


v.(使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词)对(做)某事感到厌倦

  • I expect you 're tired


  • The public is sick of spin and tired of promises . It 's time for politicians to act .

    公众 厌烦了那些有倾向性的报道和种种许诺。该是用政绩说话的时候了。

  • I 'm tired of listening to all this .


  • He grew tired and drifted off into a drugged sleep .


  • My arms are tired and my back is tense .

    我的胳膊很 ,背部肌肉紧绷得难受。

  • She was too tired to pedal back .

    她太 ,没力气骑自行车回去。

  • He is tired and let him rest up from his work .


  • I am tired of all the speculation

    厌烦 所有的推测。

  • We were in a sorry plight tired lost and hungry .

    我们 疲乏 不堪,迷了路又饿着肚子,处境很是窘迫。

  • What we see at Westminster is a tired old ritual .

    我们在威斯敏斯特教堂看到的是一种 经年不变的古旧仪式。

  • A massage relaxed tired muscles .

    按摩放松 疲劳的肌肉。

  • You 're tired aren 't you ?

    你是 不是?

  • I had a busy day and was rather tired .

    今天很忙,我 累坏

  • I was too hot and tired to eat more than a few mouthfuls

    我又热又 ,只吃了几口就吃不下了。

  • She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him

    她正感到 有些 疲倦,因此很高兴可以靠在他身上。

  • He was tired after the day 's work and was soon dead to the world .

    他一 天干 下来 十分 劳累,很快就熟睡了。

  • It 's been a heavy day and I 'm tired

    忙了一天,我 累坏

  • He is rather tired today .

    他今天 的了。

  • He 's tired so I 'll make allowances for him .

    他很 ,所以我会体谅他。

  • Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip .

    迈克尔 ,他在长途旅行以后必须休息。

  • I was tired of being a bookkeeper .

    厌倦 当簿记员。

  • I didn 't want to hear another one of his tired excuses

    我不想听他的又一个 老掉牙的借口。

  • He is tired he sleeps like a log .


  • Mummy I 'm tired !


  • Now sit down and make yourself comfortable . You must be very tired .


  • I am sick and tired of hearing all these people moaning

    厌倦 听这些人大发牢骚。

  • It was the first time we admitted to ourselves that we were tired .


  • Cucumber is good for soothing tired eyes

    黄瓜有助于舒缓眼部 疲劳

  • I hate to be a party pooper but I am really tired .


  • What 's wrong my dearest ? You look tired .

    出什么事了,我最亲爱的?你看起来 疲惫