


  • I have my own reasons for not telling you my new number . I don 't wanna be affected it was very tiresome .


  • Those shoes are so tiresome . I 've got to sit for a second .

    这鞋子 太紧了,我得休息一会儿。

  • You probably do have to invite tiresome relations but you do not have to invite tiresome colleagues .

    也许你的确必须邀请 讨厌的亲戚,但你不必邀请讨厌的同事。

  • A diffuse book is very tiresome to read .

    冗长的书读 起来 令人 厌倦

  • These tiresome creatures eat holes in the leaves

    这些 讨厌的虫子在叶子上咬出了洞。

  • I was sick ofthis tiresome daily farce .

    我对每天 无聊的闹剧感到恶心。

  • It has been a long tiresome experience but one that I 'll remember fondly .

    那是一个漫长的, 令人 厌倦的经历,但也是令我难忘的美好回忆。

  • The arrival of the baby made his life complicated and tiresome .

    婴儿的到来使他的生活变得复杂而 令人 烦心了。

  • I find it very tiresome doing the same job day after day .

    我感到一天又一天地做同样的工作令人十分 厌烦

  • This tiresome hysteria has got worse in one generation .

    对于一代人而言,这种 令人 生厌的歇斯底里 的想法愈发严重。

  • The guests and the tiresome little Norwegian preacher who had performed the marriage ceremony were saying good-night .

    客人们和主持结婚仪式的那个显得 疲劳的小个子挪威教士互道了晚安。

  • Her rather irregular behaviour although entertaining at first soon became tiresome .

    她相当不合常规的行为先是 觉得有趣,但很快就 令人 厌烦了。

  • The noise traffic and rude drivers can be tiresome . A lot of the time I feel that I am being cheated in stores and markets .

    噪音,交通和粗鲁的司机很 烦人。很多时候觉得自己在商店和小市场上被骗了。

  • Practicing is tiresome but stick with it and some day you will become a good pianist .

    练琴是一 辛劳 ,但如果你坚持下去,你将来会成为一名很好的钢琴演奏家。

  • Besides pursuing health is happy while pursuing wealth is quite tiresome !

    再者,追求健康是快乐的,而追求财富则相当 累人了!

  • If you are seen as a tiresome meddler by the top brass then I suggest you lie low .

    如果你被最高层视为令人 讨厌的管闲事者,那我建议你放低姿态。

  • They 're pushing all the tiresome jobs on the new junior clerk .

    他们把所有 讨厌的工作都推给新来的年轻职员干。

  • Then she began to bother me and I said I 'd had enough plague with the tiresome thing ;

    然后她开始来缠我,我说我对这 烦人的东西已经够 了;

  • What is it h.g. ? . you 're becoming extremely tiresome .

    怎么了,h.g.?你变得很 烦人

  • It would be too tiresome to wait in the queue .

    排队等候太 烦人

  • I had planned to go to your party but you know I had to finish that tiresome paper .

    我原本打算去参加你的晚会,可你知道我还得完成那 令人 厌倦的考卷。

  • He has the tiresome habit of finishing your sentences for you .

    他有替别人收句的 令人 讨厌的习惯。

  • It was tiresome and unfair and her brother was sick of it .

    这真 腻味,而且也不公平,她哥哥 对此可是厌烦了。

  • Then I suggest you shop on the internet . It 's convenient and not tiresome .

    那么我建议你去网购。 网购既方便又不会 令人 生厌

  • My work is degrading dangerous humiliating and tiresome but what can I do about it ?

    我的工作危险、 累人低贱,但我又可以怎么办?

  • No It 's tiresome too .

    不, 电脑 无聊

  • He can be a very tiresome child at times .

    他有时候会是一个非常 讨厌的孩子。

  • For this reason you sometimes confuse others and can become tiresome .

    正因如此,有时你会把别人弄糊涂,而你自己也会 感到 烦人

  • As for the color of the letters however it did cause me a tiresome trouble !

    不过, 文字颜色时,我可真真遇到了 麻烦

  • The tiresome job we were involved in is now over and done with .

    我们一起参与搞的 烦人的工作现在已经结束了。