timing control

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ kənˈtrol][ˈtaɪmɪŋ kənˈtrəul]


  • The common used charge termination control methods include timing control voltage control temperature control and integrated control .

    常用的充电终点控制方法有 定时 控制法、电压控制法、温度控制法、综合控制法等。

  • This paper presents the design and realization of general service radar signal source based on PCI bus of the computer and the PCI slave interface and timing control logic are implemented in one chip of CPLD .

    介绍了一种基于计算机PCI总线的通用雷达信号源的设计和实现,用一片CPLD实现了PCI总线目标接口和其它 时序 控制逻辑;

  • The main feature of the model is integrating process structure control and timing control into actions .

    该模型的主要特点是将对流程的结构和 时序 控制逻辑集成到了活动属性中,通过不同的活动类型来决定对流程的控制。

  • Experimental researches of timing control method ;

    定时 控制方法的实验研究;

  • This system achieved a human-machine interface digital timing control and digital wire feeding capabilities and it also could display the real-time welding parameters on the wire feeder .

    该焊机同时实现了人机界面、数字化焊接 时序 控制和数字化送丝功能,并可在送丝机上显示焊接参数。

  • The hrtimer API has some similarities to the traditional API as well as some fundamental differences to account for the additional timing control .

    hrtimerAPI与传统API有些相似,但它们之间的一些根本差别是它能够进行额外的 时间 控制

  • Adaptive Timing Control in Wireless Networks with Network Coding

    无线网络中基于网络编码的自适应 计时 控制

  • The records provide a guide for timing control measure .

    这些记录可作为 适时采取 防治措施的指南。

  • Data format conversion and timing control during acquisition process are implemented by FPGA which improves the flexibility and reliability of the system .

    采集过程中数据格式的转换 及时 控制皆由FP-GA实现,提高了系统的灵活性和可靠性。

  • Ignition and injection timing control system

    点火和喷油 时刻 控制系统

  • Automatic Timing Control Algorithm for High Power Factor Reversible Converter

    高效可逆变流器的自动 定时 控制算法

  • This paper introduces the principle of timing control based on large database management system and describes its superiority .

    首先介绍了大型数据库系统的 定时机制原理,然后阐述了用数据库系统实现 定时 控制的优势。

  • The system utilizes CPLD to realize logical and timing control between DSP and multi-channel ADC . The interface between DSP 's HPI and PCI bus is employed to achieve high-speed data transmission .

    该系统采用CPLD实现了DSP与多通道ADC的逻辑和 时序 控制,通过DSP的HPI与PCI总线接口设计实现了采集数据的高速传输。

  • It is digital servo timing control system which is driven by PWM direct current moment motor .

    采用了脉冲调宽功放装置(PWM),直流力矩马达直接驱动 转台框架的数字伺服 调速体制。

  • The Design and Implementation of Rolling Timing Control Method of the Hot Rolling Mill

    热轧机轧制 时序 控制方法的设计与实现

  • There are three lighting control mode ( manual control timing control and automatic control ) .

    系统制定了三种照明控制方式(手动控制、 时序 控制和自动控制)。

  • Discharging control has two modes : level control and timing control .

    卸灰控制有两种方式:料位控制和 手动 控制

  • Timing Control Positive Governing Governor Deviation


  • In the first place the working principle of the system is introduced . An integrated control method of battery charging is proposed which integrates voltage control timing control and battery temperature control .

    文中首先介绍了系统的工作原理,对充电理论和充电控制技术进行了研究,提出一种把电压控制、 定时 控制和电池温度控制相结合的电池充电综合控制方法。

  • Study on Harmonics Problem of Timing Control System of the Single-Phase Series Motor with a Commutator

    带换向器的单相串励电动机 调速 控制系统谐波问题研究

  • You also need the Time : : HiRes module from CPAN to provide subsecond timing control for processing TouchPad events .

    您还需要有CPAN的Time:: HiRes模块才能提供处理TouchPad事件的亚秒级 时间 控制

  • Completed software loading as well as the debugging and analysis of all the modules and then tested each software module successfully realized the timing control and data transmission between modules .

    完成了软件的加载,调试了各模块的工作情况,并分析了其性能。对各软件模块进行了联调,成功实现了各模块间的 时序 控制和数据传输。

  • A mini & computer timing control system of traffic lights is introduced in this paper .

    本文介绍微电脑交通灯 定时 控制系统。

  • Retarded injection timing control system

    推迟喷油 时刻 控制系统

  • This paper introduced the operating principle of classical timing control system using flat switch along with an analysis of its merits and drawbacks .

    延时 控制系统是 保证爆磁 压缩 发生器 运行 关键部件,介绍了传统平板型开关 延时 控制系统的工作机制,分析了其优缺点。

  • A kind of closed loop timing control system based on position-sensorless control for axial blood pump of artificial heart brushless DC motor is introduced in this paper .

    介绍一种用于人工心脏轴流式血泵的无位置传感器无刷直流电动机闭环 调速 控制系统的电路设计。

  • The meter adopts embedded computer PCM3370E as the system core for control and data processing to realize laser photon counter and gating circuit timing control and visibility inversion .

    该仪器以嵌入式计算机PCM3370E为控制和数据处理核心,实现对激光器、光子计数卡、门控电路工作 时序 控制及能见度反演。

  • The system design and implementation methods of timing control circuit for a new CMOS image sensor are proposed .

    本文主要论述了CMOS图像传感器 时序 控制电路的系统设计和实现方法。

  • An Event-Based Injection and Ignition Timing Control Strategy for a Gasoline Engine

    基于事件的电喷汽油机喷油点火 时序 控制策略研究

  • We have included in the hardware design of timing control that you can set the system in the work within the stipulated time which in order to increase the security of the system .

    我们在硬件设计中加入了 时间 控制,也就是可以设置系统在规定时间内工作,这样增加了系统的安全性。