to burst into tears


  • He looked as if he was about to burst into tears .

    他看上去马上就会 泪流满面

  • He was referring specifically to a couple of times when I was under extreme pressure and burst into tears with other people watching .

    他特别 提到,有一、两次我在极度压力之下,曾经当众 放声 大哭

  • The guy again happened to be behind the pair at the checkout where the little girl immediately began to clamor for a toy and burst into tears upon discovering there would be no toy for her .

    结账时,这个人碰巧又排在这对母女后面,看到小女孩一 柜台便 开始吵着要玩具;结果发现没玩具后又 突然 起来

  • She went upstairs to her bedroom and there she burst into tears .

    她上楼 自己卧室里去, 了屋 泪水 地一下 出来

  • I said something pleasant to her meaning no harm and she burst into tears .

    她说了一些好听的话,原无恶意,但她却 突然 起来

  • The woodcutter was so happy to see them that he burst into tears .

    樵夫看到他们 高兴 眼泪来。

  • For one moment I thought he was going to burst into tears .

    那会儿,我以为他的 泪水 夺眶而出了。

  • Not knowing what to say he burst into tears .

    不知道该说什么,他 突然 起来

  • When Butler found an opportunity of stealing after her into this place he found Jeanne silent dejected and ready to burst into tears .

    当巴特勒找到机会偷偷溜进这间屋子时,发现珍妮垂头丧气,沉默无言,简直 随时 失声 痛哭

  • So sad it made her to see him thus that she would burst into tears .

    看到他这样她真伤心,因此她的 眼泪

  • Lucy grew very red in the face and tried to say something though she hardly knew what she was trying to say and burst into tears .

    露茜急得满脸通红,她 争辩,但又不知说什么好, 忽然,她 大声 起来

  • Melanie seemed ready to burst into tears for she had been born there and knew no other home .

    媚兰好像 哭出 来了,因为她是出生在那里,从来不知道还有别的家乡。

  • Load-the bodies of earthquake victims buried in the scene a10-year-old girl to burst into tears want to go .

    承载&地震遇难者遗体掩埋现场,一个10来岁的小姑娘 着想冲进去。

  • To my utter consternation he burst into tears .

    使我不胜惊愕的是,他 突然 大哭 起来

  • I broke the news to her and she burst into tears .

    我把消息 告诉了她,结果她 突然 大哭 起来

  • When Aphrodite came back to find her lover cold in death she burst into a passion of tears .

    当阿芙罗狄蒂回来之后,发现她的恋人尸骨已寒,她 大哭 起来

  • One manager said it was common for people offered jobs to burst into tears .

    一位经理称,经常有人 得到公司提供的工作 机会之后 激动 热泪盈眶

  • Staring at the signatures and blessings on heart-shaped greeting cards presented to her by students in an ornamental box Kim Lee burst into tears .

    看着那一片片由学生呈上的,装在装饰盒中写着签名和祝福的心型贺卡,金李 不禁

  • She took the letter glanced over it from side to side and then suddenly burst into tears .

    她接过信,来回扫了几眼,突然 大哭 起来

  • The modern leading man is more likely to be required to burst into tears and go shopping .

    现代的男主角更多是要 泪流满面和居家购物。

  • She felt the desire to burst into tears surging up within her .

    她突然有股冲动 大哭一场。

  • Through the porthole I looked the length of the ship . She took the letter glanced over it from side to side and then suddenly burst into tears .

    通过舷窗,我把仓船从头至尾扫了一遍。她接过信,来回扫了几眼,突然 大哭 起来

  • You'er about to burst into tears at any moment and you don'teven know why .

    不论在什么时候,你总有股 的冲动,却不知道为了什么。

  • She is too ready to burst into tears .

    她太爱 了。

  • Before he knew what he was doing he had collapsed on to a small stool that stood beside the bed and burst into tears . Berenice sat on the side of the bed and began to cry softly to herself .

    他突然坐在床边的一把小板凳上 放声 起来。白丽莱茜坐在他的床边上,开始轻轻地呜咽起来。