tip with

[tɪp wɪð][tip wið]


  • The results indicate as the follows : First during the press-in of jacked pile the vertical stresses and horizontal stresses at pile tip enhance gradually and the vertical stresses concentrate at the pile tip with the press-in depth .

    结果表明:⑴静压桩压入过程中,桩端竖向应力和水平应力逐渐增加,竖向应力在桩端相对集中,并 贯入深度的增加,桩 应力集中的程度越高。

  • Repair of the soft-tissue defects of the finger tip with retrograde flap of finger side

    逆行指侧方筋膜皮瓣修复指 软组织缺损

  • Deformation Analysis in the Vicinity of a Growing Crack Tip with Finite Element Method

    扩展 裂纹 变形的有限元分析

  • Objective : To explore more satisfactory results in correcting the aesthetically short nose combined with low and blunt nasal tip with autologous cartilage grafts . Methods : External rhinoplasty approach is preferred .

    目的:探讨 自体软骨在审美性短鼻合并 鼻尖圆钝低平畸形整复中的应用方法和效果。

  • It is found that the sensor tip with a 90 ° conical tip has the maximum optical modulation depth .

    理论和实验的结果表明,顶角处于90°左右的光纤 具有最大的光调制深度。

  • Simulations of the single tip with coaxial focusing electrode are also carried out and the ef - fects of various geometric and electric parameters on beam focusing are analyzed .

    带有同轴聚焦电极的单个SPINDT微 也进行了模拟,并且分析了影响电子束聚焦的各种几何和电参数。

  • Objective : To provide anatomical basis for reconstructing soft-tissue defects of nasal tip with pedicled buccal flap .

    目的:为 血管蒂面颊部皮瓣修复 鼻尖 缺损提供解剖学基础。

  • The flower number and scale amount are related with plant age and the two amount went tip with which increased .

    细叶百合的 花数和鳞茎的鳞 数与植株年龄有关,二者数量 年龄的增加而增加。

  • Milk powder & Determination of titratable acidity dropping pipette straight tip with latex rubber nipple

    GB/T5413.28-1997乳粉滴定酸度的测定直形管 乳胶头滴点管

  • I will tell you that this symbol jumps from her pens tip with such speed that it is impossible to follow the method .

    我会告诉你,这个符号从她的笔 这样的速度,这是不可能遵循的方法 技巧跳跃。

  • Effect of Triaxial Stress on the Plastic Zone Distribution in Front of Crack Tip with Mixed Mode Loading

    三轴应力状态 复合型裂纹 尖端前缘的塑性区分布

  • Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine . Studying of the Nasal Tip Deformity and Reshaping the Nasal Tip with Autogenous Auricular Cartilage

    四棵细瘦的树长着细细的脖颈和尖尖的肘骨,像我的一样。鼻尖畸形的研究及 自体耳软骨在 鼻尖整形中的应用

  • Broke says that customers are encouraged to tip with bullets - some even leave weapons .

    布罗克称,餐厅鼓励顾客 子弹代替 小费,有些顾客甚至还会留下他们自己的枪。

  • Objective To introduce the emergency treatment of distal segment defect of finger nail and tip with semi skin-nail flap of toes .

    目的:介绍半趾甲瓣 指甲、指 缺损急诊修复中的临床 运用

  • The strain field ahead of a stationary crack tip with plane stress deformation in ductile metal was measured with SEM by micro grid method and digital image processing .

    用显微网格数字图系处理方法,测量了韧性材料平面应力条件 互型单边裂纹 尖端附近的应变场。

  • Research on the plastic zone near mixed mode ⅰ - ⅱ crack tip with photoplasticity

    光塑性方法研究Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合 裂纹 塑性区

  • Studying of the Nasal Tip Deformity and Reshaping the Nasal Tip with Autogenous Auricular Cartilage Effect of apexification on prognosis of infected abnormal central cusp teeth

    鼻尖畸形的研究及 自体耳软骨在 鼻尖整形中的应用根尖诱导成形术治疗感染型畸形中央尖的临床观察

  • In engineering structures it is difficult to determine stress-intensity factor at crack tip with analytic method and sometime also difficult with numerical method because of complexity of shape and load as well as no determinability of boundary condition . However photoelastic method remedies these deficiencies .

    工程结构裂纹 尖端应力强度因子(SIF)由于形状、荷载的复杂性及边界条件的不确定性,难以 解析法得到,数值计算也有困难,而光弹性法弥补了上述方法的不足。

  • Qin Gang concluded the press conference by sharing a water-saving tip with the audience .

    记者会结束时,秦刚说,我给大家介绍一个节水 提示

  • The electrochemistry etching equipment of STM tip is designed and fabricated successfully . The high quality STM tip is prepared ; the method for preparing high quality STM tip with this equipment is summarized as well . 3 .

    成功设计并制备STM用探针的电化学腐蚀装置,总结该装置制备高质量STM用 探针的操作方法,制备了高质量STM 探针。

  • Meantime a relative index of the length of bare tip with temperature precipitation and moisture was determined .

    同时,确定了玉米秃 温度、降水、湿度匹配指标。

  • Concerns BEM ( boundary element method ) of electric current concentrating effect and temperature rising analysis at the crack tip with high density electric pulse .

    给出金属板 高密度电流脉冲 裂纹 尖端电流集肤效应和急剧发热升温解析的边界元法。

  • In this paper with Mises yield criterion the plastic zone distribution in front of crack tip with mixed mode (ⅰ ⅱ) loading is analyzed theoretically .

    利用Mises屈服准则从理论上分析了Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型裂纹 尖端前缘的塑性区分布。

  • Methods for determining bearing capacity of pile tip with plate loading test

    平板载荷试验确定桩 承载力的方法

  • A restaurant owner insists that of all her waitresses openly carry fully-loaded guns and encourages diners to tip with bullets after a man was killed onsite .

    因一名男子在店外被杀,美国一家餐厅的老板让所有女店员公开配枪上班,而且是上满子弹的真枪,并鼓励前来就餐的顾客 子弹代替 小费

  • Tool tips-When you place mouse pointer over an identifier a tool tip with information about the identifier appears .

    提示&将鼠标放在某个标识符上时就会出现关于该标识符的信息 提示

  • Determination of thermal stress field near central crack tip with Hilbert problem mixing method

    Hilbert问题混合法确定中心裂纹 尖端附近热应力场

  • At last in the force of structure loads the stress fields of the crack tip with a crack and without a crack are compared .

    最后,在结构载荷作用下,对比 、无裂纹的存在的情况下裂 附近的应力场。

  • A study on grinding method about drill tip with variable-pitch quasi-helicoid

    关于 钻尖的变导程拟螺面磨法的研究