    噢! 公园里散 散步空气是这么的新鲜,太令人 高兴了。

  • It is a constrictor so that after the prey is caught it is surrounded by coils and its breathing is stopped . When the aeroplane begins to take off the air hostess will tell all the passengers that they must fasten their seat belts .

    南非蟒是大型蟒蛇,它捕捉到猎物后总是用身体将猎物紧紧缠绕,使其窒息而死。飞机 起飞时, 空中小姐总要告诉全体旅客必顺要系紧座位安全带。

  • It is effective for noise control that the refuse transfer station was closed during the work . But it is highly important to take noise elimination measures for the compressor and air extractor .

    结论:转运站封闭作业有利于阻隔转运站作业时噪声污染,但更重要的是 应对主要噪声源&压缩机和 抽风采取消音措施。

  • At this time of year even the most professionally designed and well-organised restaurant kitchen begins to take on the cluttered air that characterises a domestic kitchen over the festive season .

    每年这个时候,即便是设计最专业、组织最有序的餐馆厨房也 开始笼罩着一片混乱的 气氛,在节日期间,英国每家餐馆的厨房都逃脱不掉这一特点。

  • Time to Play Outdoors ! They used to take the air in the evening .

    他们过去常在傍晚时去 户外 散步

  • In the early twentieth century scientists learned how to take nitrogen out of the air and make it into a form that plants could use .

    在二十世纪初,科学家们 如何 利用氮出 空气,使成一种植物可以使用它。

  • When the aeroplane begins to take off the air hostess will tell all the passengers that they must fasten their seat belts .

    飞机 起飞时, 空中小姐总要告诉全体旅客必顺要系紧座位安全带。

  • The ability to take the valuable from life – is the same as to take from the food air and the impressions the substances needed to build up your higher bodies .

    从生活中摄取精华的能力&和从食物、 空气、以及印象中 摄取用以建立你的高等身体所需的物质是一样

  • Conclusion It is necessary to take effective measures to lower the contents of air germs in transfusion room at pediatric out-patient aiming at factors affecting air disinfection .

    结论:针对影响空气消毒质量的因素, 采取有效措施降低儿科门诊输液室的 空气 含菌量。

  • Before I go to bed I take a turn in the open air .

    就寝之前 露天里转一转。

  • The municipality ( municipal government ) promised to take effective steps as soon as possible to solve the problems of air pollution .

    市政府承诺将尽快 采取有效措施,解决 空气污染问题。

  • The European Central Bank 's purchases of Spanish and Italian sovereign debt continue to take the air out of inflated bond yields .

    欧洲中央银行购买西班牙和意大利政府债券的行动持续 降低了人们对公债利息过度膨胀 担忧。