time of life

[taɪm ʌv laɪf][taim ɔv laif]


  • And a recent survey by Clark University which polled more than 1 young adults nationwide found that 72 % said this time of life was stressful and 33 % said they were often depressed .

    克拉克大学最近对全国1000多名刚成年的年轻人所做的一项问卷调查发现,72%的人说 人生的这一 阶段充满压力,33%的人称他们经常感到郁闷。

  • Youth is not a time of life .

    青春不是 粉面、红唇、柔膝。

  • But at your time of life to feel all this is a most favourable circumstance for yourself and for everybody connected with you ;

    不过,你这样的 年龄就有这样的想法,这对你个人,对每一个与你有关系的人 来说,都是很值得称道的事。

  • I could see that Mary was having her time of life .

    我看得出玛丽玩得非常 快活

  • As the essence of happiness becomes more realizable at this time of life I wish you a happy birthday and hope that you will have everlasting happiness in your life !

    当爱的本质在 生命的这一 变得更真切实际时,祝你生日快乐,一生永远幸福!

  • Youth is not a time of life it is a state of mind ;

    青春,并非 人生 旅途中的一段 时光,而是心灵中的一种状态;

  • We 're taking our little grandchild away with us . We 'll make sure he has the time of his life

    我们会把小孙子带走。我们一定会让他 开心

  • And he said I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life ; and lo Sarah thy wife shall have a son .

    18:10中有一位说,到明年 这时候,我必要回到你这里。你的妻子撒拉必生一个儿子。

  • At our time of life it is not so pleasant I can tell you to be making new acquaintance every day ; but for your sakes we would do any thing .

    老实跟你们说吧,我们 老夫活到这么一把年纪了,哪儿有兴致天天去交朋结友;可是为了你们,我们随便什么事都乐意去做。

  • Youth is not a time of life ; it is a state of mind .

    青春并不是 人生 时光 阶段,他是你的思想的历程。

  • No one of us can get out of the space and time of life .

    谁也不能逃脱 生命的空间和 时间

  • The time of life is short . So now every second counts .


  • Me ! A poor helpless forlorn widow unfit for anything my spirits quite broke down what could I do with a girl at her time of life a girl of fifteen !

    我!一个孤苦伶仃的穷寡妇,什么事情都干不了, 万念俱灰,叫我对这样年龄的一个姑娘,一个十五岁的姑娘怎么办呢?

  • If we don 't recognize the early manifestations of the disease the degree of impairment at this time of life can lead to major consequences and lifelong disability she added .

    “假如我们没有认识到这种疾病的早期临床表现, 此时对我们大多数人 人生结果就是严重程度的损伤和终生残疾,”她补充说道。

  • Youth is not a time of life it is state of mind .

    青春不是 生命中的一段 岁月,它是一种心态。

  • Probably we are nothing but the counters of time consumption living a life but to be the funerary objects of the time of life and happiness does not occur to our mind at all .

    也许我们只是时间消费的筹码,活了一世不过是为那一世的 岁月充当殉葬品,根本不会想到快乐。

  • Youth is not a time of a time of life it is a stale of mind ;

    青春并非是 人生的一段 时光,它指一种心情。

  • They had reached a time of life when most people would be reaping the fruits of their labour .

    他们已经达到 人生的这样一个 阶段。大多数人都将收获自己的劳动成果。

  • Youth is not a time of life ;


  • ' Equally important is that people understand that alcohol-related brain damage can occur at any time of life . '

    同样,人们也需要认识到酒精导致的脑损伤可能发生在 人生的任何 阶段

  • The time of life between childhood and maturity .

    青春期处于儿童和成年之间的 生命 时期

  • At grandad 's time of life he ought to be taking things easy .

    在祖父这种 年纪,他应该不要把什么事放在心上。

  • Every age has its troubles : everyone dislikes his own time of life .

    每个年龄段都有各自的苦恼:每个人都不喜欢自己所处的 年龄