to the purpose

[tu ði ˈpɚpəs][tu: ðə ˈpə:pəs]


  • And then Mr. Browning moved on to the purpose for which the meeting had been called .

    接着勃朗宁先生就谈到召开这次会议 目的

  • He had strung himself up to the purpose while kneeling behind his brothers on the carpet studying the little nails in the heels of their walking boots .


  • First you need to understand the purpose of the PageCatalogPart .

    首先,你需要理解PageCatalogPart 用途

  • To make it easier to understand the purpose of a table or a particular column you should select appropriate names .

    为了让表或列 用途容易理解,应当选择合适的名称。

  • It would be arbitrary and contrary to the purpose of entitlement to paid annual leave to deny workers holiday time in exchange for time spent sick .

    如果把员工生病期间的休假也算入休假时间,这就违背了带薪年假 目的

  • It is often useful to dedicate one special machine to the purpose of integration .

    由专门的机器 完成集成工作是很有好处

  • Something very much to the purpose of course .

    当然说得很 彻底

  • At last I see it I fell it ; I penetrate to the predestinated purpose of my life .

    我终于看到了,终于感觉到了;我悟出了此生既定 天职

  • Three to five statements of the things that will be done by the project to achieve the Purpose .

    用三到五个陈述来说明小组 为了达到项目 目标将会执行的事项。

  • My cousin tries to disguise the purpose of his visit but his real intentions stuck out a mile .

    我表兄 设法掩饰来访 目的,但他的真正意图却显而易见。

  • They are often used to contain data elements and that runs counter to the purpose of attributes .

    它们常用来包含数据元素,而这与属性 用途 背道而驰

  • In a few minutes she was joined by Bingley whose conference with her father had been short and to the purpose .

    没过几分钟,彬格莱就到她这儿来了,因为他跟她父亲谈得很简捷 扼要

  • In order to perfect the design transparent Price the scientific process star service to serve the purpose ;

    以完美的设计、透明的价格、科学的工艺、星级的服务 服务 宗旨

  • The layout of intakes is one of the key measures to achieve the purpose of silting the coarse and desilting the fine sediment .

    黄河小北干流放淤是治理黄河泥沙的重要战略措施,引水口布置是自流 放淤实现淤粗排细的关键措施之一。

  • As the knife body does the rotation movement it can break out the garbage in bags so as to achieve the purpose of separating the garbage and plastic bags .

    由于刀体在做旋转运动,因此可以把袋装垃圾破开, 达到垃圾与塑料袋分离。

  • His remarks about gardening were hardly to the purpose .

    他对园艺的一席话简直是 文不对题

  • Is it true that we 'll have to state the purpose of going to a certain country ?

    去一个国家时 需要陈述旅行 目的,有这么回事吗?

  • There is therefore ( to say nothing of more important things ) a minor proposition or two casually laid down and unrelated to the main purpose of the book which he probably would not have repeated .

    因此(更不必说更重要的东西),有一两个偶然落下并无关书 主要 目标的次要的命题,他可能会不重做。

  • In order to free ourselves from the constraints of what is now being done we can start with a very board approach to the whole purpose of the operation .

    为了要将我们自己从现在所从事的工作的限制当中解放出来,我们可以用更广的视野检视这工作 整个 目的

  • A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose .

    傻瓜有时也能说道 点子上。

  • The product is applicable to the purpose of both storage and long distance transportation .

    适用 长短途运输和贮存 两用

  • My overhearings were more to the purpose than yours Eliza said Charlotte .

    我偷听 的话比你听到 更有意思了,伊丽莎,夏绿蒂说。

  • We wish now to define the purpose of each chakra center and the dreamtime upon the land therein .

    我们现在 希望详细说明每个脉轮中心、及其中大地之上梦想层 目的

  • Choose the ones that give real power to the purpose that lives within you .

    去选择那些 你的生活带来真正力量 感觉吧。

  • The point is we now need people who are able to represent the purpose of the company the mission of the company in multiple locations and everywhere for us to be local .

    关键在于,我们现在需要 能够在多个地区代表公司 宗旨和使命 人,我们在所有地区都要本地化。

  • Can you explain to me the purpose of being ?

    你能 我解释一下 人生 目的吗?

  • Conversations stick to the business purpose at hand and remain objective and professional .

    对话会 紧扣眼前 商业 目标,从而保持它的客观性和专业性。

  • Another of the team leaders Tim Darvill of Bournemouth University said the bluestones appeared central to the purpose of Stonehenge although it may have had more than one function .

    考古小组的另一位专家、伯恩茅斯大学的蒂姆• 达维尔说,巨石阵可能有多种功能,但蓝色小石头应该是其功能的一个重要体现。

  • Shall we have to state the purpose of going to a certain country ?

    去一个国家时 陈述旅行 目的吗?