


  • A method of constant-current coulometric titration for determination of uranium in uranium oxide is described . Assay of Arsenic Trioxide by High-precision Coulometric Titrimetry

    本工作采用恒电流库仑法分析铀氧化物中的铀。高精密库仑 滴定 测定三氧化二砷的 纯度

  • The extracted phosphorus was determined by photometry or titrimetry .

    样品中的活性磷用 乙酸 - 乙酸钠 混合溶液 溶解,用光度法或 滴定 进行 测定

  • A method for the determination of total sulphur content in kaolin samples by titrimetry was reported in this paper .

    采用 碳酸 - 氧化 熔融- 氯化 滴定法测定高岭土中的硫含量。

  • Determination of total carbon in geological samples by non-water titrimetry

    非水 滴定 测定地质样品中的总碳

  • A method for determination of nitrogen in N-MnFe by titrimetry with amidosulfonic acid after alkaline distillating separation has been studied in this paper .

    本文研究了强碱蒸馏分离-氨磺酸 滴定 测定氮化锰铁中氮的分析方法。

  • Chemical products for industrial use-general method for determination of traces for sulphur compounds as sulphate by reduction and titrimetry

    工业用化学制品-通过还原和 滴定 分析 测定微量硫化合物(如硫酸盐)的一般方法

  • Determination of aluminium in Cu-Zn alloy by titrimetry

    滴定 测定铜锌合金中铝

  • The results of this method accord with those of EDTA titrimetry .

    测定结果与标准方法 &EDTA 滴定法相符。

  • Improvement on the method for Determination of Iron in Pyrites by Potassium Dichromate Titrimetry with Aluminium Tablet Reduction

    六氰合铁(Ⅲ)酸钾铝片还原 -重铬酸钾 滴定法测定硫铁矿中铁的改进

  • The traditional mensuration of silver mainly are gravimetric method titrimetry and spectrophotometry . But the sensitivity of these methods can 't match demand of the determination of silver in soil and plant .

    银的常规测定方法以重量法、 容量 、分光光度法等为主,这些方法的灵敏度均达不到土壤和植物中痕量银的测定要求。

  • Evaluation of uncertainty in the measurement of total rare-earth content in lanthanum oxide by EDTA titrimetry

    EDTA 滴定 测定氧化镧中稀土总量结果的不确定度评定

  • Boric acid for industrial use-Determination of sulphate content by reduction and titrimetry PRINCIPLE ANALYSIS ON ACID-CLEANING OF STAINLESS STEEL BY ADDING INDUSTRAL SALT INTO SULFURIC ACID

    GB/T12684.3-1990工业硼酸硫酸盐含量的测定还原 滴定 硫酸添加工业用盐酸洗不锈钢原理分析

  • Determination of the Total Amount of Protein by the Method of Stationary pH Titrimetry

    固定pH 滴定 测定蛋白质总量的研究和应用

  • Determination of CaF2 in the Fluorite by EDTA Titrimetry

    EDTA 滴定 测定萤石中的CaF2

  • The water content in fumed silica was determined by Coulometric Karl Fischer titrimetry and gravimetric method respectively and these two determinations were compared .

    使用 卡尔·菲休库仑法和重量法分别测定了两种气相法白炭黑微粉中的水分质量分数,为白炭黑水分测定提供了技术 途径,并对两种测定方法进行了比较。

  • The device can be used in other locations where on-line automatic detection based on titrimetry is needed .

    装置可应用于其他需要采用 滴定 分析 进行在线自动检测的场合。

  • The zinc in the separation solution and the leach residue is determined by EDTA titrimetry and atomic absorption spectrometry .

    分离后溶液和残渣中的锌采用常规的 EDTA 容量 或原子吸收光谱法测定。

  • The sulfonation degree and ion-exchange capacity ( IEC value ) were determined with titrimetry and FT-IR was used to characterize the structure of cross-linked ionic polymer .

    反应后经 滴定 测定 出产物的磺化度和IEC值,由红外光谱(FT-IR)表征产物的化学结构。

  • Chemical products for industrial use-General method for determination of traces of sulfate by reduction and titrimetry cerate oxidimetry


  • Determination of sulfur in uranium ore concentrate by combustion-iodometric titrimetry


  • In this article the catalytic spectrophotometric back titrimetry for determining trace manganese was studied best experimental conditions were selected and experimental method was established .

    本文研究了催化光度返 滴定 测定微量锰的 原理,找到最佳实验条件,确立了实验方法。

  • Determination of Aluminium in Zinc Alloy by EDTA Titrimetry

    EDTA 容量 测定锌合金中的铝

  • The uncertainty of Cr content that determined by ammonium persulfate oxidation titrimetry in stainless steel was studied by adopting the current international method . The main sources for the uncertainty was analyzed as well as the uncertainty degree and total uncertainty were evaluated .

    采用国际通用的方法研究了过硫酸铵氧化 滴定 测定不锈钢中铬量( )的不确定度,分析了不确定度的主要来源,评定了不确定度分量及总不确定度。

  • Determination of Iron in Iron Ore by Micro - titrimetry

    微量 滴定 测定铁矿中的全铁含量

  • Simultaneous Determination of Aluminum and Gallium by Calculation Titrimetry

    滴定计算 分析 同时测定铝和镓

  • A new indicator for uranium determination used in titrimetry using ammonium vanadate

    一种用于钒酸铵 滴定 测定铀的新指示剂

  • The Volumetric Analysis of Nickel and Cobalt in Nickel Sulfate by EDTA Titrimetry

    EDTA 容量 测定硫酸镍中的镍和钴

  • A method for the determination of Bi Cu Ca and Sr in Bi-system superconductor was presented by titrimetry after sample was separated by the ion-exchange .

    本文首次提出了一种离子交换柱分离& 滴定 测定Bi系超导体中Bi、Pb、Cu、Ca和Sr含量的方法。

  • Authors carried out an overall determination and analysis on the method in terms of detected limit the precision and accuracy of standard sample and actual sample and this method was compared with silver nitrate titrimetry in laboratory .

    对方法的检出限、标样和实际水样精密度、准确度,进行了全面的测定分析,并与重铬酸钾 滴定法进行了对比。

  • Determination of Aluminium in the Cryolite and Aluminium Fluoride by EDTA Titrimetry

    EDTA 滴定 测定冰晶石及氟化铝中的铝