abbr.Technical Note 技术说明

  • Terrain condition affected the soil TN and AN contents to different degree and hilly region had the lowest contents of soil TN and AN .

    地形条件对土壤 全氮 含量的影响程度不同,但均以丘陵最低;

  • The Bacteria of Film on Ceramist and COD TN Removal Rate

    陶粒生物膜上的细菌组成及其对COD、 TN的去除率

  • In order to simulate the biodegradation of dewatered sewage sludge in landfill several parameters include TOC VFA TN that related to dry fermentation course of dewatered sewage sludge were measured .

    为模拟污水厂脱水污泥在填埋场中的生物降解过程,进行了 脱水污泥干发酵的实验研究。

  • The impact of environmental factors on cod tn tp release from sediment

    环境因子对底泥释放COD、 TN和TP的影响研究

  • Using an isolated strain of Chlorella protothecoides USTB-01 to remove total nitrogen ( TN ) from the wastewater discharged from a chemical fertilizer plant was investigated .

    采用1株异养原核小球藻 USTB-01对化肥厂废水中总氮的去除进行了研究。

  • Hey don 't temper with my computer . I don 't want TN lose anything .

    别动我的电脑,我可不想 丢什么东西。

  • In the autumn the authorities automatically authorize me TN buy highly mobile automobiles .

    秋天,当权者自动授权我买高 机动性的汽车。

  • Formation Analysis of High Blank Value in Sewage TN Determination and Its Control

    污水 测试中高空白值成因分析及其控制

  • Removal of TN and TP in micro-polluted raw water by different constructed wetlands processes

    人工湿地预处理微污染原水的脱 除磷性能研究

  • The operation was moved to Nashville TN and other family members joined to meet the customer demand .

    行动中被转移到了纳什维尔, 田纳西州,和其他家庭成员加入,以满足客户的需求。

  • The amino acid composition of Tn I was also analysed .

    对其氨基酸组成 进行了分析。

  • Referring the sewage quality that inlet to the lake the removal rate of COD TN TP NH3-N was determined and the seasonal alternation effect on purifying was analyzed .

    实验参照排入西安市兴庆湖的混合污水水质,测定了化学需氧量、 、总磷、氨氮的去除率,并分析了季节变化对净化效果的影响。

  • Paddy soil had significantly higher contents of TN and AN than yellow soil and purple soil .

    水稻土 全氮 含量均极显著高于黄壤和紫色土;

  • For example you can limit the operation to certain tables ( - tn ) table spaces ( - ts ) table creators ( - tc ) or schema names ( - sn ) .

    例如,可以将一个操作限制在特定的表( -tn)、表空间(-ts)、表创建者(-tc)或模式名(-sn)范围内。

  • The use of PE line in TN system and TT system is analyzed and the characteristics of lighting return circuit in residence and the advantages of adding PE line are discussed .

    对PE线在 TN系统与TT系统中的作用进行了分析,讨论了住宅内照明回路的特点及增加PE线后的优点。

  • The effect of the COD / TN changes of domestic sewage on denitrification and dephosphorization is studied emphatically .

    作者重点研究了生活污水 COD/TN 比值变化对其除磷脱氮性能的影响。

  • RBF Neural Network Modeling of Effluent TN and TP in Oxidation Ditch System

    RBF神经网络氧化沟系统出水 预报模型

  • Meanwhile efforts should be made to improve the removal of TN and TP .


  • The growth of influent C / N and C / P inhibited the proliferation of the activated sludge by decreasing the influent TN and TP concentration and thereby inhibited the phosphorus release and uptake rates .

    C/N和C/P的增长使系统进水 TN、TP浓度降低,对活性污泥的增殖有抑制作用,进而使厌氧释磷速率和好氧吸磷速率降低。

  • About Iterative Earthing in ( TN ) Low-Voltage Distribution System

    关于( TN)低压配电系统中重复接地问题的分析

  • The results showed that the removal rate of TN and TP increase with the increase of wastewater concentration .

    结果表明, TN、TP的去除率随污水浓度升高而升高, 水培 TN TP浓度随污水浓度升高而降低。

  • Analysis on TN Removal Strategies of Low Temperature and Low C / N Municipal Sewage in Three Gorges Reservoir Region

    长江上游三峡库区低温、低C/N城市污水中 TN去除对策分析

  • Added possibility to use own font table for TN VSH Menu .

    增加了可能性,对 TNVshMenu选单使用自己的字体表。

  • Tn is the next major factor in the equation .


  • The Research Of TN 's Degradation Pattern In South Yellow Sea

    黄海南部海水中 TN降解规律的研究

  • This testified that the main composition of TN is organic N.

    证明 全氮的主要成分是有机氮。

  • The COPY action requires inputting at least one schema ( - sn ) or one table ( - tn or-tf ) .

    COPY操作要求至少输入一个模式(-sn)或一个表( -tn或-tf)。