to the quick

[tu ði kwɪk][tu: ðə kwik]


  • For information about adding a shortcut to the quick launch toolbar see add or remove programs on the taskbar .

    有关将快捷方式添加 快速启动”工具栏中的信息,请参阅在任务栏上添加或删除程序。

  • These angry symptoms were keenly observed by Maggie and cut her to the quick .


  • This seems to cut to the quick of what Wikipedia is about .

    似乎 直指维基百科宗旨 要害。

  • Add a shortcut to the quick launch bar .


  • Tom 's sharp words to Mary cut her to the quick .


  • The contract system pushed workers into the market competition thus cutting the deep-rooted traditional labour system to the quick

    合同制把工人推向市场,从根本上 斩断了根深蒂固的传统劳动制度

  • Change the class to the quick fix class that you just created .

    将类更改 您刚刚所创建 快速修复类。

  • He felt more like crying for Wu sun-fu 's smile cut him to the quick .

    他心里却只要哭,他觉得吴荪甫的微笑就像一 尖刀

  • Add the menus and toolbars to the Quick Access Toolbar and you even can use Office without the ribbon .

    菜单和工具栏添加 快速访问工具栏,你甚至可以使用不带色带办公室。

  • She had been hurt to the quick and her sensitive nature was quivering with the shame of it .

    她受到了严重 伤害,他那敏感的天性因为那耻辱而颤抖。

  • Hitler was stung to the quick . Arthralgia and bone pain may occur .


  • How do you know that ? said his aunt suddenly pricked to the quick with a lively curiosity .

    “你怎么知道的?”他姑姑说,这时她 好奇心陡然被 着最痒处了。

  • His ingratitude cut her to the quick ( heart )

    他的忘恩负义使她 伤透了心。

  • Child you cut me to the quick !

    孩子,你伤了我 感情了!

  • She touched me to the quick when she asked if I was sure that I was nursed by my own mother .

    当她问我确不确信我是我母亲抚养成人时,她的确 刺痛了我的

  • You can also still use the AutoFormat command but you need to add the command to the Quick Access Toolbar first .

    您仍然可以使用“自动套用格式”命令,但是需要首先将该命令添加 快速访问工具栏。

  • He 's bitten his nails to the quick .

    他咬指甲咬 根。

  • I once heard her weeping in her bedroom which cut me to the quick .


  • When associated with online shopping seckill refers to the quick sell out of newly-advertised goods .

    当“秒杀”和网上购物相联系时, 迅速销售出新的告白商品。

  • The remark cut her to the quick and she gave way to tears .

    那句话 刺痛了她, 使她情不自禁地哭了起来。

  • The remark hurt him to the quick .

    这话 深深 伤害了他。

  • For Mr Spitzer these allegations cut to the quick .

    对于斯皮策而言,这些指控击中了他的 痛处

  • Your coolness cuts me to the quick .

    你的冷淡真使我 伤心

  • Criticism touched him to the quick . I can see from her expression that his sarcastic comment have hit home

    批评触 了他的 痛处。从她的表情中我可以看出他那些挖苦人的话已经触及她的痛处

  • It took her several months to adapt to the quick pace of city life .

    她花了几个月时间才城里 节奏生活。

  • Her fingernails are bitten to the quick .

    她的手指甲都被咬 了。

  • In word you can add the AutoFormat command to the quick access toolbar .

    在word中,您可以 快速访问工具栏”添加“自动套用格式”命令。

  • Did he not know that he cut her to the quick ?

    难道他不知道他深深地伤害了她的 感情

  • To the Quick : How responsive is the agent to e-mails ?

    反应 迅速:中介对邮件有多 认真负责?