


  • Dr Johnson was considered so great a talker that a contemporary compared his conversation to Titian 's painting .

    Johnson博士被认为是如此伟大的一位言谈家,其会话与 一时代的 Titan的绘画 一样 伟大

  • His collection of Italian paintings ( among them works by Botticelli Titian and Bellini ) was left to his widow and on her death to the National Gallery .

    他把自己收藏的意大利画作留给了他的遗孀其中包括波提切利(botticelli)、提香( titian)和贝利尼(bellini)的作品,并在她死后捐献给了国家美术馆。

  • They put Warhol on a par with titian .

    他们把沃霍尔和 提香 相提并论

  • Titian ' spaintings are simple and elegant filled with poetic beauty of naturalistic painting .


  • He depicts the warmth and hope that the church conjures up with patches of bright orange titian red and yolk-like yellow in a harmonious combination .

    为了表现教堂予人的光明、充满希望的感受,艺术家以鲜橙色、 红色、蛋黄色,这些温暖的颜色 绘画教堂。

  • Looking at artistic masterpieces by Titian or Caravaggio might help them understand the value of working with a talented team .

    观看 提香和卡拉瓦吉奥的艺术杰作可以帮助这些人理解到与一个有能力的团队合作的价值。

  • Even the colours chosen by the painters such as Raphael Titian and Leonardo hinted at a patron 's affluence .

    连拉斐尔、 提香和达芬奇等画家在选择颜料方面也暗示着资助人 雄厚 财力

  • Titian might regard the painting as a faith .


  • Works of artists like Rembrandt Rubens Titian and Poussin can also be seen .

    还可以见到伦勃朗、鲁本斯、 提香和普桑等艺术家的作品。

  • The painting is believed to be by a pupil of titian .

    这幅画被认为是 提香的一个徒弟画的。

  • Attributed the painting to titian .

    这幅画 希安 创作的。

  • Mr Piccirillo also claims to have found similar hidden images in the works of other Renaissance painters including Titian and Rafael .

    他还称不仅在达·芬奇的画作中,甚至还在其他文艺复兴大师&包括 提香、拉菲尔的名画中发现了相似隐藏的画面。

  • One was by the Dutch artist Rembrandt another by the Spanish artist Velazquez and another was by the Italian artist Titian .

    一件是荷兰画家伦勃朗的,一件是西班牙的维拉斯贵兹的,还有一件意大利的 提香的作品。

  • The whole city is an extraordinary architectural masterpiece in which even the smallest building contains works by some of the world 's greatest artists such as giorgione titian tintoretto Veronese and others .

    整个威尼斯城就是一幅非凡的建筑杰作,即便是城中最不起眼的建筑也可能是出自诸如焦尔焦内、 提香、丁托列托、韦罗内塞等世界大师之手。

  • In a stylish old stone building this famous gallery houses magnificent works by Raphael Titian Tintoretto and dozens of the great Italian painters .

    这座著名的美术馆是极为华丽的石头古建筑,里面藏有拉斐尔、 提香、丁托列托以及十几位意大利著名画家等人的大量作品。

  • However the royal collection to which Velazquez had access and for which he painted had several paintings of nudes including the group of famous paintings by Titian .

    但是,皇家的收藏中有几幅人体绘画,包括 提香的一组著名绘画,委拉斯开兹可以接触到那些收藏,并为之 过画。

  • She has chromate-of-lead-colored hair like Titian 's mistress and she is a good girl .

    她的头发和 提香②的情妇一样,都作铬酸铅的颜色。

  • This painting is usually attributed to Titian .

    这幅画通常被认为 提香 创作的。

  • The barber gazed in amazement at this man with the long thick and black hair and beard which gave his head the appearance of one of Titian 's portraits .

    理发师惊异地望着这个长发黑须的人,他看上去 就象 提香 提香(1487&1576) 意大利 画家 名画上的人物。

  • He put Warhol on a par with titian .

    他把沃霍尔与 提香 相提并论

  • Bellini Giorgione Titian and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting .

    贝里尼,乔尔乔内, 提香及文艺复兴时代威尼斯绘画。