to make a noise

[tu mek e nɔɪz][tu: meik ə nɔiz]


  • To make a loud sustained noise or outcry . The hucksters cried above the traffic sounds .

    喧闹,叫嚣 发出大的、持久的 噪音或喊声小贩的吆喝盖住了来往车辆的喧嚣。

  • His only joy is to make a noise .

    他唯一的乐趣就是 制造 噪音

  • He seemed a very lively young man certain of his own abilities and eager to make a noise in the world .

    看来他是个非常活跃的青年,对自己的能力十分自信,且 急于 一鸣惊人

  • So the sudden resignation of its head for the past eight years Wadah Khanfar was bound to make a noise .

    所以,这位任职了8年的主管瓦达·坎法尔的突然辞职, 势必引起 一阵 喧哗

  • Open or close ( sth ) with a sudden sharp noise ;( cause sth to ) make a sudden sharp noise

    打开或关闭(某物)并突然发出尖利声音;( 使某物)突然 发出尖利 声音

  • It 's like I wanted to make a noise without moving anything at all . Uh uh .

    这就好像我 在没有任何动作的情况下 发出 声音一样。

  • The way a person eats shows more than almost anything else . It 's bad manners to make a noise while you eat .

    一个人吃东西的方式比几乎任何别的事都显示出了更多的东西。吃东西时 发出 声音是不礼貌的。

  • The existing reducer design causes the reducer to vibrate and to make a noise usually when considering of only static characteristic but neglecting of dynamic performance .

    在以往的设计中,由于只考虑 减压阀的静态特性,忽视了减压阀的动态特性,致使减压阀经常发生振动, 出现 噪声

  • We were cautioned not to make a lot of noise after ten in the evening . Since then Drucker has repeatedly urged non-profits to do the same .

    我们得到告诫晚上十点以后 不要 大声 喧闹。之后,杜拉克不断告诫非营利组织也这样做。

  • Try not to make a noise when you go upstairs ; the baby 's asleep .

    你上楼时尽量别 弄出 响声,孩子在睡觉。

  • Poole said others in Mlaika 's group have been heard to make a similar noise which is quite different from any call previously recorded in elephants .

    普尔还表示,米爱卡这个象群中的其它成员也被人们发现 能够 发出类似的 声音,而这种声音和以前曾记录在案的任何 大象的叫声都明显不同。

  • I stayed near my home and I never used my guns because I didnt want to make a noise .

    我呆在房子的附近,从来不使用我的枪因为我不 弄出 声音

  • Try not to make a noise when you go upstairs .

    你上楼时尽量别 弄出

  • We are caution not to make a lot of noise after ten in the evening .

    我们得到告诫晚上十点以后 不要 大声 喧闹

  • We were very careful not to make a noise .

    我们小心翼翼 以免 发出 任何 声音

  • The latest experiment is the second to make a measurement below the uncertainty noise limit .

    最近的这次实验是 低于不确定 原理规定的 噪音最低值情况下的第二次测量。

  • To make a sizzling noise while frying or searing . The mouse squeaked in the corner .


  • Despite attempts to call them to order the audience continued to make a lot of noise .

    尽管已试图 听众们遵守秩序,可他们还是 吵吵 闹闹

  • Well the word flop means to fall down flat and make a noise like when you drop a rug or a large book on the floor .

    我懂 。这个词的意思就是形容很重的东西掉在 上的 声音。这个词。

  • So why should a non-frightening incongruity cause people to make a distinctive loud noise consisted of staccato segments of one fifteenth of a second each separated by a fifth of a second ?

    为什么不引起恐惧的不一致性,会让人们 发出 种与别不同的声音,而且这种声音是间断的,一节声音持续15分之一秒,两节 声音之间也是相隔15分之一秒?

  • You guys want to join us ? Make a weird noise .

    你们 加入吗? 制造奇怪的 声音

  • If you want something you have to make a little noise declare it and then get started .

    如果你想要什么,你 必须 低调,宣布你的决心然后就开始行动。

  • It 's bad manners to make a noise while eating .

    吃饭时 发出 声音是不礼貌的。

  • To make a loud noise usually because of anger or fear .

    因生气或害怕 发出大的 噪音

  • It is gamesmanship to make a loud noise while your opponent is playing .

    在对手打球时大声 喧闹 制胜的小花

  • As he entered his wife met him in the passage and asked him not to make a noise as the child had just gone to sleep .

    他进门时,妻子在过道里迎着他。因为孩子刚睡下,她叫他别 发出 声响

  • For example in China it 's OK to make a lot of noise in a restaurant .

    举例来说,在中国的确定, 很多 噪音开了一家餐馆。

  • Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise .

    苔丝缠绕着她的两只脚 发出摩擦的 声音

  • People around the world do different things to make a lot of noise .

    全世界的人们 不同的方式 制造 大量 噪音