to the number of

[tu ði ˈnʌmbɚ ʌv][tu: ðə ˈnʌmbə ɔv]


  • For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity according to the number of the days three hundred and ninety days : so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel .

    我已经 你定了日子 数目,就是三百九十天,等于他们作孽的年数,你要在这些日子担当以色列家的罪孽。

  • The number of men who said they would consider sex work was about equal to the number of woman the study found .

    调查还发现,考虑会从事性工作的男性 人数 女性 人数持平。

  • However there 's a practical limit to the number of records you can deal with at any given time which eventually leads to the issue of paginating results .

    然而,实际上 您在一定时间内可以处理的记录 数量是有限制 ,这最终将导致页编码问题。

  • The total number of high-affinity connections that are available for indexing must be equal to the number of CPUs that are available on the servers that host the index update service .

    可用于索引的高亲和性连接的 数量必须 等于 托管索引更新服务的服务器上可用的CPU数量。

  • In a running process the number of thread stacks is equal to the number of thread bodies in the process .

    在一个运行的进程中,线程堆栈的数量 等于进程中线程体 数量

  • Create a number of DirectedGraphs equal to the number of series to plot .

    创建和级数一样多 DirectedGraphs以便进行绘图。

  • Blake-beard balked at the list he gave her which covered everything from the size of her office to the location of her parking space to the number of students in her classes .

    然而,导师的清单却让布莱克•比尔德犹豫不决,因为这些要求涵盖了从办公室的大小、停车位的位置 班级学生 数量方方面面。

  • But if he dedicates his field after the Jubilee the priest will determine the value according to the number of years that remain until the next Year of Jubilee and its set value will be reduced .

    倘若他在禧年以后将地分别为圣,祭司就 按着未到禧年所剩的年 ,推算价值,也要从你所估的减去价值。

  • There is a limit to the number of objects a user can select .

    这里存在 用户可选择对象 数量限制。

  • The figure pales in comparison to the number of iPhones apple sells but dwarfs competitors .

    虽与苹果iPhone相比,这个 数字相形见拙,但已经足以傲视其他竞争对手。

  • There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer

    正在为实现零部件标准化和减少推出 型号 数量努力

  • They assigned a limit to the number of passengers .

    他们确定了一个乘客 人数限额。

  • Modifications to the number of active members can be done without any impact to the clients .

    对于活跃成员 数量 修改可以在不影响客户端的前提下进行。

  • The quality of English equivalent to the number of mouths moving !

    英语的好坏 等于嘴巴动 次数

  • The client must now resolve two important problems related to the number of data items received .

    客户机现在必须解决两个与所接收数据项 数量有关的问题。

  • Here is how to create a customized System Health data view that compares the number of rows read to the number of rows selected .

    下面介绍如何创建自定义的SystemHealth数据视图,这个视图比较读取 选择的行数。

  • The number of rows entered for each word will be equal to the number of synonyms for that word .

    为每个单词输入的行的数量将 等于该单词的同义词 数量

  • Generally speaking a system has an excellent chance of becoming CPU-bound if the CPU is100 percent busy has a large run queue compared to the number of CPUs and more context switches than usual .

    通常来说,如果某个系统的CPU是100%忙碌,并且 相对于CPU 数目来说拥有大规模的运行队列,以及具有更为频繁的上下文切换,那么该系统很有可能成为CPU受限系统。

  • There is really no limit to the number of baseball Google Gadgets you could come up with .

    您能创建棒球GoogleGadget 数量是没有限制的。

  • Domino . Cache . Command . HitRate : The percentage-ratio of the number of times a valid cache entry is found in the cache to the number of times the cache was investigated for a cache entry

    HitRate:一个有效缓存条目出现在缓存中的次数与为一个缓存条目调查缓存 次数的百分比

  • Concentration . The heat resistance of a suspension of bacterial spores is related to the number of organisms present .

    浓度细胞悬浮液的耐热性 现存生物体 数量有关。

  • For example if the indexed column has literal values and NULL values then the selectivity is equal to the number of distinct keys in the index .

    例如,如果索引列包含字面值和NULL值,那么其选择性就 等于索引中不同的键 数目

  • When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance when he divided all mankind he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel .

    至高者将地业赐给列邦,将世人分开,就照以色列人 数目,立定万民的疆界。

  • Hence as a rule of thumb you may consider setting the number of page cleaners equal to the number of CPUs on the database server .

    因此,根据经验法则,您可以考虑将页面清洗器的数目设置 数据库服务器上CPU 数目

  • For most runs the number of threads in the fork-join pool was equal to the number of hardware threads ( cores times threads-per-core ) available .

    对于大多数运行,fork-join池中的线程数量与可用 硬件线程(内核数乘以每个内核中 线程 )相等。

  • The roster lists all members of the team and orders them according to the number of open tasks assigned to the team member .

    Roster列出了团队的所有成员,并 根据分配给团队成员的开放任务 数量 他们进行排序。

  • The throughput of an MDB is directly related to the number of MDB instances started by the listener port thread .

    MDB的吞吐量与侦听器端口线程启用的MDB实例 数量直接相关。

  • As long as the number of potential random codes is large compared to the number of records to search this simple approach can be efficient .

    只要潜在的随机代码 查找的记录的数目大,这个简单的方法就是有效的。

  • There is no upper limit to the number of traffic managers that can be joined in a cluster or to the number of traffic IP addresses that a cluster can host .

    可加入集群 流量管理器 数量没有上限,一个集群可以托管的流量IP地址的数量也无上限。

  • 2 also applies when it comes to the number of unique cloud images .

    第二条也适用 独特的云映像 数量