


  • She doesn 't care a jot or tittle what they think of her bahaviour .


  • The announcement did tittle to dispel fears of a takeover .

    通告并没有消除 接收者的担心。

  • The world situation matters not a jot or tittle to you .

    你一点也不 关心世界局势。

  • As he was charitable in his proposal so he was just in the performance to a tittle We 'd like to make a proposal that should restore harmony among them .

    他不仅提出了这个慈善的建议, 一丝不苟 实践了他的建议。我们想提出一个能使他们恢复和好的建议。

  • Tittle : On The Method of different ideological And Political Education


  • Application of Tittle Irrigation Technology in Jinhua Standardize Vegetable Farming


  • Please show them a tittle more charity .

    请对他们多表示一 同情。

  • Many have claimed the tittle Great like Caesar and Alexander but in vain for without deeds the tittle is a mere breath of air .

    许多人给自己 冠以伟大的 头衔,像凯撒和亚历山大那样,但无济于事,因为没有伟大的行为头衔只不过是空穴来风。

  • As the tittle please talk about the green energy as you know .

    是要 翻译 还是 了解绿色能源 机器

  • The disease spot happen under the leaf tip and leaf edge at first it is a dust-color tittle then expands becoming brown roundness the disease spot present unclear wheel sometimes the abnormity appear after a few disease spots conformity .

    病斑多发生在叶尖、叶缘,初为暗褐色小点,后扩大成褐色圆斑,病斑上有时出现不明显轮纹,有的 病斑处呈环状脱落,有的病斑几个融合后呈不规则形。

  • The paper points out that the present tittle of China National Standardization Organization / Technical Committee for Documentary Imaging Technology presently should keep unmodified and emphasizes the importance of promoting actively the application of digital imaging technique and network technique in the documentary imaging activities in china .

    本文 建议全国文献影像技术标准化技术委员会的 名称应保持相对 稳定,同时积极推动数字影像技术和网络技术在文献影像技术应用领域的应用。

  • And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass than one tittle of the law to fail .

    天地 去, 较比 律法的一 落空还容易。

  • The prototype combines the advantages such as compactness quick response absence of electromagnetic interference tittle torque ripple high torque density direct drive without intermediate gears etc.

    新型马达具有小型 、响应速度快、无电磁干扰、 力矩波动小、高的力矩密度和 输出端不需要齿轮 机构而直接实现驱动等特点。

  • For example it can be used to judge whether a mail is a junk mail or not according to its tittle and content .

    例如,根据电子邮件的 标题和内容判断其是否为垃圾邮件。

  • This paper describes the present status of forcing house tittle irrigation in China forecasts and analyzes its development and puts forward suggestions to quicken development .

    介绍了我国 温室 微灌 技术的现实情况,并对 温室微灌 技术的发展作预测分析,提出了加快发展的建议。

  • All the previous Gothic games were for PC when this company first jumped into the world of Xbox it was with a tittle called Risen .

    之前所有的哥特王朝游戏都是电脑上的,当这个游戏公司首次进入Xbox世界时,它还带有一个 名字叫做 崛起

  • Try to vary your routine a tittle .

    试着改变一下你的 习惯

  • For verily I say unto you Till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled .

    我实在告诉你们,就是到天地都废 了,律法的一点一 不能 ,都要成全。

  • Tittle of HAV adsorbed in cell surface and feeble HAAg fluorescence in cytoplasm could be observed earlier by LSCM compared with ELISA which required more HAAg for positive manifestation .

    结果表明LSCM技术能更早地检出细胞表面吸附的少量病毒和胞浆内微弱的 HAAg荧光,而ELISA则需要较多量病毒才能显示阳性。

  • It is an successful improvement for the feeding system of the tittle plastic mouldings .


  • The tittle paint with excellent adhesiveness hardness and chemical resistance are composed of a ternary copolymer paint component comprising styrene methyl methacrylate methylacrylic acid and organic solvent and an epoxy resin .


  • Measurement of tittle silicon in ammonia synthesis catalyst

    氨合成催化剂 微量硅的测定

  • Believe me I 've got no money with me at all not one jot or tittle .

    相信我,我根本没有钱,一 个子 没有。

  • Measuring the tittle angle of two parallel light beams using electronics holography

    用电子学全息方法测量两平行光束 微小夹角

  • The term boshi was an official tittle in the chin and Han times .

    “博士”一词,在中国秦汉时期是一种 官称

  • The spectrophotometry for the determination of Si Mo heteropoly acid color development system of tittle silicon in ammonia synthesis catalyst was established to explore the influence of various conditions and determine the optimal condition . The result is satisfactory compared with gravimetric method .

    建立分光光度法测定氨合成催化剂中 微量硅的硅钼杂多酸显色体系,考察各种条件的影响,确定最佳条件,并与重量法作对比,结果令人满意。