to the utmost

[tu ði ˈʌtˌmost][tu: ðə ˈʌtməust]


  • He exerts him to the utmost .

    作出 最大 努力

  • It not merely continued Fujian people 's navigation culture but also carried forward this tradition to the utmost thus laying a solid foundation of Fujian 's development in navigation industry .

    它不仅延续了闽人的航海文化,而且将这一文化传统发扬 最高 ,为明代福建航海业的发展奠定了基础。

  • To the utmost of one 's powers or ability .

    全力 某人力量或能力的 极限

  • Each man is free to exercise his special talents to the utmost .

    每个人可以 尽力发挥他的专长。

  • The foundation behind the practice of Yoga or meditation proper is the resolution of conflicts and fulfilment of all longings to the utmost extent until one reaches infinity itself .

    瑜伽,或正确的冥想,在它练习存在的背后,基础是冲突的化解和追求 终极的意识延伸直至达到无限自我的这一唯一 目标的实现。

  • My limited diplomatic skills were tested to the utmost

    我有限的外交手腕儿受到了 极其严峻的考验。

  • 83 . Most hosts are hostile to the foremost ghost hostage almost to the utmost .

    83.大多数主人对最前面的幽灵人质的敌对态度几乎 极顶

  • Sometimes I also a little bit rejoice and I arrived at the joys and sorrows which lets me taste to the utmost human life !

    有时我也有点庆幸,我来到了这个让我 尝尽了人世的悲欢离合!

  • He walked to the utmost edge of the cliff .

    他走 悬崖 极限的边缘。

  • Exert yourself to the utmost !


  • The child tried his patience to the utmost .

    孩子闹得他都 几乎没有耐心了。

  • The best plan is to continue to attack him to the utmost of our power .

    最佳方案就是 继续 不遗余力地攻击他。

  • We have not crushed the joy to the utmost to wring from it the wine of pain .

    我们没有把喜乐压 微尘来榨取痛苦之酒。

  • Use to the utmost ; exert vigorously or to full capacity .

    经常 达到 极限;精力充沛或充分地发挥才能。

  • Churchill 's reception to the utmost care Baruch with deliberately he visited the New York Stock Exchange .

    此番接待丘吉尔,巴鲁克 悉心备至,特意陪他参观了纽约股票交易所。

  • In such a program whose motivation is purely philosophical techniques of modern logic would have to be exploited to the utmost .

    离开了对现代逻辑技术的充分挖掘和利用, 实现 这个 出自纯粹哲学动机的方案是不 可能的。

  • They mean to bleed the British to the utmost .

    他们 最大 限度地榨取英国人的财富。

  • Use this kind of way we can nowise the fee separates the oil and the vinegar to the utmost .

    用这种办法,我们可以毫不 费尽 油和醋分开。

  • To develop manufactures to the utmost China must have new markets for her products .

    极大 发展制造业中国就必须拥有销售其产品的新市场。

  • Our experienced workers and well-thought designs will offer convenience to the utmost .

    我们专业的员工和优秀的设计人员会 尽量 客户提供便利。

  • We walked to the utmost edge of the woods .

    我们走 林子边缘的 尽头

  • He would keep his pledge to the utmost of his power .

    他将 极力信守他的誓言。

  • If the Christian community does not support to the utmost the belated proposal worked out to rescue the Jews remaining in Europe from the fate prepared for them we have accepted the Hitlerian thesis and forever compromised the principles for which we are pouring out blood and wealth .

    挽救欧洲尚存的犹太人,帮助他们逃脱既定的命运&如果基督教社群不 极力支持这个迟来的提议,我们就等于接受了希特勒的论调,永久地破坏了我们为之倾注鲜血和财富的那些原则。

  • All of which will arouse to the utmost the class antagonisms within japan the antagonism between the Japanese and the Chinese nations and the antagonism between Japan and most other countries of the world .

    这样就 最大 激起它国内的阶级对立、日本民族和中国民族的对立、日本和世界大多数国家的对立。