title of position

[ˈtaɪtl ʌv pəˈzɪʃən][ˈtaitl ɔv pəˈziʃən]

[法] 职位

  • 44.6 % staff are with primary professional title of position and only 5.1 % are with senior title .

    职称结构以初级 职称为主,占44.6%,高级职称仅占5.1%。

  • There are two pieces of prose poem with the same title revenge in weeds and the two prose poems don 't record the real revenge of the tooth with the tooth but revenge in the spirit at the difficult position and in give up all hope .

    鲁迅的散文诗集《野草》中的两篇以《复仇》命名的同 散文,记写的不是以牙还牙的复仇行为,而是表达了 困境与绝望中的精神报复之意。

  • Don 't make a sudden impact despite the title of Susan 's book . It 's better to ease your way into the position and set goals to reach for & so start by observing Susan says .

    不要立即做出”很大的表现“,最好慢慢地和 岗位磨合,制定出要达到哪些目标&因此要从观察开始。

  • The related factors of community nurses ' job satisfaction are : work years education background occupation title monthly income type of employment position marriage state and the status that whether the nurse like the job or not . 3 .

    工龄、学历、 职称、月收入、用工性质、 职位、婚姻、是否喜欢护士工作对社区护士工作满意度有影响。

  • However although China has a deep culture of grangeur and the title of manufacturing power and its lack of outstanding design works put the industrial design into an embarrassing position .

    然而,具有深厚文化底蕴的中国,优良设计的缺乏,“制造大国”的 称号令中国工业设计处于分外尴尬的 境地

  • When the a member opens position the exchanges shall debit the title of earnest money payablepayable margin provisions for settlement and credit the title of earnest money payablepayable margin trade kicker according to the earnest moneymargins occupied by the contract of opening position .

    会员开仓时,交易所应按 开仓合约占用的保证金,借记“应付保证金结算准备金”科目,贷记“应付保证金交易保证金” 科目

  • The title of the figures and tables includes writing forms grammatical structures important word 's position abbreviations and sentence patterns .

    图表的 标题写作涉及到书写格式、语法结构、中心词的 位置、缩略词、常用句式等。

  • By nowadays a large number of ancient Egyptian books and articles always mention the title of the Vizier the second highest executive and administrative position in the ancient Egypt central government .

    目前许多古代埃及书籍和专题研究中都经常提及维西尔这个 封号,他在古代埃及中央负责行政的职能,其 地位仅次于法老。

  • Change of the legal structure of sales contract acquisition of title by good will and notification of jus in rem put liability incurred by defects of right into an embarrassing position .

    买卖契约法律结构的改变、善意取得制度 物权公示 原则的确立,造成了权利瑕疵担保责任制度在近现代买卖法体系中的尴尬 地位

  • In feature selection process the sub-theme title concern sharing the characteristics of the number and the number of reviews fans reviews sentence length position labels etc. had been taken into account to carry the weight calculation .

    特征选择过程主要考虑到子主题、 标题、关注、分享数与评论数,粉丝,评论句长, 位置,标签等特征,来进行权重计算。

  • 36.8 % full-time TB staff were with mid or senior title of position .

    有中、高级 职称人员占专职结防人员36.8%。

  • The innovation of this paper is predicting not only the demand gross of the technician but also the personnel structure such as age educational level title of technical post and position .

    本文的创新在于不但对专业技术人员的需求总量做了预测,还对其年龄、学历、 职称以及 岗位结构等也做了预测分析。

  • Include the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of your message .

    申请的 职位 名称要在主题信息栏注明。

  • After hard study of three years he attained a title of Ju ( Confucian ) scholar and held a position in the government .

    经过三年苦修,他攻得儒生的 地位,在政府机构谋得一份 官职