to the satisfaction of

[tu ði ˌsætɪsˈfækʃən ʌv][tu: ðə ˌsætisˈfækʃən ɔv]


  • The test of war is basically over and we have all come through well to the satisfaction of the people of the whole country .

    战争一关,已经基本上过去了,这一关我们大家都过得很好,全国人民是 满意的。

  • Work hard to run education to the satisfaction of the people Education is the cornerstone of national renewal and social progress .

    (一)努力办好人民 满意 教育。教育是民族振兴和社会进步的基石。

  • Errors in setting out shall be made good at the contractor 's expenses and to the satisfaction of the project manager .

    定线误差应纠正,费用由 承包商自行承担, 项目经理 满意为准。

  • Limited to the satisfaction of certain basic needs .

    局限 满足特定的基本需求。

  • Any damage to the precast segment arising from improper neglected or faulty storage handling or transportation shall be repaired or corrected to the satisfaction of the contractor ant the employer 's representative .

    应修复或纠正任何错误的、被忽视的或不合格的储存、处理或运输引起的预制节段损坏,直到承包商和业主代表 满意 为止

  • But they require diplomatic skills to equal the financial finesse it demonstrated last year to the satisfaction of shareholders .

    但它们需要的外交技巧,要能够媲美力拓去年展示出的 股东 满意的财务手段。

  • Do the work to the satisfaction of the client .

    使顾客 满意的工作。

  • Any improper operation of the system or any improper neglected or faulty construction shall be repaired or corrected to the satisfaction of the contractor and the employer 's representative .

    应修复或纠正任何错误系统操作或任何错误的、被忽视的或不合格的施工, 直到承包商和业主代表 满意 为止

  • If in the opinion of company after examination or test any component has not been cleaned in accordance with this construction standard the Contractor shall reclean the component to the satisfaction of the company .

    如果公司认为在检查或试验之后,依据本施工标准,组件未清理干净,那么承包商应重新进行清理, 直到 满足公司的要求。

  • The problem was settled to the satisfaction of the customers .

    问题解决 ,顾客很 满意

  • I couldn 't do anything to the satisfaction of my boss so he fired me .

    我怎么做都没 办法让老板 满意,所以他炒了我鱿鱼。

  • We sincerely hope that this transaction will turn out to the satisfaction of both parties .

    我们真诚的希望这次交易能使我们双方 满意

  • You will need to be honest with each other about what you want to do and how much of it you can actually do together to the satisfaction of both of you .

    你们需要对彼此坦诚,坦白交代你想要做什么,并且一起探寻在多大程度上,你们可以一起做到 彼此 满意

  • Bread is an instrument as a means to the satisfaction of hunger and to the support of life .

    面包也是一种手段,靠它 充饥和维持生命。

  • The argument was settled to the satisfaction of both sides .

    这场争论解决得 使双方都很 满意

  • The trade in the past is done to the satisfaction of both sides .

    我们双方对过去的贸易都 感到 满意

  • We are the thought of our starting point and home to return to according to the satisfaction of customer continuously and gained the consistent favourable comment of customer .

    我们一直本着客户 满意是我们的出发点和归宿的思想,赢得了客户的一致好评。

  • We have arranged the matter to the satisfaction of all parties concerned .

    我们已把事情处理得 使有关方面都 感到 满意

  • Example The Buyer is of the opinion that if the result of packing in cartons turns out to the satisfaction of the buyer 's client the Seller may continue using this packing in the future .

    买方认为,如果纸板箱包装的效果使买方用户 满意,则卖方在今后的业务中可继续使用这种包装。

  • And this joint investigation is going along and will continue until we feel that we 've addressed the issue to the satisfaction of all concerned .

    联合调查还在进行当中并且还将进行下去,直到我们解决问题, 受到影响 各个方面都 感到 满意

  • The Contractor shall provide and maintain the surveying equipment for the use of the engineer 's staff as set out below and shall be new when supplied and shall be fully maintained and repaired by the contractor to the satisfaction of the engineer .

    承包商应提供并维护勘测设备,供监理方员工使用,按如下所列。承包商应该提供新设备,并作全面维护和修理, 满足监理方 要求。

  • 10.19 stocks market of New York are while overturning to the satisfaction of all !

    纽约股市10.19反转时, 皆大欢喜

  • This enables the planner to initiate actions to improve performance to the satisfaction of the customers !

    这使得计划人员能够主动采取措施,避免车辆换乘表现不佳,从而提高乘客 满意度

  • Article 106 A joint venture shall apply all of its assets to the satisfaction of its debts .

    一百零六条合营企业 其全部资产 其债务承担责任。

  • Layers of increased pressure on win instant success ; cheat on steadily under the Water natural ; to the satisfaction of all .

    上压下层层加码,马到成功;下骗上节节掺水,水到渠成; 皆大欢喜

  • I am sorry to say that the shipment does not turn out to the satisfaction of our customer .

    很遗憾,我们的顾客 这批货不 满意

  • To the satisfaction of the teacher Tom answered the question very well .

    老师 满意的是,汤姆把问题回答得非常好。