tool adjustment

[tul əˈdʒʌstmənt][tu:l əˈdʒʌstmənt]


  • The designed tooth surface is represented by geometric parameter instead of the specific machine tool adjustment parameter .

    齿面设计的结果由齿面的几何参数来描述,而不是由特定 机床 加工 调整参数来描述。

  • The system application may enhance the viewable degree in the highway network planning its further consummates also will certainly conveniently provides the highly effective application tool for the plan result adjustment and the dynamic management .

    本文的研究提出了公路网规划的新思路,其进一步完善必将为规划结果的 调整和动态管理提供更加便捷的应用 工具

  • Study on the Monetary Policy as a Tool of Macroeconomic Control in China : Limitation and Adjustment Ideas

    我国新一 宏观经济调控中的货币政策:局限性及 调整思路

  • In the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No. 1 & Inventory the LIFO valuation method for inventory has been eliminated . The main reasons are : it was usually used for a tool of profits adjustment ;

    《企业会计准则第1号&存货》中取消了存货发出计价方法的后进先出法,其原因主要有四个,即:常被用作 调节利润的 工具

  • And the foreign exchange rate serves as a state policy tool exert a significant impact of the adjustment on the export trade .

    而外汇汇率作为国家政策 工具,对出口贸易有极大的 调节作用。

  • Then the geometrical model is changed to the mathematical model and the relationship among the parameters of the chamfering shape and the tool adjustment is analyzed quantitatively .

    对于平面倒角首先建立了加工过程的几何模型,然后推导出数学模型,建立了倒角形状参数与 机床 调整参数之间的联系。

  • In this research report with use of network planning technique as a theory tool adjustment and optimization are made to the programme of Changzhou Project .

    本文在这里用网络计划技术作理论 工具对长洲水利枢纽的施工进度进行了 调整和优化。

  • Processing Spiral Groove Cutting Tool Adjustment Parameter Iteration Algorithm

    加工螺旋槽用盘形 铣刀 调整参数的迭代算法

  • Convenient tool adjustment to meet different processing requirement .

    作上下、 左右 调整以适应不同形状尺寸的加工。

  • Aimed at the complex variety of macro-economic system the cybernetics method and main tool of adjustment & control and application effect are simply retraced in the paper from the angle of cybernetics .

    针对宏观经济系统中存在的复杂多变性,文章从控制论角度对宏观经济系统的控制论分析方法及主要 调控 手段、应用效果作了简要反思。

  • At the same time Visual C + + 6.0 is used as the developed tool the software of system includes the functions of system adjustment system calibration and system measurement .

    并用Visualc++6.0开发了样机系统 软件,集成了系统 调整、系统标定、系统测量等功能。

  • PCD Boring Tool and Fine Adjustment Boring Bar Used in Precision Finishing Pinhole of Engine Piston

    发动机活塞销孔精镗加工用PCD 镗刀和精密 微调镗杆

  • Viewed from the reality taxes are not universal tool for economic adjustment .

    从我国现实来看,税收并非经济 调节的万能 工具

  • The advanced experiences in the design of tooth form cutting technology machine and tool install and adjustment of multiple thread used for focal adjustment are also presented . So the multiple thread head not lap that has troubled for many years .

    还介绍了用于镜头调焦的多线螺纹的牙型设计、切削工艺、机床和 刀具安装 调整等先进经验,彻底解决了多年存在的多线螺纹要研磨的问题。

  • Then the formulae for calculating machine tool adjustment parameters on hobbing are derived by the study of spatial meshing principle among hobbing cutter imaginary generating rack and gear .

    进而通过对滚刀、产形齿条及锥形齿轮三者之间空间几何关系的分析,从理论上阐明了锥形齿轮的滚齿加工原理并推导了 机床 调整参数的计算公式。

  • Macro-economic policy is the primary tool in the hands of government for the adjustment and intervention of national economy .

    宏观经济政策是国家 调控或干预经济的主要 工具

  • It is pointed out that when designing tool heads the adjustment of diamond mixture ratios should be stressed to properly balance the maximum cutting depth and cutting force .

    设计 头时,应着重考虑通过 调整金刚石配比,获得最大切屑厚度和切削力间的合理平衡。

  • New method of sharpening the precision lathe tool on the grinding mechine for the adjustment of geometric angles is introduced .

    介绍了一种在 工具磨床上刃磨精密车刀用的 调整几何角度的新方法。

  • Remove special tool adjustment gauge .

    拆下专用 工具 调整仪表。

  • If the monitor display does not read zero use the zero adjustment tool from the Catheter Kit to turn the zero adjustment on the bottom side of the transducer connector until the display reads zero .

    如果此时屏幕锁显示的不是零,使用导管工具包中的调零 工具在传感器连接器底部的调零处进行 零,知道屏幕锁显示的读数为零。

  • Chapter 3 MSMT reconfiguration process model is established which contains part process characteristics and process plans comparative studies layout reconfiguration station machine tool adjustment material handling device reconfiguration etc.

    该模型包括零件特征与工艺相似比较、总体布局重构、 机床单元 选择、物料传送设备重构、控制系统重构等环节,基于事例的各环节重构又可以分为事例检索、事例改写、事例学习等内容。

  • The tool bracket has simple operation convenient height adjustment free movement safe and reliable performance and meanwhile more symmetrical and reasonable appearance .

    实用新型操作简单、高度 调节方便、移动自如、安全可靠,同时,外形更加匀称、合理。

  • As a very effective tool of earning adjustment Earning Management is getting more and more popular to the listed companies under special treatment .

    作为一种行之有效的利润 调节 手段,盈余管理越来越受到ST公司的青睐。

  • Defects in Φ 159MPM continuous rolling pipe mills products include steel quality defect and operation defect the former caused by outer reasons and the latter caused by tool operation adjustment etc. .

    Φ159MPM连轧管机组产品缺陷包括由于外部原因造成的钢质缺陷和 工具、操作、 调整等原因造成的操作缺陷。

  • The advanced experiences in the design of tooth form cutting technology machine and tool install and adjustment of multiple thread used for focal adjustment are also presented .

    介绍了日本照相 镜头生产厂家对光学 用压圈的螺纹的设计、加工工艺和 检验 方法

  • Second the calculation formulas for machine tool adjustment parameters are deducted and a set of grinding method suitable for conical involve gears is presented . Finally grinding test and tooth bearing tests are performed .

    通过推导齿条、齿轮及 机床 调整参数关系的计算公式,提出了适合 数控锥面砂轮磨齿机磨削锥形齿轮的原理和加工方法。

  • This method is a powerful tool for the adjustment of development program in oil field .

    该方法是油田开发方案 调整的极为有力的 工具

  • Thus after running the production string it does not need to shut in the rod pumped well and modify the production string the logging tool can meet the requirement of water detection and arbitrary adjustment of water shutoff zone or separate production zone of rod pumped well .

    从而实现一次性下入生产管柱后,不停产、不动生产管柱,满足抽油机井进行 找水、任意堵水及 层生产的需要。

  • The computation of the roll opening is the basis of tool design and parameters adjustment of skew rolling piercer .

    斜轧穿孔机轧辊开度计算是轧机 工具设计和 调整参数计算的基础。

  • Virtual machining not only could verify rationality of machine tool adjustment parameters but also could provide accurate geometry model to TCA analysis and finite element analysis .

    另外,虚拟加工不仅可以验证 机床 调整参数的合理性,还可以为TCA分析、有限元分析等分析工作提供精确的模型。