title deed

[ˈtaɪtl did][ˈtaitl di:d]


  • The prove file of leasing office and the title deed ( copy ) .

    公司房屋租赁合同及 房产 复印件;

  • He was forced to sign on the title deed and accepted all the unjust treaties .

    他被迫在 红契 签了字,接受了所有的不公平条约。

  • We will loan you if you have stocks or a title deed of a house to pledge as a mortage .

    如果你在股票或房地产做 抵押,我们就会给你贷款。

  • The deed is a special instrument to pass a title . To some extent a deed is like the juristic act of real right in German law but is much more complex than the latter .

    转让书是专门用以 移转 所有权的文件,一定程度上类似于德国法上的物权行为,但比物权行为要复杂的多。

  • There 's something called a title deed you fool !

    你知不知道什么叫 地契 ,笨蛋!

  • If this is the title deed of the whole world who can take it over ?

    如果它是这个世界的 所有权 证书 ,有谁可以获得呢?

  • Please provide the house assignment contract the appraiser 's report a copy of ID cards and marriage certificate of the seller and the buyer and the original of the title deed of house .


  • A title to goods isn 't like a bill of lading . The title deed is the document which proves ownership of the goods .

    所谓物权 凭证,乃是证明货物 所有权的一种单据。

  • A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party . The title deed is the document which proves ownership of the goods .

    专利权政府授予的单方对某一商品活动独享控制权的一种权利所谓 物权 凭证,乃是证明货物所有权的一种单据。

  • Buyers and sellers before signing the contract to produce their own documents the seller must produce title deed land certificates and other documents to prove ownership of housing .

    买卖双方在签订合同之前要出示自己的证件,卖方也要出示 房产 ,土地证等证明房屋所属权的证件。

  • The main document in exporting is the bill of lading which is the title deed to the goods .

    出口中的主要单据是提单,它是 物权 凭证

  • You receive the title deed card showing ownership .

    你会收到 地契,以示所有权。

  • If I can 't go to handle the title deed of house can I entrust another person to handle it ?

    纳税人:如果我本人不能来办理 ,可以委托他人代办吗?

  • Can the title deed of house title of house ownership and state-owned land use permit be handled together ?

    纳税人请问 、房屋所有权证和国有土地使用证可以一起办理吗?