tobacco necrosis virus

[təˈbæko nəˈkrosɪs ˈvaɪrəs][təˈbækəu neˈkrəusis ˈvaiərəs]


  • Identification of tobacco necrosis virus infecting potato

    侵染马铃薯的 烟草 坏死 病毒的鉴定

  • Protein A adsorbed onto latex spheres adsorbs the immunoglobulin IgG in the antisera against tobacco necrosis virus ( TNV ) and then forms a complex known as protein A-coated latex-linked antisera ( PALLAS ) .

    用A-蛋白结合乳胶粒子,再吸附 烟草 坏死 病毒(TNV)抗血清中的免疫球蛋白G(IgG),制成乳胶致敏抗体复合物。

  • Comparative Analysis of Beet Black Scorch Virus and Tobacco Necrosis Virus COMPARE

    甜菜黑色焦枯病毒和 烟草 坏死 病毒的比较病毒学研究

  • Identification on tobacco necrosis virus infecting soybean and mulberry

    侵染大豆和桑的 烟草 坏死 病毒(TNV)的鉴定

  • Purification and antisera preparation of tobacco yellow mottle necrosis virus

    烟草黄斑驳 坏死 病毒的提纯及抗血清制备

  • Construction of Plant Virus Vector of Tobacco Necrosis Virus

    烟草 坏死 病毒植物病毒载体的构建