tissue Fluid

[ˈtɪʃu ˈfluɪd][ˈtisju: ˈflu:ɪd]


  • When preventing and curing the infection of the central nerval system it is important to understand the antimicrobial spectrum of antibacterials and the effective drug concentration entered cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue fluid .

    在防治中枢神经系统感染时,需同时考虑抗菌药的抗菌谱和在 脑脊液、脑 组织中要达到有效的药物浓度。

  • On this basis completed tissue fluid suction experiment put forward parameters of UF-3-2 ultrafiltration needle such as the best work negative pressure suction pump interval time which are to guide the follow-up control device design .

    在此基础上,完成 组织 抽吸实验,提出了UF-3-2超滤针的最佳的工作负压、抽吸间隔、抽吸时间等参数,指导后续控制装置的设计。

  • The tissue space is filled with tissue fluid .

    组织间隙充满了 组织

  • Detection of Endothelin-1 in the Plasma and Skin Tissue Fluid of Patients with Vitiligo

    白癜风患者血浆和皮肤 组织 内皮素1的测定

  • In this paper the compressive experiment to the specimens of cancellous bone with the tissue fluid was conducted first and a simple analysis on the two-phase mechanical behavior during the compressive process was also provided . The analytical results were used to fit the experimental results .

    在本文中,首先对含 组织 的松质骨试件进行了压缩实验,并对其压缩过程中固&液二相力学行为进行了简单分析,将分析结果用于拟合实验数据。

  • Results Vibrio vulnificus were cultured in seven patients ' tissue fluid .

    结果7例患者血 、培养出致病性弧菌病原体。

  • The lymphatic system plays essential roles in the maintenance of tissue fluid homeostasis transportation of macromolecules as well as immune cells into the blood circulation in mammals .

    淋巴管系统在维持哺乳动物 体液平衡和转运大分子或免疫细胞的过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。

  • The content of E2 raised in zebrafish tissue fluid with the increasing of atrazine concentration .

    随莠去津浓度的增加,斑马鱼 组织 中的E2含量上升。

  • Clinical Application of Human 's Placenta Tissue Fluid

    人胎盘 组织 的临床应用研究

  • Effect of subeschar tissue fluid on the T-lymphocyte and complement activity of serum in mice

    痂下水 对T淋巴细胞功能及血清补体活性影响的实验研究

  • Study on the Levels of IL-18 and IFN - γ in Serum and Skin Tissue Fluid of Patients with Vitiligo

    白癜风患者血清和皮肤 组织 IL-18及IFN-γ水平变化的研究

  • A Percutaneous Exported Way of Skin Tissue Fluid Based on Transdermal Enhancers and Temperature Field

    一种基于促透剂和温度场的皮肤 组织 物质经皮导出方法

  • The analytical results on this model showed that the pressure in the tissue fluid of the cancellous bone in the cranium was about 11 times the internal cranial pressure at the initial time when the internal cranial pressure increased .

    进一步对该模型的分析表明,当颅内压增高时的初始时刻,颅盖骨内松质骨中 组织 所受压力约为颅内压的11倍。

  • Effect of subeschar tissue fluid from burn patients on the expression of CD11 / CD18 on PMN in vitro

    烧伤病人痂下水 对中性粒细胞膜表面CD11/CD18表达的影响

  • The polypeptide insulin or secretory granule released into pancreatic tissue fluid be rather easy entering into lymphatic duct of pancreas than into blood of hepatic portal vein .

    注射或释放入胰腺 组织 中的胰岛素等多肽激素或分泌颗粒,正常转运途径或规律,可能是通过淋巴管道,而非通常认为的肝门静脉途径转运入血发挥作用。

  • Fibronectins are high-molecular-weight glycoproteins with importantly biological functions and the molecular weight is about 450 000 . They exist in body fluid of human and animals ( such as blood amniotic fluid tissue fluid ) surface of cells and matrix between cells .

    纤维结合蛋白是一种具有重要生物学功能的高分子糖蛋白,存在于人及动物的体液(血液、羊水、 组织 ),细胞表面及细胞间质中,分子量约450kD。

  • It is interval dimension system in a body and matter of that is tissue fluid in a body .

    经络即是人体的间隙维系统,经络物质即是人体的 组织

  • Effect of Subcrustal Tissue Fluid on Endothelial Cell Monolayer Permeability Under Hydrostatic Perfusion

    烧伤痂下水 对内皮细胞单层通透性的影响

  • A Preliminary Study on Quality of Life and Detection of Endothelin-1 in the Plasma and Skin Tissue Fluid on Patients with Vitiligo

    白癜风患者生活质量调查及血和 组织 内皮素-1检测

  • Objective : To probe into clinical effect of human 's placenta tissue fluid .

    目的:探讨人胎盘 组织 用于静脉滴注的临床效果。

  • The physiological structure of cancellous bone is composed of the trabeculae architecture and the tissue fluid which is full of the porous skeleton .

    在生理结构上,松质骨由骨小梁构成的骨架结构和充满于该结构之间的 组织 组成。

  • The variations of gene level lead to a mount of secretory proteins which is released to extra-cytolemma including extracellular ground substance growth factor cytokine peptide hormone enzymes in plasma and tissue fluid .

    分泌性蛋白是指分泌到细胞膜外的蛋白质,包括血液和 组织 中的细胞外基质、生长因子、细胞因子、肽类激素、酶类等。

  • There was no significant difference between the segmental type and normal control group in serum and skin tissue fluid .

    节段型白癜风患者皮肤和 组织 TNF-α水平与正常对照组比较无显著性差异。

  • Again when kissing gums tongue or mouth mucosa with blood or tissue fluid seepage out the virus is possible through the damaged mucosa or tongue to enter .

    再如,接吻时牙龈、舌或口黏膜有血或 组织 渗出,病毒就有可能通过破损的黏膜或舌头进入。

  • Produced by the normal lung and cardiac tissue fluid from the thoracic lymph nodes back to the middle of the liquid .

    由肺和心肌产生的正常 组织 由胸正中的淋巴结回液。