to begin

[tu ˈbeɡɪn][tu: biˈɡin]


  • I 'm afraid I 'm a little muddled . I 'm not exactly sure where to begin .

    恐怕我有点糊涂了,我不确定该从何处 着手

  • The outcome of that meeting could signal whether there truly exists a political will to begin negotiating .

    那次会议的结果会表明是否真正存在 想要 开始谈判的政治意愿。

  • All right but make it snappy . The meeting is to begin in a few minutes .

    好的,但要快,没有几分钟就 开会了。

  • I 'm shortly to begin a course on the modern novel .

    我不久将 选修一门现代小说课程。

  • The match is about to begin .

    比赛即将 开始

  • ' What do scientists you 've spoken with think about that ? ' — ' Well to begin with they doubt it 's going to work . '

    “跟你聊过的科学家是怎么看的?”——“嗯, 首先,他们怀疑这能否行得通。”

  • Take your seats please . The meeting is going to begin .

    坐好吧, 开会了。

  • He didn 't know how to begin .

    他不知 说起

  • At last the time arrived for the performance to begin .

    演出 开始的时间终于 了。

  • The band was scheduled to begin rehearsals for a concert tour

    这支乐队 准备 开始为巡演排练。

  • The first clinical trials were expected to begin next year .

    第一批临床实验 有望明年 开始

  • They plan to meet again in Rome very soon to begin substantive negotiations .

    他们计划不久在罗马再次会晤 开始实质性的谈判。

  • If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with

    如果你希望建立新的关系, 首先 慎重行事,不要着急。

  • We 've just moved all the way across country to begin a new life .

    我们刚刚经过长途的搬迁 这里 开始一种新生活。

  • The talks are to begin tomorrow

    谈判 明天 开始

  • It was great to begin with but now it 's difficult .


  • He called it particularly cynical to begin releasing the hostages on Christmas Day

    他认为在圣诞节这天 开始释放人质尤为讽刺。

  • The Social Democrats say they are ready after all to begin talks on joining a coalition government .

    社会民主党人竟然说他们准备 开始谈判加入联合政府了。

  • The US is prepared to begin talks immediately .

    美国 愿意立刻 开始谈判。

  • They wish to begin immediately after dinner

    他们希望饭后马上 开始

  • He 's awaiting trial which is expected to begin early next year .

    他在等候审判,预计明年初 开始

  • How to begin the writing painting w_1249 ?

    如何 着笔

  • Where am I to begin ?

    打哪儿 说起呢?

  • The plum season is about to begin


  • The battalion went directly to the airport to begin digging in

    该营直接开到机场 掘壕防守。

  • They are seeking permission to begin criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties

    他们正寻求取得对他 提起刑事诉讼的许可令, 控告他违反了有关政党资助的法律。

  • The trial is due to begin next month .

    审判 下个月 开始

  • The scheme due to begin next month will be voluntary .

    定于下个月 开始 实施的方案是自愿性质的。

  • To begin with he was Prince Charming .
