to ask for it

[tu æsk fɔr ɪt][tu: ɑ:sk fɔ: it]


  • What do I want today ? I have only to ask for it . I may seek earnestly but not as if I had to use pressure and extort an unwilling gift from the LORD 's hand ; for He will give freely .

    我今天要什麽?我 只要单纯地、迫切地 上帝 ,上帝绝不是小气、很勉强才给礼物的上帝,祂是乐于施恩的天父。

  • This can be a very busy week especially since everyone needs your help right now and are not afraid to ask for it .

    本周将非常忙碌,因为目前每个人都需要你的帮助,还是很不见外地 要求 的帮助。

  • People rang his bell in the Rue Mesieres two or three times a day to ask for it .

    每天总有两三个人到梅齐埃尔街他家门口去拉动 门铃

  • Its probably best not to ask for salsa : it means diarrhoea in Korean .

    最好 不要 她跳salsa(萨尔萨舞), 在韩语中的意思是腹泻。

  • All right your teaching fellows have the authority to work with me and grant you an extension but you have to ask for it ahead of time .

    明白吗,你们的助教可以和我商量,批准你们延期,但你们 必须提前 申请

  • He doesn 't know how to ask for it .

    他不晓得 怎么 开口

  • We 're going to have to ask for more money it 's just a question of finding the right psychological moment .

    我们准备 要求多加点钱&问题 得找个最适当的机会。

  • Anticipation is a thing well learn early whether its anticipating what a customer will want before they know how to ask for it or anticipating the next demand our boss will make .

    预期是我们会在很早就学会的东西,不管是在顾客知道 如何 开口前就预料到他们的需求,还是 老板 开口前就预料到他的下一个要求。

  • So if you go to the United States and are in need of help do not hesitate to ask for it .

    所以,假如你有机会去美国,在需要帮忙时,可 大胆 求人,不必犹豫不决。

  • Everyone appreciates clear communication and brainstorming and the healthiest way to get support is to ask for it .

    所有人都喜欢真诚的交流和集思广益,而且这 也是得到 别人支持的好方法。

  • Actually JARs can do more than store source code but you have to know what else is possible and how to ask for it .

    事实上,JAR能做的不止是存储源代码,您应该了解 JAR还能做什么,以及 如何 进行

  • If you are going to need extra help during the coming week Friday is the best day to ask for it .

    如果下周你将需要额外帮助,最好 周五就 出来

  • Master Paul he can have it any minute he likes to ask for it .

    保罗少爷想什么时候 什么 时候就可以拿到。

  • When you 're figured out what you want to ask for do it with certainty boldness and confidence .

    清楚自己要 提出什么 要求后, 要肯定、大胆和自信地提出来。

  • The richer US is unlikely to receive such payment or even to ask for it .

    较为富裕的美国不太可能获得这样的偿付,甚至不会 要求 得到 这种偿付。

  • UNIX-like systems can do this but you need to know to ask for it .

    类Unix系统可以这样做,但是您需要知道 如何 要求系统去

  • If you want it you have to ask for it .

    如果你确实需要,那么就 必须 额外 要求 加点

  • Ford unlike GM or Chrysler is not currently receiving federal aid but analysts warn it might need to ask for it in the second half of2009 if the US car market 's deep downturn persists .

    我要收藏与通用汽车(GM)或克莱斯勒(Chrysler)不同,当前福特并没有接受联邦政府援助。但分析师警告,如果美国汽车市场的严重低迷状况持续,今年下半年,福特可能就 请求 援助

  • You need to ask for it .

    而是需要您 询问

  • At such times he saw her only as a money-earning object while he as her father had every right to ask for some of it .

    在这种时候,他看女儿是个会挣钱的东西,他是做爸爸的,跟她 要钱 名正言顺。

  • When he wants something he has to ask for it .


  • Presently Xifeng and Madam You sent to remind Baoyu if he wanted anything to eat from their room just to ask for it .

    “一时凤姐尤氏又打发人 问宝玉:”“要吃什么,外面 只管

  • Peace was all a human being ought to ask for it seemed to her .

    在她看来, 世界只有安宁才是一个人应该 追求的一切。

  • Isabel you will give it to me when I ask for it ? When we are ready ?

    伊莎贝尔当我 的时候,也就是我们准备好的时候?你会给我吗?

  • Once you 've decided what you really value you need to know how and when to ask for it . A few tips .

    一旦你决定了自己的真实价值后,你还需要知道怎样在 合适的时间 提出 要求。以下是一些小贴士。

  • Know what youre worth and dont be afraid to ask for it .

    知道你自己的价值所在不要害怕 要求

  • If we haven 't taken the time to really understand and identify what would truly make us happy we won 't be able to ask for it from those around us or from the universe .

    如果我们还没花点时间去理解和分辨到底什么可以 自己感到幸福,我们 无法从周遭或宇宙中获得 他们

  • So it seems legitimate to ask for what purpose it is undertaken .

    由此看来, 过问 他们 了些什么似乎也是 合情合理的事情。

  • After so many hospitals had been familiar with HIS hospital staff have began more and more accustomed to ask for efficiency from IT .

    在医院信息系统已经被国内许多医院熟练使用的今天,管理者和员工都已开始习惯 IT 索要效率。

  • However nothing happens to you unless you ask for it .

    然而,没有事会发生,除非你 要求