to the eye

[tu ði aɪ][tu: ðə ai]


  • You want to improve the visitor 's experience make choices simple be pleasing to the eye and not overuse the flashy add-on du jour .

    您想提高访客的经验,使简单的选择,是 悦目,而不是过度使用华而不实的附加大谈特谈。

  • And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food .

    耶和华上帝使各样的树从地里长出来,可以悦人 眼目,其上的果子好作食物。

  • To be protected under most national laws an industrial design must appeal to the eye .

    根据大多数国家的法律,工业品外观设计必须 视觉上能吸引人,才能受到保护。

  • But to the eye of the ordinary unimaginative traveler they are invisible .

    普通的,无想象力的游客 眼里,它们是看不见的。

  • Eyeglasses generally directed observers gaze to the eye regions ; rimless glasses made faces appear less distinctive and resulted in reduced distinctiveness in matching and in recognition tasks .

    眼镜通常会将观者 目光 引向 眼睛区域;无框眼镜会使脸显的更加柔和,从而减少了匹配时的分辨度以及识别任务的准度。

  • A building which is pleasing to the eye .

    一幢赏心 目的建筑。

  • We 'll see to it that the blouses appeal to the eye as well as to the price .

    我们会注重使这些衬衫 看上去美观,价格具有吸引力。

  • It appeals increasingly to the eye .

    但它 眼睛 吸引力越来越大。

  • Following blunt trauma to the eye vision went down to hand motion .


  • He knows deeply that blindness is not to the eye but to the mind .

    他深知失明不关乎 眼睛,而在于思想。

  • Doctor J 's dunks were wondrous to the eye .

    博士的扣篮让人 叹为观止

  • On scented grasses fresh and pleasing to the eye lay fallen blossoms in gay profusion .

    芳草鲜美, 落英缤纷

  • Give a material to the eye lids if you like .

    提供材料 眼睛盖子,如果你喜欢。

  • And they make reference to the eye being left in some sort of temple .

    里面 提到朱庇特 被留在某个神庙里。

  • Again these dishes have reminded me that using the freshest of local produce and presenting it in such a way as this dish I photographed-important to be both pleasing to the eye and to our palate .

    这道菜让我再次想到,用上当地最新鲜的食材,并且用这张照片中的方式上菜–这样就能色香味 俱全了。

  • She has not been to the eye doctor in two years even though eye exams are crucial for people with diabetes and she knows she needs new glasses .

    对于糖尿病患者来说,眼睛的检查的很重要的,她也知道,她需要一付新眼镜,但是,她已经两年没 看过 眼科大丈了。

  • It is only with heart that one can see rightly ; what is essential is invisible to the eye .

    一个人只有用心灵才能看得真确;重要的东西 肉眼是看不见

  • And I am convinced too that I should become an inveterate window shopper for it must be a delight to the eye to view the myriad articles of beauty on display .

    我也相信,我也会成为一个有瘾的橱窗浏览者,因为看那陈列的无数美好 商品一定是 赏心悦目之事。

  • You shall hold the view-finder close to the eye . understand ?

    你应该把取景器举得 紧靠 眼睛。明白吗?

  • The leak is very obvious to the eye but unless you were actively monitoring the data you would not have been aware of it until the server crashed .

    泄漏是 显而易见 ,但是,如果不积极地监视数据,则在服务器崩溃之前您是不会知道这一情况的。

  • Now I look at this yard and found that hospital Kok how there is not pleasing to the eye because that piece of stone patrol a pile of weeds such as a piece of grass on the ground scar .

    现在我审视这院子,发现院角那儿怎么也不 顺眼,就因为那块石头,护着一堆杂草,像是绿草地上的一块疮疤。

  • Research indicates that anthocyanosides have a positive effect on certain enzymes crucial to vision and to the eye 's ability to adapt to the dark .

    研究显示花青素能促进对 眼睛某些很重要的酵素作用,以帮助适应黑暗。

  • If you want to try it please go to the eye clinic to have a new check-up first .

    假如你愿意试试,请先 眼科重新检验一次吧!

  • The inner layer consists of mucus produced by the conjunctiva ; it helps the tears adhere to the eye .

    内层包括由结膜产生的黏液,它有助于泪膜粘附 眼睛表面。

  • The structure and operation of the brain may also dictate what is pleasing to the eye or ear .

    大脑的结构与运作,或许也发布指令,什么东西 悦目悦耳。

  • The scene is a feast to the eye .

    景色 悦目

  • It was a sweet view-sweet to the eye and the mind .

    那是一幅可爱 景色& 赏心悦目

  • Napoleon died a natural death to the eye but by a modern scientific analysis of the few hair left over by him it was revealed that he had been poisoned .

    从表面上看来,拿破仑是 善终的,但根据对他遗留下来的几根头发所作出的科学化验,发现他是被毒死的。

  • It is evident to the eye that symmetry is also important to biological function .


  • Pictures appeal to the eye ; arguments to the reason .

    图画 诉诸 眼睛,论辩诉诸理性。