He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes .
他必须 为他的严重罪行付出 代价。
He has a lot to answer for .
他 要 负责很多事情。
Finally I must remind you that you have to answer for the truth of what you have said .
最后,我必须提醒你,你必须 对你所讲的话的真实性 负 责任。
I 'm gonna have to answer for him someday .
我错了,迟早 要 负责的。
It 's hard to answer for every X but first if you choose to use X we hope that you can still use many of the libraries distributed with ROS .
这很 难 一一 作答,不过,当你选择了X,我们仍然希望你能够同时使用ROS所发布的一些程序库。
When she turns up she 'll have to answer for it .
等我们找到她,她会 负 责任的。
Now that 's actually a difficult question to ask & to answer for a child but I tried my best to give him an answer .
向一个孩子 解释这个问题其实挺困难的,但我还是尽力给了他一个答案。
I 'm confident I won 't be around to answer for it .
我就不会敢来在这里 负责了。
He and you will have to answer for the wrong doings .
你和他应该 承担错误的责任。
The fair reading model has all that to answer for but more than just that .
正确解读的模式 应该 要 答复所有这些问题 。而且,还并不仅限于此。
He failed to carry out the plan and has to answer for the loss .
他没能实行计划, 要 对损失 负 责任。
When he 's not here to answer for what he did .
也不能让他 承担所有的罪责了。
Eventually people are made to answer for their actions .
人最后会 对自己的行为 负责。
That 's a question damn near every woman who ever lived has had to answer for herself .
那几乎是每个有过生活经历的女人都必须 要自己 回答的问题。
If you give away the secret you 'll have to answer for it .
如果你把秘密泄露出去,你就 得 承担 责任。
He will have to answer for what he has done .
他将 对他的所作所为 负责。
I think that motorists have a lot to answer for .
我认为汽车驾驶人应该负很大的 责任。
I need no one to answer for me because I know I have done no offence .
我不需要任何 人为我 担保,因为我知道我无罪。
Is either Tom or his brothers to answer for this ?
汤姆或是他的兄弟们 要 对这事 负责吗?
Jack still has a lot to answer for .
杰克还有很多问题 要 回答。
I expcet parents to answer for their children 's behaviour .
我希望家长 能 对孩子的行为负起 责任来。
You will have to answer for your violent behavior in court .
你行为粗暴,你会在法庭上 承担其后果的。
I shall never be made to answer for it if you must give me your heart .
假如你一定 要 倾心 于我,我决不会用我的心来回报。
Mr Mubarak has much to answer for .
穆巴拉克要对许多 问题 负责。
He will have to answer for his wrongdoing one day .
他终有一天会 为他所犯的罪 负责。
I put it upon myself to answer for anything that might crop up .
我对任何可能发生的事情 负责。
There are many questions that you need to answer for your enterprise before handing over control of your data .
在移交对数据的控制之前,有很多问题您 需要 为您的企业 回答。
This government has a lot to answer for .
这届政府 对很多 坏事都有 责任。
This will allow me to answer for everyone 's benefit and save me a lot of time .
这将让我 来 回答大家的利益,节省了我很多的时间。
You will have to answer for your violent behaviour in court .
你的暴力行为必将在法庭上受到 惩处。