timing sequence

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈsikwəns][ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈsi:kwəns]


  • By analyzing main facts which affect the automobile styling the paper deconstructed the design process of car styling it could be divided into different stages with different timing sequence and tasks .

    分析了影响汽车造型的主要相关因素,对汽车造型流程进行分解,按照 时序与任务将其划分为不同的阶段。

  • The data which incarnate the character of sectional data and timing sequence data can better analysis the direction of individual data changing with the time and the data also can reflect the variety of whole data inside and the difference of the unit .

    它将截面数据和 时间 序列数据很好地融合在一起,能更好地分析个体随时间变化的趋势,更充分地反映个体内部的变化和个体间的差异。

  • The design for TEC circuits and timing sequence of 128 × 128 infrared focal plane array

    128×128红外焦平面阵列 时序 分析与温控电路设计

  • Common symmetrical gaits were analyzed with this approach . The timing sequence of placing and lifting each leg in a stride cycle is achieved after standardized .

    运用该方法分析了常用对称步态,经过归一化处理后得到了一个跨步周期中各腿着地和抬起的 时间 序列

  • The orderly withdrawing of state-owned enterprises must abide by the scientific withdraw timing sequence and select proper withdraw system .

    实现国有企业有序退出,必须遵循科学的退出 时序、选择恰当的退出方式。

  • In this paper we have analytical studied two biological signal the one is the gait timing sequence and the other is ECG signal .

    在本文中,我们分析研究了两种生物信号,一种是步伐 时间 序列,一种是心电图(ECG)信号。

  • Study on gait transition between symmetrical gaits of quadrupeds based on timing sequence analysis T wave inversion was symmetrical .

    基于 时序分析的四足机器人对称步态变换T波倒置均呈对称性,不完全性右束支传导阻滞7例次,SV1-V5R粗钝、挫折l7例次(44.74%)。

  • Since you step through the kernel in this approach you will not have the exact timing sequence .

    由于在这种方法中我们是对内核进行单步跟踪,因此无法模拟精确的 时间 序列

  • With this approach this paper proves that gait transition between symmetrical gaits with the same duty factor can be completed in one stride cycle under constant speed and the timing sequence of placing and lifting each leg in the transition gait is figured out .

    证明了匀速情况下具有等负荷系数的两种对称步态之间只需要一个步态周期就能够完成步态变换,从而得到变换步态中各腿着地和抬起的 时间 序列

  • Application of Timing Sequence Diagram in PLC Programming Figs 3

    时序图在PLC编程中的应用 技巧

  • Attention are mainly focused on the modular design of PLC program flow figure of each subsystem the assignment of the program function block the communication principle between PLC and up-lever computer and the timing sequence diagram .

    着重介绍了PLC程序的模块化设计以及各个工位的程序流程、程序功能块的划分以及与上位机通讯的基本原理和 时序图;

  • Analysis of the Narrowband Interference Effect on Timing Sequence Detection Performance

    窄带干扰情况下 定时 序列检测性能分析

  • Inspect the Background and Timing Sequence in the Mode Changes of Public Administration

    公共行政模式变革的背景与 时序 脉络考察

  • The color coded structure light method is becoming popular because of its advantages which are non-contact high precision and easy to implement It contains two kinds of encoding methods : timing sequence encoding method and spatial encoding method .

    其中基于彩色编码结构光的三维重构技术由于具有非接触、精度高、易实现等优点日益成为研究热点。彩色编码的方法有两种: 时序编码法和空间编码法。

  • But the connatural complexity of subsystems ' timing sequence logic will highly influence the performance of the master control computer that disposing the important and complicated arithmetic task .

    然而分系统 时序逻辑固有的复杂性,以及主控微机频繁的接口操作,会极大的影响主控微机对某些重要且较复杂算法的处理。

  • Methods and skills using timing sequence diagram to proceed with PLC programming and program analysis were introduced particularly the drawing of timing sequence and programming procedure in light with design requirement and using timing sequence to know the procedure and analysis of programming .

    讲述利用 时序图进行PLC编程和程序分析的方法和技巧。着重介绍了如何根据设计要求绘制时序图和编写程序,并应用时序图了解程序的执行过程和进行程序分析。

  • The structure of FPGA and the analyzing of logic timing sequence on FPGA are introduced either .

    对FPGA的基本结构以及基于FPGA的 时序设计,本文也进行了简要介绍。

  • An Optimum Design of Timing Sequence Programme Controlled by Programmable Controller

    可编程控制器控制 时序程序的一种优化设计

  • The Timing Sequence Control of the Power Distribution and Control Subsystem of Xenon Ion Rocket Engine

    氙离子火箭发动机配电调节分系统的 时序控制

  • Wind speed in itself has a timing sequence and auto-correlation so ARIMA model can be set up to predict it .

    而风速 序列又具有 时序性和自相关性,因此可建立ARIMA模型进行预测。

  • Not only the system architecture and basic principle are described in this paper but also the design ideas are proposed and timing sequence of hardware is analyzed in detail .

    该文阐述了 音频 压缩 编码器的系统构成及基本原理,并且详细地的说明了硬件电路设计思想及相关 时序波形的分析。

  • MP4 in streaming format . One MP4 file consists of timing structure media information such as video and audio express which are related to the timing sequence of the file media data and are connected with each other by track technology .

    MP4文件包含了与媒体数据 时间 序列相关的时间、结构、媒体信息(例如音频/视频表达文件),并通过轨道将它们联系在一起。

  • In this paper the design basis for the hardware circuit and system timing sequence are described in detail .

    本文中给出了硬件电路图和系统 时序 并说明了设计依据。

  • The Timing Sequence Simulation and Its Application to SCM ISP Based on Parallel Port of Computer

    基于计算机并口的 时序模拟及其在单片机ISP中的应用

  • Research on the coverage ratio for the timing sequence test of parallel programs

    关于并行程序 时序测试中测试覆盖率的研究

  • Modeling of operation timing sequence and orders efficiency of cigarette automatic sorting system

    卷烟自动分拣系统作业 时序及订单分拣能力建模

  • Finally the thesis introduces the realization scheme in this project from such three aspects as the class diagram the timing sequence diagram and the idiographic method of the realization .

    最后从实现类图、实现过程 时序图和具体实现方法三个方面介绍了本课题的实现方案。

  • By skillful application of timing sequence diagram in programming and program analysis the programming of PLAC could be faster .

    通过 时序图在编程和程序分析中的巧妙应用,可使PLC的编程更加快速。

  • Based on the actual situation of the measurement system a new mosaic method based on tag points is proposed and the measurement timing sequence and integral control of the system is studied in accordance with the characteristics of the automation system .

    本文根据测量系统的实际情况分析了基于标记点的三维形貌拼接方法,并根据自动化测量系统的特性研究了系统的测量 时序和整体控制问题。