to an inch

[tu ən ɪntʃ][tu: æn intʃ]


  • While they have been loosening up some cross-platform restrictions they are not willing to give an inch to anyone they see as a competitor .

    虽然微软已经放松了一些跨平台的限制,但他们依然不 对任何竞争者 让步

  • He refused to concede an inch .


  • According to scientists it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil .

    根据科学家们的看法,自然界要用500年的时间 才能创造 英寸的表层土壤。

  • A late autumn afternoon I walk the Indus easy soft leaves according to an inch of studio photos .

    一个深秋的下午,我踩着松松软软的梧桐叶, 照相馆照了 照片。

  • The hem of your dress needs to be let down an inch .

    你衣肤的折边有必要放 1 英寸

  • So frightened was he in the darkness that he didn 't dare to move an inch .


  • They had to plane nearly half an inch off before the door would fit .

    要使门关得上他们 门边的 表层近半 英寸

  • She knows what she wants of life and refuses to sacrifice an inch .

    她知道自己想要什么样的生活, 拒绝牺牲其中的 任何

  • But till now we have never sent a single soldier abroad to occupy an inch of foreign land .

    至今,中国没有派过一兵一卒 占领 任何国家 土地。

  • The success did not fall from the sky each one stood up from the fall in the successful close to an inch .

    没有从天而降的成功,没从跌倒里站起来一次,成功 就近

  • The study found that waistbands slowly begin to creep up an inch or two as a man leaves his teenage years behind and enters the workplace .

    研究发现,当男人告别青春期,进入职场时,裤腰开始 两寸地慢慢 上升。

  • It 's been styled to an inch of its life with every corner of the custom OS looking like it 's stepped out of a graphic designer 's wet dream .

    它设计生活中每 英寸,操作系统的每个部分都看起来像是来自一个图形设计师的梦遗。

  • He turned to land on the beach beating his wings to stop an inch in the air then dropping lightly to the sand The other gulls landed too but not one of them so much as flapped a feather .

    他转身准备在海滩上着陆,先挥动两翼,在空中停口 片刻,然后轻轻落在沙滩上。其他海鸥也降落下来,但他们中间谁也没有挥动一根羽毛。

  • MEG was able to gauge the distance to an inch .

    梅格精确 测定 这段距离。

  • And although we had all vowed to never yield an inch of our land to the enemy we started to retreat within the first few days of fighting .

    尽管我们宣誓说绝不放弃 土地,但还是在经过几天的战斗后开始撤退。

  • Our time is running out before this gridlock this refusal by the other side to move even an inch toward compromise becomes a decision to default on our debt .

    我们的时间就快没了,在这种僵局、在这一提案被另一方否决后我们向妥协方案迈进 英寸之前,债务违约或将成为现实。

  • If you feel that you 're right stick to your guns and don 't let anyone persuade you to budge an inch .

    如果你认为自己是正确的,就坚持己见,别让人使你动摇 分毫

  • The disease is frequently occurring in the elderly . The patients are from young to old from move difficult to move an inch and unspeakable pain very hard to ensure the quality of life and have severe distress of their life .

    本病为中老年人多发病、常见病,此病的患者,从年青到老年,从举步维艰 寸步难行,痛不堪言,生活质量难以得到保障,严重困扰患者健康生活。

  • Beat me to it by an inch . he 'd become a total pain .


  • I 'll flog him to within an inch of his life .

    我要把他打 死去活来

  • She pours the milk then lays in the foam till it comes to an inch from the top .

    她倒入牛奶,然后铺上奶沫,直到它离顶部还有 1 英寸为止。

  • There are72 points to an inch .


  • She told the height to an inch .

    丝毫 说出其高度。

  • I am poor and it behaves me to look to my self-respect-not to compromise an inch of it .

    我虽然穷,但是,这更使我应该注意我的自尊―― 自尊我绝对 寸步不让

  • In the third chapter models of earth and the conversion of different reference frames are presented for the purpose of allocations to an inch .

    第三章介绍了辅助布阵算法过程中涉及的地球模型,以及相关的坐标转换。 能够对敌对目标以及己方目标 精确 定位

  • No one wanted to give him an inch .


  • The rogue was beaten to within an inch of his life .

    那恶棍被打 半死

  • The battle was going poorly for the U.S.invaders not able to gain an inch on the beach they had been deserted .

    事态对美国入侵者非常不利,他们在海滩上 难以挪动