to add up to...


  • States that approve the new standards have a right to add up to fifteen percent of their own .

    同意该新标准的各州有权 加入 自己的百分之十五。

  • The bank thinks casino stocks & which have fallen around 14 % year-to-date compared with a largely flat Hang Seng Index - now look attractive as China 's incremental efforts to ease companies ' access to credit add up to a big effect on the broader economy .

    渣打认为,博彩类股现在颇具吸引力,因中国内地放宽企业信贷渠道的渐进举措 累加 起来对整体经济产生了很大的影响。博彩类股今年迄今下跌了14%左右,而恒生指数大致持平。

  • Studying Sherpas is not only to add up to our ethnology research more importantly to consolidate and stabilizes the western border and to have a positively significant effect on the political economical and cultural exchange between China and Nepal .

    研究夏尔巴人不仅是 我国民族学研究的 补充,更重要的是对于西部边陲的巩固稳定和中尼政治、经济、文化的交流有积极的意义。

  • A testing winding is proposed to add up to the controlled saturable reactor ( CSR ) made of a single magnetic core .

    提出了 常规单磁芯可控饱和电抗器的结构中 增加一个检测绕组。

  • These primary schools that were chose from 1 to 5 was study object add up to 5511 people .

    方法 马鞍山市市区的所有小学进行统一编号,运用随机 数字表随机 群抽取6所小学作为研究现场, 被选学校1-5年级的所有在校学生作为研究对象,共计 5511人。

  • Every $ 1 of additional Chinese import exposure in a region per worker lowered the employment rate by0.77 % enough to add up to several percentage points in the worst affected areas .

    一个区域内,一个工人每购买1000美元的中国进口产品,就业率就会降低 0.77%,在一些受影响最严重的区域,这 足以 达到好几个百分点。

  • Unit B class to A class add up to cost the funds 103.90 ten thousand yuan the benefit number is 1.90 ten thousand people the average cost 54.68 yuan / person ;

    9家由B级 A级的单位中,共计花费资金 103.90万元,受益就餐人数为1.90万,平均受益所花费用为54.68元/人;

  • Satisfy tourist demand principle safeguard a tourist to add up to the principle of right beneficial economic benefits and the principle that social benefit photograph integrates .

    满足游客需求原则,维护游客 合法权益的原则,经济效益和社会效益相结合的原则。

  • Pass to purify the machine behind left-hand add up of water to circulation the water tank inside fills with the water .

    通过净化器后面左侧的 加水循环水箱内注满水。

  • Mentors can be a big help in telling you exactly where you need to polish the skills that add up to executive presence .

    导师会提供巨大的帮助。他会告诉你 需要 磨练哪些技能, 培养 自己的高管风度。

  • Drag onto the page to add up to 4 concentric circles with adjustable radii .

    拖到绘图页后, 可以 添加 最多4个具有可调半径的同心圆。

  • As summers puts it the global imbalances have to add up to zero and so if the US is going to be less the consumer importer of last resort then other countries are going to need to be in different positions as well .

    正如萨默斯所说,“全球失衡的 总和 必须 零,因此,假如美国准备更少作为最后的消费进口者,那么其它国家也就需要有不同的定位。”

  • Considering that a website can have hundred of thousands or millions of visitors per month each running small amounts of Plura code it is easy to see how revenue can add up to significant amounts .

    考虑到网站每月有数以万计的访问用户,即使每个页面运行少量 Plura代码,也能很容易 计算出可观的 汇总收入。

  • To think pleased add up pleased should to they three bow .

    喜上加喜,就应该 他们三鞠躬。

  • Enchant weapon-major spellpower : permanently enchant a melee weapon to add up to40 damage to all spells .

    使一件武器永久的获得 法术伤害最多 提高40点的效果。

  • If we knew what it took to have the various stages of a car add up to the very same car then there will be one possibility .

    如果我们知道, 车子的每一个阶段,这就是其中一个可能性。

  • To 2000 year the would still be add up to 5877.7 thousand ton of standard coal and there a shortage of 1142.3 thousand ton of standard coal beside exploitable energy re - source .

    2000年,农村生活用能需薪柴 587.77万t标准煤,除去可开发资源量,缺114.23万t。

  • The building boom is expected to add up to 10 quality hotel rooms according to research by Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels the property services group .

    地产服务集团&仲量联行酒店业(JonesLangLaSalleHotels)的研究发现,这一轮建筑热潮预计将 北京 增加 多达1万间高档酒店客房。

  • I have only a few additional facts to add to bring the report up to date .

    要使这份报告包括最新资料,我仅有几点事实 补充

  • Add up the figures to see how much they add up to .

    把所有数据都 起来看下总共多少钱。

  • So it is necessary to add up artificial measures to speed up the vegetation restoration for mitigating pollution and improving the environment .

    尽早 达到控制污染、改善环境等 目的,必须 辅以人工措施,加速植被的恢复进程。 最后提出了实现这一目的的生态恢复对策。

  • Five Star has about 200 stores and by 2016 plans to add up to 500 more targeting $ 4 billion in sales .

    五星电器拥有门店200家左右,并计划到2016年 增加 500多家,实现销售收入40亿美元。

  • Minutes add up to hours and hours add up to days .

    分钟加 起来就是小时,小时 起来 就是一天。

  • I use it to add up to the total game time desired .

    我用它 合计 游戏需要的总时间。

  • Country 5 protect door low protect a ginseng to add up to fund to raise money by civil administration branch solve .

    农村五保户、低 保户 参合基金由民政部门筹措解决。

  • He twists his hands nervously as he stumbles over letters trying to make them add up to whole words .

    他一边紧张地搓着手,一边磕磕 巴巴地拼读字母, 试图将它们 组成完整的单词。

  • You need a million of these little features combined to add up to a compelling reason to buy an OS .

    其实,你需要数以百万的这些微小的特点综合 起来 这才是你要购买一个操作系统的原因。

  • You seem to be poised to see a rise in status very soon-all that hard work you 've been doing is about to add up to something big .

    你即将进入一个快速上升阶段-如果你一直以来都兢兢业业任劳任怨 做牛做马,那你 迎来一个巨无霸馅饼。