timed pulse


  • The card is developed based on ISA bus of conventional PC and it integrates PID control 12_bit DAC conversion multiple_cards simultaneous operation timed interruption and watchdog timer protection limit processing pulse multiple count and multiple interruption management etc.

    基于通用PC机的ISA总线的伺服控制卡集PID控制、12位DAC转换、多卡同时操作、 定时中断和监视定时器保护、限位处理、 码盘倍频计数和多重中断管理等功能为一体。

  • A Study of TDM With Timed Pulse Interval Modulation

    定时 脉冲间隔调制时分多路复用的研究

  • A timer called a clock releases precisely timed electrical signals that provide a regular pulse from the processor 's work .

    一个称作时钟的计时器准确地发出 定时电信号,该信号为处理器工作提供有规律的 脉冲