tissue fat

[ˈtɪʃu fæt][ˈtisju: fæt]


  • Medical words it may be defined as an abnormal growth of the adipose tissue due to enlargement of fat cell size ( Hypertrophic ) or an increase in fat cell number ( Hyperplastic ) .

    用医学术语来说,可以定义为,由于 脂肪细胞尺寸的扩大或脂肪细胞数量增加,引起 脂肪质的非正常增长。

  • Tissue Engineering Epidural Fat Graft to Prevent Scar Formation

    组织工程 脂肪移植预防硬膜外瘢痕形成

  • Results : Through the observation with a nasopharyngeal fiberscope after operating for 6 to 9 months there is no scar at the site of the buccal fat pad in each of 15 cases . The tissue of buccal fat pad is epithelized absolutely .

    结果:术后经6~9月的追踪观察,15例均用鼻咽纤维镜检查,发现 脂垫均已完全上皮化,其外观与正常鼻腔 粘膜相同,未见瘢痕形成;

  • Because the fiber is more soft pork less connective tissue muscle tissue contains more fat between the muscle therefore processed meat after cooking were not delicious .

    因为猪肉纤维较为细软,结缔组织较少,肌肉 组织中含有较多的肌间 脂肪,因此,经过烹调加工后肉味物别鲜美。

  • Model + normal diet group rat liver tissue visible moderate to severe diffuse fatty degeneration of the liver tissue damage and fat deposition .

    模型+普通饲料组大鼠肝脏组织可见中度到重度弥漫性脂肪变性,肝脏 组织已经出现损害,有 脂肪沉积情况。

  • Adipose tissue constitutes the fat of meat .

    脂肪 组织构成了 肥肉

  • For tissue engineering of fat transplants to prevent epidural scar formation and provide a theoretical basis .

    从而为 组织工程 脂肪移植预防硬膜外瘢痕形成提供理论基础。

  • It can mediate and control growth of fat tissue inhibit fat tissue excessive developing and does not obviously harmful to subcutaneous vessel .

    它能调节和控制脂肪 组织的生长发育,限制 脂肪组织过度生长。外源性TNF-a可以显著减少皮下 脂肪 ,同时大体病理检查对血管无明显损伤作用。

  • Subcutaneouly tissue layer lacteal gland tissue layer fat behind glandular organ and pectoralis had little effect on TTM temperature .

    皮下组织层、乳腺 组织层、腺体后 脂肪及胸肌层对TTM温度的影响甚微。

  • Through these incisions he or she will separate the skin from the underlying tissue and remove the excess fat skin and muscle .

    通过这些切口,他或她会从底层 组织分开的皮肤和除去多余的 脂肪,皮肤和肌肉。

  • In the normal situation density of nerve root is as seem as that of tissue contrast by epidural fat . It is in the intervertebral foramina of vertebral canal .

    正常情况下的神经根在硬膜外 脂肪的衬托下表现为 组织密度,位于椎管内,位于椎间孔内,左右基本对称。

  • Six years later another scientist reported on two brothers who developed generalized weakness muscle damage and replacement of damaged muscle tissue with fat and connective tissue .

    六年后,另一位科学家研究报告两兄弟谁发达国家普遍疲软,肌肉损伤,并更换损坏的肌肉 组织 脂肪和结缔组织。

  • Results TNF α in fat tissue of fat rats group was significantly higher than that in normal group and TNF α in serum muscle liver were not obviously different between the two groups .

    结果 肥胖组大鼠脂肪 组织TNFα水平明显高于基础组,在骨骼肌、肝脏、血清中2组无显著性差异。

  • This is significant because muscle tissue contains more water than fat does and alcohol dissolves in water and thus is diluted .

    这是女性更容易醉酒的重要原因之一,因为肌肉 组织脂肪的含水量更高,而酒精易溶于水,溶于水后,酒精就相当于被稀释了。

  • The cells used are derived from adult tissue such as fat or bone marrow thereby circumventing the ethical concerns raised by the use of cells derived from embryos .

    采用成人 组织来源的干细胞,例如 脂肪 组织或者骨髓 组织,从而绕过了从胚胎获取干细胞所带来的一系列伦理问题。

  • SPARC can do this by increasing the formation of scars in fat tissue which can prevent fat being stored safely in the body .

    SPARC可以通过脂肪 组织中增加瘢痕做到这一点,这样便可以阻止 脂肪稳固的储存在体内。

  • Adipose tissue aggregate of fat cells .

    脂肪 组织有大量的 脂肪细胞聚集而成。

  • The result suggested that : 1.In addition to connective tissue proliferation and fat infiltration muscle fiber necrosis and interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration were also the basis of abnormal scan .

    结果提示:1.除结缔 组织增生与 脂肪浸润外,肌纤维坏变与间质内细胞浸润,也是超声图像异常的病理基础。

  • However muscle tissue and fat are always used to be comminuted for meat batters and vegetable oils are scarcely used in meat industry .

    然而,在肉类工业中,也多以动物 肌肉 脂肪为原料进行加工,几乎不采用植物油。

  • Result ① The hemopoietic tissue decreases and fat tissue increases in bone marrow ;

    结果①骨髓腔内造血 组织显著减少, 脂肪组织明显增多;

  • The repair of soft tissue ( skin and fat ) defects after trauma infection diabetic ulcers and tumor resection has long been a problem for clinicians .

    外伤、感染、糖尿病溃疡以及肿瘤切除术后等常常造成皮肤和 脂肪等软组织的缺损, 组织缺损的修复问题长期困扰着临床医生。

  • In 1994 Mr. Zhang and his group cloned ob gene first from the fat tissue of 60 transmissibility fat rats . This advanced the research of fatness to a new level .

    1994年zhang等首次从遗传性 肥胖小鼠(60只)的脂肪 组织中克隆出肥胖基因(ob基因),使对肥胖的研究提高到新的水平。

  • Using cells extracted from adipose tissue to construct tissue-engineered fat is more economic .

    采用从脂肪 组织中提取的细胞构建组织工程化 脂肪无疑更经济。

  • Thank God and to all your prayers the test from the lab was negative and the doctor 's guess is that maybe the lumps were formed by some tissue and fat getting around the wound .

    感谢天主和你们的祷告,化验结果呈阴性,医生猜测那些异物可能是伤口周围所 增生 组织 脂肪,她将继续馀下两星期的放射治疗以确保所有癌细胞被完全消灭。

  • The peri epididymal adipose tissue weight and fat content in feces of CG were significantly lower than that of SG ( P < 0.05 ) while the glycogen contents in liver and muscle of CG were significantly higher than that of SG ( P < 0.05 ) .

    附睾脂肪 组织重量及粪便中 脂肪含量均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),而肝糖原和肌糖原含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05);

  • Skeletal muscle is the primary tissue of glucose and fat metabolism and plays a major role in energy balance . The muscle fiber types mitochondrial content and key enzyme activities mainly contribute to the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle .

    骨骼肌是葡萄糖和 脂肪代谢的主要场所, 骨骼肌的纤维类型、线粒体含量和关键酶活性是影响骨骼肌氧化能力和运动耐量的重要因素。

  • Scientific and clinical interest in epicardial adipose tissue the visceral fat located around the heart is new but rapidly emerging lead investigator Dr.

    心外膜 脂肪的科学的和临床的兴趣,内脏的 脂肪位于心脏周围是新的但是是迅速出现的。

  • The problem is that up to 50 % of that weight loss comes from muscle tissue not from fat .

    问题是减少的体重中的一半都来自于肌肉 组织,而不是 脂肪