timing sampling

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈsæmplɪŋ][ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈsæmplɪŋ]


  • Compound medicine preparation dissolution test usually adopt timing sampling method such as HPLC which split every composition from analytical solution .

    复方药物制剂的溶出度试验,通常采用 定时 取样,HPLC分离分析的办法解决。

  • Timing selection of water sampling during production test

    试油过程中 水样 时机选择

  • This timer ′ s programmable count range is 16 bits timing precision is 8 ps and equivalent sampling rate is up to 50 GHz .

    可编程计数范围为16bit,实际最小 定时单位达8ps,折合 采样频率高达50GHz。

  • Firstly the algorithms for estimating carrier phase and timing phase jointly based on maximum likelihood criterion and high sampling rate are studied .

    首先研究了基于最大似然准则的载波相位与 定时相位联合估计算法。接着研究了基于高 点速率的载波相位与 定时相位联合估计算法。

  • In addition a detailed theoretical analysis and simulation are employed to discuss the effect of timing offset carrier offset sampling offset and other non-idea factors on OFDM system .

    通过理论推导与仿真详细分析了 定时偏差、载波偏差以及 采样偏差等多种非理想因素对OFDM系统的影响。

  • The timing for data sampling is carried out in a real time clock way and then the analogue signal is converted into digital information through a A / D converter . Finally the results of demarcating thermocouple are audio-visually displayed on the screen in a graphic mode .

    数据 采集采用实时时钟 定时的方法进行,然后通过A/D转换器将模拟信号转变成数字信号,最后将标定实验结果用图形的方式直观地显示在屏幕上。

  • The OFDMA uplink performance in the presence of timing carrier frequency or sampling frequency offsets are analyzed theoretically .

    本文对OFDMA上行链路中 定时、载波频率和 采样频率偏移的影响进行了理论分析。

  • The study show that symbol timing offset and sampling frequency offset would introduce inter-symbol interference frequency offset of carriers would result in inter carrier interference .

    分析表明, 定时偏差和 采样频率偏差将会引起码间干扰,载波频率偏差导致载波间干扰的发生。

  • We describe the synchronization technique in several keys including symbol timing carrier frequency offset estimation and sampling clock offset estimation .

    主要涉及:符号 定时同步技术,载波频率同步技术和 采样钟同步技术等几个方面。

  • In path 2 the signal is inputted GATE 2 in 8253 through sin-gle-D-Trigger so that synchronous timing full-period sampling of the system is realized .

    二路经单D触发器进入8253的GATE2,以实现系统的同步 定时整周期 采样

  • Research of timing information extractions and digital line-locked sampling of video signal in free-running sampling system

    自由采样下视频信号的 时序提取与数字行 锁相的研究

  • A new algorithm for symbol timing recovery using baudrate sampling

    一种新的波特率 采样 定时 同步方法

  • Following the introduction of the basic principle of OFDM some nonideal effects on the performance of OFDM systems are discussed such as carrier frequency offset symbol timing offset and sampling clock deviation .

    本文在简要介绍了OFDM的基本原理、关键技术的基础上,针对同步问题进行了深入研究。首先分析了同步偏差中的频率偏差、符号 定时偏差及 采样时钟偏差对系统性能的影响。

  • Secondly the basic theory of OFDM system and the system model are introduced and the errors of timing synchronization frequency synchronization and the sampling rate synchronization are discussed in detail .

    其次介绍了OFDM技术的基本原理,给出了OFDM信号的特性以及一般OFDM系统的构成模型,仔细分析了三种同步误差( 定时偏差、载波频率偏差、 采样时钟频偏)对OFDM解调性能的影响。

  • So in an OFDM system finding the symbol timing the carrier frequency offset and the sampling rate offset the receiver is important in the recovery of the signal .

    因此,在OFDM系统接收机中, 定时 确定、载波频率偏差和 采样频率偏差的纠正是信号恢复的关键。

  • The applications and the limitations of multi channel parallel sampling technology in high speed data acquisition systems are presented ; then we introduce a method to measure the timing skew of the multi channel sampling system .

    介绍了多通道并行采样技术在高速数据采集系统的应用和其局限性,然后给出了一种测量多 通道系统各通道间 时序偏差的方法;

  • Timing Control of Geological Radar Signals Sampling

    地质雷达信号 采样 定时控制

  • To achieve fine symbol timing a loop controlled by numerical controlled oscillator ( NCO ) was used to track the residual timing error and the sampling frequency error after coarse timing acquisition based on a preamble .

    基于前导字进行粗同步估计,并采用数字控制振荡器(NCO)控制的环路对残留 符号 定时误差和 采样频率偏差进行跟踪补偿,以获得精确符号同步。

  • The real time measuring system of high speed rotating blade vibration tip timing sensor pulse signal sampling system and analysis processing of blade vibration signal are researched .

    研究了高速旋转叶片振动实时监测系统,叶端 定时传感器、传感器脉冲信号 采集电路和叶片振动信号的实时分析和处理。

  • Channel and Timing Estimation for UWB Systems Based on Sampling with Finite Rate of Innovation

    基于新限速 抽样的超宽带通信系统信道 时延估计

  • This board uses two chips six channels A / D converter and phase locking synchronous technology for collecting three-phase voltage and current signals in timing and equal-time cycle sampling ways and the gained data make more reasonable for power quality norm analysis .

    并采用了两片六通道高速A/D转换器和运用了锁相同步技术,对三相电压和电流信号能进行 定时采样和等间隔 采样,这样得到的数据对于下一步电能质量指标进行分析更为合理。

  • This thesis analyzes some influences on the performances of OFDM digital communications which include carrier frequency offset symbol timing offset and sampling clock offset .

    分析了载波频率偏差、符号 定时偏差和 频率偏差对OFDM系统性能的影响。

  • Then a chip timing estimation and correction algorithm is proposed . The new algorithm can effectively implement the timing offset estimation and correction by sampling and filter weighting adjustment .

    提出了一种 偏估计和时偏纠正算法,通过对 接收 信号 采样并估算时偏,然后调整接收滤波器抽头系数来纠正接收信号的时偏。

  • Timing adjustment in a digital modem must be performed by interpolation if sampling is not synchronized to the data symbols .

    在数字调制解调器中,如果 采样 与数据符号不同步,则必须通过插值对 定时进行调整。

  • The influence of timing jitter and amplitude fluctuation of the sampling pulses is also investigated .

    同时我们还研究了 采样光脉冲 时间抖动和幅度抖动对光性能 监测系统的影响。

  • With a DSP + CPLD system the timing matching between chips and data sampling functions are completed .

    通过DSP+CPLD完成芯片间的 时序匹配和数据 采集功能。

  • The pH value particle diameter surface tension emulsion viscosity coagulum content and mechanical stability of polybutadiene latex ( PBL ) were tracing measured by timing sampling and the storage stability of PBL was investigated in detail .

    通过跟踪测定不同 存放 时间下聚丁二烯胶乳(PB胶乳)的pH值、粒径、表面张力、粘度、凝固物含量、机械稳定性等各项物性指标,对PB胶乳的存放稳定性进行了比较深入研究。