



  • A well-known wine connoisseur who as Finance Secretary saved himself a bob or two by scrapping duty on his favourite tipple Mr Tang stands accused of having built an illegal wine cellar .

    众所周知,唐英年是 品鉴葡萄酒的高手,在担任财政司司长 期间,通过取消自己喜欢的 税收,他给自己省下了一些 银子,而 现在,唐英年被指违法修建了一座酒窖。

  • Design of pipe tipple and its application


  • The so-called digital seasoning also applies to wine helping drinkers to enjoy their tipple by up to 15 per cent more if served alongside the right music .

    这种所谓的数码调味品也适用于酒类,如果喝酒时能配上合适的音乐,则能使饮酒者更加享受 美酒 味道而且 平时多15%。

  • Cocktails are once again recognized by modern sophisticates as being the tipple of the suave .

    现代风雅之士再次将鸡尾酒视为 柔和 烈酒

  • My favourite tipple is a glass of port .

    我最喜欢 波尔图葡萄酒。

  • The optimized structure can more reduce thrust tipple which provides ideal condition for precision machining and high dynamic response of servo system .

    并且其优化后的结构使电机 推力 波动进一步减小,为伺服系统的超精密加工和高动态响应提供了理想的条件。

  • Now the Chinese liquor – called firewater by foreigners yet to acquire a taste for the potent tipple – is coming to Britain .

    现在,中国白酒即将来到英国。迄今仍未习惯喝这种 烈性 的外国人将白酒称为火酒。

  • Gin is her favourite tipple .


  • She is known for her devotion to South Korea 's dreamy soap stars her weakness for a tipple and her habit of holding her husband 's hand on state occasions ; the Japanese equivalent of George giving Laura a French kiss on the White House lawn .

    人们都知道,她钟爱迷人的韩剧明星,她有 杯中物的弱点,她习惯在国事场合牵着丈夫的手;在日本,这就像乔治•布什在白宫草坪上给劳拉一个法式湿吻。

  • Smokers can put out their cigarettes on the king and queen to be while those who like a tipple can drink from the happy couple-at the same time as drinking to them .

    吸烟者可以把烟头放在皇家准夫妇烟灰缸,那些喜欢 喝酒的人可以从印有新郎新娘的杯子里喝酒,同时也是为他们庆祝。

  • Although bond still likes a tipple there is no sign of the 70-a-day cigarette habit he sports in the 1953 novel Casino Royale .

    虽然邦德依旧喜欢 烈酒,但他每日抽70支烟的习惯在1953年的小说《皇家赌场》中却不见了。

  • His favourite tipple is whisky . How can I tell the difference between Scotch and Bourbon ?

    他爱 烈酒是威士忌.我怎么能分辨出苏格兰威士忌和波旁威士忌呢?

  • Relaxing with her favourite tipple of Bells she said : ' I put my health down to whisky and cigarettes .

    她最爱 金铃威士忌,喝酒可以让她放松。她说:我的健康秘诀 就是威士忌和香烟。

  • Judy Garland he recalls was also fond of a tipple ( 9 ) .

    据他回忆,茱 蒂嘉兰也很喜欢 烈性

  • Having a few drinks can wreak havoc with your waistline even if youve switched to a low-calorie tipple .

    即使只喝一点点酒也会危害到你的腰围,饮用低卡 烈酒也不 例外

  • Tipple : During show prep we usually get juices from Juice Press .

    饮料:在为 时装秀做准备期间,我们经常购买JuicePress的果汁。

  • This paper makes a detailed analysis of flowchart and program of railroad car 's type identification for port 's tipple in which the PC has been used .

    本文对港口 翻车机系统中应用可 程序控制器鉴别车厢类型的流程与程序作了详尽分析。

  • His favourite tipple is whisky .

    他爱 烈酒是威士忌。

  • The authors also discovered that satisfaction with domestic life rose with every occasion partners share a tipple .

    该研究作者还发现,每当伴侣们 共饮 美酒时, 他们对家庭生活的满足感 便 上升。