titanium sesquioxide

[化] 三氧化二钛

  • Preparation of High Purity Titanium Sesquioxide

    C高纯 氧化 的制备

  • Thorium dioxide / titanium dioxide and neodymium sesquioxide / titanium dioxide composite thin films were prepared by sol-gel method with glass bead as carrier and then be used in the experiment of stationary phase photocatalytic oxidation toward sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate in aqueous solution .

    以玻璃珠为载体,用溶胶-凝胶法制备 氧化钍和 氧化 复合 二氧化钛膜对水溶液中的十二烷基苯磺酸钠进行了固定相光催化氧化实验。