timing routine

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ ruˈtin][ˈtaɪmɪŋ ru:ˈti:n]


  • Even the jiffies ( small packets of kernel time for timing interrupts ) are not altered and this lets you debug the Interrupt Service Routine .

    此时连jiffies(用来对中断进行 计时的内核时钟滴答数)都不会改变,这样就可以对 ISR进行调试了。

  • Control system software of upper PC was compiled with VB6.0 system program of the intelligent traffic signal machine was compiled with assemble language timing interrupt service routine was partitioned into 100ms 0.5s and 1s program segment .

    上位机控制系统软件用VB6.0编程,信号机系统程序用汇编语言编写,其 定时中断处理 程序分为 100ms,0.5s和1s程序段。

  • Timing of routine immunisations and subsequent hay fever risk

    常规免疫的 时间 选择及其后的花粉病的发病危险

  • The development of China 's military hardware is not aimed at any other country or any specific target and the timing was a matter of routine working arrangements .

    中国发展武器装备不针对任何国家和特定目标。从 时间上看,是 正常的工作安排。

  • With this try to follow this timing as close as possible . Make it your daily routine .

    了解了这些知识之后,请尽可能去遵循这个 时间表,让它成为你的日常 习惯