to be sure

[tu bi ʃʊr][tu: bi: ʃuə]


  • To be sure many of us have to settle .

    当然,我们中的很多人 不得不中途放弃。

  • PHILIP : I have to look at the entire collection . That 's the only way to be sure .

    菲利普:我必须察看一下所有的收藏品,这是 能够 确定 是否有东西丢失的唯一办法。

  • If you determine that this is a new-user registration you also want to be sure that the first name last name and email address have been sent .

    如果您确定这是一个新用户注册,您也 需要 确定名字、姓和email地址已经发送。

  • The US will need a three-to-one superiority in forces to be sure of a successful attack

    美国需要在军力上具有3比1的优势 才能 确保进攻胜利。

  • You need to be sure that you aren 't in your present relationship because it is convenient .


  • Take a close look at any contracts you 've signed in order to be sure exactly where you stand .

    要多 留意自己所签订的合同书 以便准确 把握自己的立场和定位。

  • To be sure not every project has enjoyed smooth sailing .

    可以 肯定的是,并不是每一项工程都得到了一帆风顺。

  • It was very hard to be sure of things like time here .

    在这里, 时间这类东西很 把握

  • We wanted to be sure the system would scale beyond ASDI 's expectations .

    我们 确保系统能够超越ASDI的期望。

  • We are busy to be sure but every one is very happy .

    工作忙 ,可是大家很愉快。

  • It is impossible to be sure about the value of land .

    土地的价值是 无法 确定的。

  • I want to be sure my aspect is configured before any remote exceptions are thrown .


  • He told me once again to be sure to put out the light before leaving .

    他曾再三叮嘱我在离开时 一定 先关灯。

  • Tom told me to be sure and remember the rabbits every day .

    汤姆告诉我每天都 一定 记得喂兔子。

  • This obsession you have with me you will grieve to be sure but then you will be free to love others .

    我得说 实话,一旦摆脱了对我的这种迷恋,你尽管 肯定会满腹委屈,但你会重获自由,去爱其他人。

  • You have only one way to be sure .

    你只有&个 知道 真相 方法。

  • To be sure retail investors are not required for incremental liquidity .

    当然,增加流动性不一定 需要个人投资者参与。

  • You also need to be sure you 're not going to have any threading issues ; that 's a simple thing to determine though so I 'll leave that to you to apply in your programming .

    您还 需要 确保 没有任何线程技术问题;但这是一件简单的事情,所以我把它留给您应用在编程中。

  • It is unlikely that you 'll find any problems but it 's also important to be sure .

    您不太可能发现任何问题,但 确保 万无一失也是很重要的。

  • Parents make the rules . To be sure many of the rules are no longer appropriate today .

    规矩由父母立下。 诚然,其中有许多放在今天已不再合适了。

  • Once the planning phase is over you need to be sure how to execute the plan .

    一旦策划阶段结束了,您就 需要 确定怎样去执行计划。

  • We just wanted to be sure that you weren 't.

    不怕,我们只 想来 确定 一下你是不是害怕。

  • So you need to be sure you temper your actions with rock solid logic & reason .

    所以, 一定 以逻辑和理性 指挥你的行动。

  • Repeat what you hear to be sure you really understand .

    重复你听到的 确定你真正了解。

  • You have to review these monthly household expenses periodically to be sure you are getting the best deal .

    所以,你需要每月都审查这些家庭开支预算, 确保自己得到了最实惠的折扣。

  • I had to blink my eyes several times just to be sure .

    我使劲眨了几下眼睛, 确信 没有弄错。

  • Check to be sure that there is no host name being assigned in any of the network sections .

    进行检查, 确保这些网络区段中没有分配主机名。

  • However you need to be sure about no reuse .

    但是, 需要 确保没有重用。

  • In a real application you want to do more extensive error checking to be sure you have the correct record .

    在一个真正的应用程序中,您 可能希望做更广泛的错误检查 确保记录的正确性。

  • I marked the ground and then paced it out to be sure .

    我在地面上作了标记,然后 为了 确保 起见步测了一下。