tissue glycogen

[ˈtɪʃu ˈɡlaɪkədʒən][ˈtisju: ˈɡlaikəudʒen]


  • Object : To research the changes of mouse hepatic tissue structure under different hypoxia conditions by observing the mouse hepatocyte structure and glycogen .

    目的:通过观测缺氧后小鼠肝细胞的形态结构及 肝糖 多寡,探讨不同缺氧状态下小鼠肝 组织结构的变化。

  • The peri epididymal adipose tissue weight and fat content in feces of CG were significantly lower than that of SG ( P < 0.05 ) while the glycogen contents in liver and muscle of CG were significantly higher than that of SG ( P < 0.05 ) .

    附睾脂肪 组织重量及粪便中脂肪含量均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),而肝糖原和肌 糖原含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05);

  • Methods Changes in histomorphology liver enzymology tissue ATP content and activities of membrane Na + K + ATPase and Ca 2 + ATPase were observed in three rabbit groups in which the glycogen content during liver ischemia reperfusion injury showed significantly different .

    方法对3组 糖原含量显著不同的兔肝脏缺血再灌注过程中的组织形态学、肝脏酶学、 组织ATP含量及细胞膜Na+K+ATP酶,Ca2+ATP酶活性进行观察。

  • Morphological observation : Through the HE Masson and PAS staining of the myocardial tissue showing DM group cardiac muscle arrangement disorder obvious fiber to dissolve the collagen fibers increased obviously and had glycogen deposition .

    形态学观察通过HE染色、Masson染色及PAS染色观察大鼠心肌 组织,可见糖尿病组大鼠心肌排列紊乱,有明显的纤维溶解、断裂,细胞变性,胶原纤维明显增多,并有明显的 糖原沉积。

  • The difference of mantle between diploid and triploid is analyzed from outward appearance tissue slides and content of protein and glycogen in Crassostrea gigas .

    本文从外观、 组织切片、蛋白质和 糖元 含量等方面分析了长牡蛎二倍体和三倍体外套膜的差异。

  • Ultrastructural study on live tissue in a case of glycogen storage disease type ⅰ

    糖原 累积病Ⅰ型肝脏 组织的超微结构观察

  • Tissue sections were made from the spleens then pathological research and immunohistochemistry were performed to study the distribution and multiplication of human-derived hepatocytes in the spleen . Expression of glycogen AFP ALB and HEP were detected .

    脾脏行病理浙江大学硕士学位论文学检查和免疫组化检测研究移植的人源性肝细胞在脾脏的分布和增殖情况以及 糖原、ALB、AFP、HEP的表达。