to the death

[tu ði dɛθ][tu: ðə deθ]


  • Cock - Courage always ready for battle ready to fight to the death .

    公鸡-勇气,时刻准备投入战斗并且 视死如归

  • The spectacle of young people being hunted to the death in The Hunger Games as a form of public entertainment is barbaric .

    在《饥饿游戏》中,年轻人之间相互 猎杀成为一种大众娱乐的形式,这一场景不免有些野蛮。

  • He said they did not want war — but if attacked they would fight to the death

    他说他们不希望有战争——但一旦遭到攻击,定会战斗 到底

  • I will fight to the death to make sure that America is safe .

    我会为保护美国的安全而奋斗 到底

  • At this point as they 're two old men Jens and Kahn really ought to just fight to the death or something because their verbal spats are boring now .

    但目前,因为两位已经老了,延斯和卡恩看来需要拼一 死活还是做些什么别的,否则他们俩的斗嘴就显得有些无趣了。

  • Just been made outcast ready to fight the flock to the death .

    刚被驱逐出去,准备迎战鸥群 至死

  • Starring Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson it 's a dystopian book with a love story between two contestants in a barbaric battle to the death .

    关注两位主演JenniferLawrence和JoshHutcherson,在这本反乌托邦式的小说里将会上演一场 生死挣扎中激发出的爱 盛典。

  • Bloodthirsty crowds watched captured prisoners slaves and gladiators fight to the death in the Coliseum in Rome and in amphitheaters in cities throughout the empire .

    在罗马斗兽场和遍及帝国的每个圆形剧场里,残忍的人群围观囚犯、奴隶和角斗士 生死搏杀。

  • On the NC lathe in addition to a general guide lathes and precision of sexual orientation but also a good Naimaca wear characteristics and reduce the frictional resistance to the death zone .

    对数控车床来说,导轨除应具有普通车床导向精度和工艺性外,还要有良好的耐摩擦、磨损特性,并减少因摩擦阻力 致死区。

  • Could this lead to the death of the comb-over ?

    这样能否 导致上栉状体 死亡呢?

  • With only two rounds to go both boxers were determined to fight to the death .

    仅剩下两局了,两位拳击手决心打 到底

  • Both incidents pale in comparison to the 2008 scandal that led to the death of six babies and the poisoning of 300 people by milk products tainted with melamine an industrial chemical .

    这两起事件和2008年那起 导致六名婴儿 死亡、30万婴儿中毒的三聚氰胺(一种工业化学品)毒牛奶丑闻相比就相形见绌了。

  • Let him come . We would fight to the death on that night .

    就让他来吧,我们可以在那天晚上 拼死搏斗。

  • She 'd have fought to the death for that child .

    她会为了那个孩子抗争 到底

  • You still owe me a fight to the death .

    你还差我一场打 的决斗呢。

  • It 's a battle to the death with the Capitol residents celebrating the slaughter of innocent young people in gruesome ways while the Districts can only hope their sons and daughters will return victorious .

    这是一场 生死决战,无辜的年轻人用残忍的方式自相残杀,而就在国会区的居民为此欢呼时,辖区的百姓们只能盼望着他们的儿女可以胜利归来。

  • The timing may be linked to the death of Mr Jobs .

    这样的时间选择或许与乔布斯 去世是有关

  • He is patient tolerant and resigned on philosophical principles ; he submits to pain because it is inevitable to the death of family members because it is irreparable and to death because it is his destiny .

    在哲学的原则上,他表现出耐心、宽容和顺从;他正视痛苦,因为痛苦不可避免,他忍受丧亲之痛,因为失去的亲人不可挽回,他屈从 死亡,因为 死亡是他最终的归宿。

  • I stayed in a hotel or in a room next to the death chamber .

    我待在酒店或 行刑室隔壁 房间。

  • Four generations of Stuarts had waged a war to the death with four generations of Ruritans .

    斯图亚特王族与清教徒进行了一场达四代之久 你死我活的斗争。

  • Brahimi says talks could allow both sides to avoid having to live up to their shared slogan : fight to the death .

    Brahimi说,对话可以使双方避免实现自己的口号:战争 至死

  • He now faces a fight to the death to reach the quarter-finals .

    他现在面临一场杀入四分之一决赛 殊死决战。

  • The boy said that he would stand by his mate to the death .

    那孩子说他将 至死支持他的伙伴。

  • New Yorkers are reacting with sadness to the death of James Brown .

    纽约的人们正在深切 哀悼已故的 詹姆斯布朗

  • Power cuts have worsened the tough living conditions in poorer areas of the port city and may have added to the death toll say analysts .

    分析人士称,停电使得这座港口城市较贫穷地区艰难的生活条件更加恶化,可能造成 死亡人数进一步增加。

  • One thing is clear : The hotel ` s decor was not up to the aesthete ` s standards . His last words are reputed to be My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death . One or other of us has got to go .

    但是有件事非常清楚,那就是这家酒店当时完全不符合这位唯美主义者的审美标准,因为诗人最后的遗言是这样写的:我和墙纸在做殊死搏斗,不是 ,便是我亡。