


  • How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool ? Specific binding is found in tissues where muscarinic receptors are demonstrable pharmacologically .

    在药理学方法证明有毒 碱样受体的组织中发现了特异的结合作用。

  • How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool ? Experiment Research on Establishing Rabbit Model of Acutely Poisoned Liver by Poisonous Mushroom

    我怎样才能把蘑菇和毒蕈区别开呢?急性 毒蕈肝中毒家兔模型 备的实验研究

  • Toxins in Toadstool and the Exploitation and Utilization of Toadstool


  • Rodenticide pesticide and toadstool mainly bring about the trauma of nerve system ;

    灭鼠药、有机磷农药、 毒蕈以神经系统损伤为主;

  • The man was sent to the hospital for having eaten toadstool by mistake .

    那个人因为 误食 毒菌而被送进了医院。

  • Research on the Growing Resources of Toadstool M.sp ( Yan-5 ) Bacterial Strain and Mycelium Needed for Nutrition Carbon and Nitrogen


  • Toadstool is slang for poisonous mushroom .


  • Younger Scout : How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool ?

    年少童子军:“我怎么才能区分蘑菇和 毒菌?”

  • The main food causing poisoning was animal origin and the cause of death was toadstool and pesticides .

    动物性食品是引起中毒的主要食品, 毒蕈和农药是中毒死亡的重要原因。

  • But he would never love a toadstool .

    但是他永远不会爱上一 蘑菇

  • Crouching by a pATient cow AT daybreak in the lush field a witch on her toadstool her wrinkled fingers quick AT the squirting dugs .

    拂晓时分,在绿油油的牧场里,她蹲在耐心的母牛旁边,一个坐在 毒菌上的巫婆,她的皱巴巴的指头敏捷地挤那喷出奶汁的乳头。

  • I wouldn 't dare pick wild mushrooms in case I got a toadstool by mistake .

    我不敢摘野生蘑 以防万一毒菌

  • Dominant families edible ( medical ) fungi toadstool and their aliment-type were analyzed .

    对优势科、食(药)用、 有毒菌以及它们的营养类型进行了分析,结果显示:①该地区大型真菌的物种 丰富四川的11.09%);