title to property

[ˈtaɪtl tu ˈprɑpəti][ˈtaitl tu: ˈprɔpəti]


  • A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one person is the holder of the title to property subject to equitable obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another .

    信托是一种信赖关系,拥有 财产 的人负有为他人利益而管理或处分该财产的衡平法义务。

  • A legal title to property held by one party for the benefit of another .

    信托 一方为另一方利益而持有的合法 产权

  • However the lack of official approval a title to property or an enforceable contract limits small businesses ' ability to grow .

    但是,如果未得到正式核准,没有 所有权 凭证或没有可合法实施的合同,小企业的发展能力会受到限制。

  • A person to whom legal title to property is entrusted to use for another 's benefit .

    被委托给 财产法定 证书 用来维护他人利益的人。

  • The agreement of a purchaser to take on personal liability for a mortgage already registered on title to the property and to make payments under the mortgage .

    买方同意个人承担已经在 物业 产权中登记注册的房屋贷款,并且支付房屋贷款的付款。

  • To show other properties of the element use the left or right arrows in the title bar to switch property pages .

    为了显示元素的其他属性,您 可以使用 标题栏左边或者右边的箭头以切换 属性页面。

  • He have a good title to the property .

    他有此 财产的有效 产权 证书

  • So we should establish multiple investment system clear the title to property enhance and standard management construct and perfect evaluation system strengthen the government support and create the new pattern of the development of non-governmental education .

    因此,有必要构建多元化投资体系,明晰 产权,加强和规范管理,建立健全评估体系,加强政策扶持,构筑民办教育发展的新格局。

  • Any tax levied on the passing of title to property .

    转让 财产时征收的税款项目。

  • ( especially of a title ) I have clear title to this property . In some cases each unit of product has a unique design that requires the manufacturing process to focus on the production of that specific unit .

    (特别是指 所有权)我全权拥有这一 财产。有时,某些产品有其独特的设计,并单独生产。

  • ( especially of a title ) I have clear title to this property .

    排他性 私有 财产形式(特别是指 所有权)我全权拥有这一 财产

  • Official corruption the absence of proper title to property and the weak rule of law mean these States really did operate without the framework to reward merit and hard work .

    官员腐败、缺乏恰当的 产权 制度以及薄弱的法制意味着,这些国家不具备对功劳和勤奋给予奖励的框架。

  • Positive prescription is one form of prescription system which means title to property may be acquired by a person who has no title to it originally after he possesses it and for a period of limitation continuously .

    取得时效是时效制度的一种,是指无权利人以行使某 权利的意思而持续地行使该权利,经过一定时期后,遂取得该 权利的制度。

  • Also known as title plant . An assemblage available to the public of information and documents relating to title to a particular property .

    面向大众的、 有关 物业 产权相关信息和文件的汇总。

  • His title to the property is defective .

    他的 产权具有瑕疵。

  • She has no title to the property .

    她没有该 财产 所有权

  • He never had title to the property .

    他从来就不具有这项 财产 所有权

  • One of two or more tenants holding title to the same property .

    两个或更多人 同一 财产拥有 权利的人。

  • There were so many steps : checking that the seller had clear title to the property The manufacture of most products requires a sequence of different manufacturing processes .

    有这么多步骤:验证卖方是否真正 拥有 产权,大多数工业产品需要一系列不同的步骤来完成。

  • He has no title to this property .

    这笔 财产没有 权利

  • Do you have the title to your property ?

    你有 房产 证明吗?

  • Copy of the Property Title relating to the leased property - provided by Party A.

    由甲方所提供 用于出租 物业的有关 所有权证明。

  • The confidence reposed in a trustee when giving the trustee legal title to property to administer for another together with the trustee 's obligation regarding that property and the beneficiary .

    信托给予受托人合法 产权的信任, 以便其为他人管理 财产并承担涉及财产及受益人的义务。

  • TITLE : You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the SOFTWARE is transferred to you .

    所有权:你必须承认本软件的知识 产权 所有权没有转让给你。

  • A person who has title to a property though not necessarily beneficial use of it .

    财产拥有 权利,但不一定以其获取利益的人。

  • A sale in which the buyer receives title to the property only upon the performance of some condition ( usually the full payment of the purchase price ) . Cheap tickets for plays and concerts in Hong Kong are sometimes available to members .

    买方在某种条件下(通常指付清购买价)才能得到 所有权的销售。有时剧社成员可买到在香港举行的戏剧演出和音乐会的优惠票。