


  • The antibody titre at 34 d after immunization reached 1 : 10 240 .

    免疫34d后 血清抗体的 滴度达到了1:10240。

  • Conclusion : yolk antibody 's antibody titre of the duck virus hepatitis is quite high which can be used to prevent and treat duck virus hepatitis .

    该雏鸭病毒性肝炎高免蛋黄抗体 滴度较高,可用于预防和治疗雏鸭病毒性肝炎。

  • One was IgA type . The titre of ascitic fluid for specific antibodies was above 51 by ELISA .

    三种含单克隆抗体小鼠腹水的 滴度(ELISA法)均为51200以上;

  • The antibody titre increased 70.05 times .

    免疫后340.8,抗体 滴度升高70.05停;

  • In order to study the influence of bull on semen quality of itself in self-immunization reaction the titre of the anti-sperm antibody in blood and its agglutination degree to sperm in different season and age were detected respectively using Kibrick and F-D method in this experiment .

    为了进一步了解公牛在自身免疫学反应中对其本身精液品质的影响,本试验应用 Kibrick和F-D法1w_1100分别测定了不同季节和不同年龄公牛血液中抗精子抗体 效价及对精子的凝集度。

  • Dying monkeys showed persistent high viremia and low level titre antibody .

    快速进展型猕猴有高而持续的病毒血症,约 半数有低抗体水平的 特征

  • It was found that serum sperm antibodies incidence and geometrical mean titre of Sperm MAR Test strong positive group were obviously higher than those of Sperm MAR Test weak positive reaction group ( P < 0.05 ) .

    对精子胶乳试验强阳性和弱阳性反应的各组血清中精子抗体的检测结果比较表明,强阳性组的血清精子抗体阳性率和几何平均 滴度明显高于弱阳性组(P<0.05)。

  • The McAb ( immunoglobulin G titre 1:3200 in ascites ) was separated and purified by using anhydrous ethanol at low temperature ;

    方法:用低温无水乙醇沉淀法分离纯化单抗IgG(腹水 抗体 效价1∶3200);

  • Impact of TRUST titre and antenatal intervention on incidence of syphilis

    妊娠梅毒TRUST 滴度及产前干预对先天梅毒发病的影响

  • Objective To compare the prediction effect on hemolytic disease of the newborn between monocyte monolayer assay and antibody titre .

    目的应用单核细胞单层试验和抗体 效价 测定 试验 新生儿溶血病的效果比较。

  • In a clinical trial immunization with the licensed influenza vaccine containing squalene did not affect the frequency or titre of anti-squalene antibodies .

    在一项临床试验中,接种含角鲨烯的且已获上市许可的流感疫苗后,抗角鲨烯抗体的发生频率和 效价并未受到影响。

  • The antiserum with high titre was acquired from rabbit after immunization .

    人工流产 分离纯化 hPC ,免疫家兔获取高效 抗血清。

  • Detection of HAV Vaccine Titre with the Nucleic Acid Probe

    应用核酸探针检测甲型肝炎疫苗的 滴度

  • The titre of antibodies was determined by ELISA method .

    用间接ELISA法检测免疫 家兔产生抗体的 滴度

  • The raised positive rate and high titre of anti-EBV antibodies especially IgA antibodies in patients-sera might be associated with EBV infection and / or EBV activation in nasopharynx ;

    患者血清中EB病毒相关抗体,尤其是IgA抗体阳性率和 滴度的升高,可能与鼻咽局部EBV感染及/或EBV激活有关;

  • A low titre of coproantigen were found in feces ofter experimentally infection of dogs and elevated markedly at the21th day .

    用细粒棘球蚴原头节感染家犬后,粪抗原呈低 滴度阳性,至21天后迅速升高。

  • The antibody titre in the serum rose to1 ∶ 512.He was cured with large doses of penicillin .

    血清间接免疫荧光试验,抗体 滴度1∶512。经用大剂量青霉素静脉注射症状消失。

  • There is no relation between the worm burden and the titre of serum circulating antigens of animals was observed .

    虫荷 与血清循环抗原 滴度未见有相关性。

  • Statistically there was significant correlation between IgG concentration and ELISA antibody titre .

    PPA-ELISA ABC-ELISA检测的抗体效价中,只有IgG浓度和ELISA抗体 效价间有显著相关(0.05>P>0.02)。

  • The antibody titre increased 114 . 6 times .

    免疫 1037.05,抗体 滴度升高 114.6倍。

  • Study on titre determination and activity of Natamycin

    纳他霉素 效价检测和活性研究

  • The Widal test positive rate and IHA positive rate of 34 cases arc 91.2 % and 94.4 % respectively but the latter 's titre is higher than the former .

    34例患者的Widal反应和IHA阳性率分别为91.2%和94.1%,但后者 滴度较高。

  • Results Microcolumn gel test was 2 to 6 titre more sensitive than that of the runtime test .

    结果微柱凝胶试验 灵敏度较常规检测法灵敏度 2~6个 滴度

  • You can have a veterinarian draw blood and run a titre to find out how well your prospective dog will fare in a parvo-infected environment .

    你可以带它去 兽医那里做血 ,看看它是否能在未来这个细小感染过的环境成长。

  • High titre antiserum was raised using IgG of cattle buffalo and goat against rabbit .

    用黄牛IgG,水牛IgG和山羊IgG联合免疫兔,获得了高效 兔抗黄牛、水牛和山羊( 简称兔抗牛羊)IgG抗血清。

  • Its titre was 10 ~ ( - 6 ) determined with double antibody sandwich method .

    双抗体夹心法测定其 滴度 1 10~6

  • And the agglutination titre of PHA to tumor cells is 32 times more than that to normal cells .


  • During the testing human serum of anti-Toxoplasma gondii with titre 1:16 was used with normal parasite as control .

    用弓形体阳性人血清( 滴度1:16),检测两组弓形体,与正常对照虫体相比,其荧光着色特点与 滴度 未见 明显改变。

  • The antiserum prepared using purified virus preparations had a titre of 1 / 2048 as determined by microprecipitin tests .

    利用提纯的病毒制备的抗血清经微量沉淀试验 效价达1/2048。

  • When HBsAg titre was 1 ∶ 256 HBeAg negative rate was up to 29 . 4 % .

    而HBsAg 滴定 为1∶256时,HBeAg阴性者高达29.4%。