to agree on...


  • Democrats and Republicans used to agree on this .

    民主共和两党曾经 这方面 看法 一致

  • Lilly : I don 't think we 're going to agree on this .

    莉莉:我想我们是 无法 达成 共识了。

  • But it may not be simple for them to agree on a technology .

    但让他们 同意一项技术可能不是一件简单的事情。

  • The two sides failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation .

    双方 未能 每一点上 取得 一致,但达成了和解。

  • Interface : Requesters and providers don 't need to agree on a common interface .

    接口:请求者和提供者不需要 公共接口 达成 协议

  • Well I 'm sorry we can 't seem to agree on that .

    对不起,看起来我们不能 达成 一致

  • It adds that leaders need to agree on assistance to the poor including food subsidies and cash transfers .

    各国领导人还需要 如何帮助穷人 达成 协议,其中包括提供食品补贴和现金转让。

  • We had a decision-making meeting yesterday to agree on the launch date for our new product .

    昨天我们 了一个决策会议, 商定新产品投放的具体日期。

  • Now they need to agree on the quantity and price .

    他们现在 需要 质量和价格 达成 一致

  • We should be able to agree on priorities .

    我们必须 重点上 达成 一致

  • European leaders have yet to agree on the size and conditions of a rescue fund or plan .

    欧洲领导人还 同意一个救援基金或计划的规模和条件。

  • We are not going to agree on everything ;

    我们不会 所有问题 达成 一致

  • If Europe fails to agree on this we can say goodbye to any common foreign policy .

    要是欧洲不能 这一点上 取得 一致,我们就不再期望有任何共同的外交政策。

  • The government had still to agree on the provisions of the bill .

    政府尚 议定该法案的 若干条款。

  • It 's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price .

    几乎不可能 商定一个划一的基本价格。

  • This one might think should make it easier to agree on a sensible deficit-cutting programme .

    人们会想,这应该会使合理的赤字削减计划更加 容易 达成

  • The class are unable to agree on a monitor .

    这个班的学生在班长的 人选问题 不能 取得 一致 意见

  • It took five months for the coalition to agree on and publish a medium-term economic programme .

    联合政府花了5个月的时间 达成并公布了一项中期经济计划。

  • But GM and Sweden have yet to agree on terms an aid package .

    但通用汽车公司和瑞典还没有 商定的条件一揽子援助。

  • We need to agree on a unified basic price .

    我们必需 商定一个统一的基本价格。

  • We found something to agree on .

    我们终于有 意见 一致的时候了。

  • Japan will work with key partners to develop a global platform to agree on principles and compile good practices .

    日本将与关键的合作伙伴共同建立一个全球性平台, 取得 上述原则的 共识,编制良好行为守则。

  • They failed to agree on the terms of a settlement .

    他们 未能 和解的条件 达成 协议

  • Get the service provider and consumers to agree on testing methods to ensure correctness of services in the SOA .

    让服务提供者和使用者 测试方法 达成 一致,以确保SOA中服务的正确性。

  • But the fact that everyone seems to agree on this point should not allay our worries .

    但所有人 似乎 同意这一点,不应减轻我们的担忧。

  • It also is illegal for a manufacturer and retailer to agree on a minimum resale price .

    同样,制造商和零售商 最低转售价格 达成 一致也是非法的。

  • It 's unrealistic to expect everyone to agree on everything every time .

    期待每人 每件事上每次 保持 一致 意见这是很不现实的。

  • The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report

    双方 未能 最终报告的措辞 达成 一致

  • It 's obvious you 're not going to agree on this .

    很显然你们不会 同意 彼此

  • To answer the question we need to agree on how we entered .

    为了回答这个问题,我们必须 如何进入这一困境的问题上 达成 共识