


  • Based on the Q2 algorithm past constraints are added to represent the latency . By propagating quantitative information in the system with past constraints and current constraints qualitative simulation of fixed time-lag system can be realized .

    并改进了定性与定量相集成的仿真方法&Q2算法,增加了反映延迟性质的过去约束,通过当前约束和过去约束在系统中传播定量信息,从而完成固定 迟滞 问题的定性仿真。

  • Not knowing the distance we don 't know the time-lag in the signals and cannot reconstruct the aliens'transmission .

    这样的话我们就无法知道信号的准确 时间差,也不能重建 外星人传播的信号了。

  • Walsh Function Approach to Identification of Time-lag Systems

    用WALSH函数对 时滞系统进行辨识

  • A sensor failure detecting method of time-lag system based on time series neural network is proposed . Neural network is trained with Powell method which is rapid and stable .

    针对热力系统这类 时滞系统,提出一种基于时间序列神经网络的故障检测新方法,神经网络的训练采用Powell方法,其收敛速度快、过程稳定。

  • Low voltage protection devices in China have characters of fixed time-lag .

    我国的电动机低电压保护一直 采用 定时 特性。

  • In order to properly reconstruct a signal in this manner we would have to know the exact time-lag between the highest frequency portion and the lowest frequency portion of the signal .

    为了适当地用这种方法重建信号,我们必须精确地知道信号的最高频部分和最低频部分到达的 时间

  • Total level or real composites in Chinas agricultural infrastructure stock have relatively big and everlasting positive effects on Gross National Product and have relative short time-lag .

    我国农业基础设施存量无论是总体水平还是具体构成均对国民生产总值具有较强的、持续 时间 较长的正影响且 时滞相对较短。

  • But not all of the gap between Europe and America can be explain - ed by the time-lag theory .

    但是,欧洲与美国之间的所有隔阂,并非都可以用 时间 的理论予以解释。

  • For example temperature 's inertia is great it 's time-lag is serious and it is difficult to establish accurate mathematical model of the object .

    可是由于温度自身的一些特点,如惯性大, 滞后 现象严重,难以建立精确的数学模型等,给 控制 过程带来了很大的难题。

  • The analysis of this paper shows that margin of stability of synchronous motor is of inverse time-lag .

    本文分析表明,同步电动机的稳定界限是反 时限 特性

  • On the stability of nonlinear control systems with Time-lag


  • In addition the time-lag of cognizing and organization invention and design of the system subject and the choice of menu and startup time delay caused the time-lag of labor dispatch system changes and then delayed the solution of the issues .

    此外,各制度主体的认知和组织、发明设计、菜单选择以及启动时滞也造成了劳务派遣制度变迁的 时滞,进而延缓了相关问题的解决。

  • Such a sampled-data control system can stabilize time-lag systems if the sampling interval is within a fixed upper bound .

    当采样控制律的采样周期不 大于一个固定上界时,可以镇定 线性 时滞系统。

  • This paper discusses the measurement error and estimated error that are caused by the time-lag of receiving information with conveying information and disturbing noise in the process of conveying information in communication system and telemetering and telecontrolling data processing system .

    针对通讯系统和遥测遥控数据处理系统在信息传送过程中,接收信息较发送信息在 时间上的 滞后和干扰噪声引起的测量误差及估计误差进行了研究分析。

  • In accordance with the characteristics of non-line time-variety and great time-lag for temperature of the citric acid fermentation process the integral separated PID arithmetic for temperature control is introduced and the DCS control system based on PLC is planned .

    针对柠檬酸发酵过程温度的非线性、时变性、大 时滞 等特点,介绍了温度控制的积分分离PID控制算法,设计了基于PLC的柠檬酸发酵过程DCS控制系统。

  • That might reflect a time-lag ; after all inequality did not really start to decline until the mid-1930s . But I suspect not .

    这或许反映出一种 时间上的 滞后;毕竟,上一次,收入差距直到上世纪30年代中期才开始缩小。但我对此表示怀疑。

  • The time-lagged uniaxial compressive test for the marble from Jinping II Hydropower Station was conducted to study the time-lag properties of rock burst .

    针对深埋地下岩石工程围岩发生 时滞性岩爆的实际应力特征,开展了锦屏二级水电站大理岩单轴压缩时滞性破坏试验研究。

  • Time-lag problem means that the system states are affected by both current states and past states .


  • In Chapter V the writer put a model forward concretely for bond pricing under time-lag credit risk .

    第五章 时滞信用风险下可 违约债券的定价中,笔者给出了具体的债券定价模型,其 方法 属于 简化 方法

  • Take use of time-lag multi-step model algorithm control ( MAC ) to realize Ha / N2 prediction control .

    采用 时滞多步模型算法实现了氢氮比预测控制;

  • Theory of variable structure control of time-lag systems and its application to the stabilization of combustion in rocket engines


  • Considering that there is time-lag in the transference of information between neurons in the neural network the neural network models described by difference equations and differential equations should contain delays .

    考虑到神经网络中神经元之间信息传递过程对 时间 实际需要,用以定义和描述神经网络的微分、差分方程模型理应是 时滞微分、差分方程系统。

  • The qualitative simulation of a kind of discrete system with discrete-time analysis and time-lag attribute is analyzed .

    分析了一类具有离散时间分析和 延时特性的离散系统定性仿真方法。

  • The results of simulation experiments show that the time-lag and routing load will increase along with the increasing of source nodes while packet delivery fraction .

    结果表明:随着源节点数目的增加, 延时和路由负荷会增加,而包投递率会降低。

  • According to the actual application of the control approach in the power plant it shows that the control system could effectively solve the severe time-lag and strong coupling exist in the powdering system of the ball mill thus the reliability and economics of the coal mill increases .

    根据该控制方法在电厂的实际应用表明,控制系统有效地解决了球磨机制粉系统存在的大 时滞强耦合问题,提高了磨煤机的可靠性和经济性。

  • Two parameters time-lag ( Tlag ) and the pulsed-release time were used to analyze release mechanism .


  • In addition profound analyses and comparison have been made on model free control and conventional PID control . Simulation shows that model free control is obviously better than PID control on the adaptability anti-interference and against large time-lag .

    此外,对无模型控制与常规PID控制做了深入的分析比较,仿真表明,无模型控制方法在系统的适应性、抗干扰能力和克服大 时滞能力等方面都明显优于PID控制。

  • Time-lag of response in car-following operation may bring about instability of car-following system .

    车辆跟车运行时的反应 时滞可能引起跟车系统的不稳定。

  • Also ' time-lag ' phenomenon of cascade lift is investigated preliminarily .

    此外,还 对叶栅的升力滞 现象 做出初步研究。