tip off

[tɪp ɔf][tip ɔf]

因倾斜而使掉下来暗示, 警告

  • The police arrested him after an anonymous tip off .

    在接到匿名 举报后,警方逮捕了他。

  • The heavy reliance on message passing and the notion that Self applications are always running should tip you off that late binding is a central theme in Self .

    从Self对消息传送的严重依赖以及 Self应用程序一直运行这一概念可以看出:延迟绑定是Self的中心课题。

  • A trouble spot some people overlook is the bottom tip of the cone . This may have been broken off .

    蛋筒的 底往往是为人们所忽视的地方&这儿或有可能已经 破损

  • Don 't look suspicious ! That will tip off the police !

    别显得那么紧张,那样会 警察注意你的。

  • A tuning tip for this management infrastructure is to turn off automatic synchronization of the node configurations .

    这个管理基础设施的一个调优 技巧 关闭节点配置的自动同步功能。

  • Effort from tip off to whatever time in the morning a game might be decided .

    任何一个早晨的努力是可以在一 比赛可以体现的。

  • You can also use a pull-and-drop presentation by raising your rod tip so the sinker also comes up off the bottom .

    你也可以用“拖-停”的手法,这样在你抬高竿 的时候,铅坠也轻微 底。

  • The tip must 've broken off before the attack .

    刀尖一定在攻击前 已断裂。

  • Safety feature-air purifier includes tip over switch and auto-shut off function to ensure safety .

    安全功能包括 尖端空气净化器的开关和自动 关机功能,以确保安全。

  • They enter the house in a rough neighborhood without working with local police to get a search warrant fearing officers could tip off the smugglers .

    他们进入这个位于崎岖地带的房子,没有与当地警察合作以取得搜索证,因为担心警方会 事先 警告这些走私者。

  • After the first step of the tip part of the male mark is broken off the second thorn-shaped step is buckled with the female mark which avoids the possibility of mark falling .

    当公标 尖端部的第一台阶处 折断后,尚有棘刺形的第二台阶与母标相扣合,避免了掉标的可能。

  • And once you 're on the boss 's good side it won 't be long before he or she will tip off higher management about your talent and good attitude .

    一但你的 上司对你有好的认同感,不久后他(她)将会对你的才能与好的态度提供更高的管理 职位

  • The way to tip off any rejection or obstruction of solicitation or demurral ;

    对排斥、阻挠征询或异议的 举报方式;

  • Eg. did nancy want him to tip off the IRS confidentially ?


  • You might ask though is there some other behavior something else that should tip us off could tip us off as to whether or not we really do or don 't believe that we 're going to die ?

    你可能会问,有没有其他行为,能够让我们 突然 醒悟,知道我们真正是否相信自己会死呢?

  • Workers apt to tip off peers not bosses : survey .

    调查:多数职员不 提醒 上司难堪事。

  • Since they 're difficult to copy the serial number should tip off a counterfeit bill .

    而序列号又难以复制,因此通过它可以检验出 假钞

  • Did you tip her off about this case ?

    透露 这个案子吗?

  • Its tip flicked twice around the tumbleweed jerked it off the ground and back to the feed opening in the imitation tree stump within which the rest of the slurp was concealed .

    舌尖绕着风滚草圈了两圈,然后猛得将其拉起来,往模仿树残桩里的进食口拖去, 啜食者正是隐藏了里面。

  • An implement for cutting the tip off of a cigar .

    切割 香烟 末端的工具。

  • Greg tipped police off on his car phone about a suspect drunk driver

    格雷格用他的汽车电话向警方报告 一个有酒后驾驶嫌疑的司机。

  • His20-year-old bride Rasha was rescued by local police and firemen who forced open the door of their apartment in the Italian city of Crema after a tip off from Rasha 's family .

    齐耶德的妻子名叫拉莎,现年20岁。警方在接到其家人报警后和消防队员强行冲入了这对夫妇所住的公寓,并最终 她解救了出来。

  • That might tip off what the real price should be .

    只要他出价, 真实 总值也就可能有个 眉目了。

  • Go to your father taking him aside and tip him off that the man is a swindler .

    到你父亲那里,把他带到一边, 悄悄告诉 那人是个骗子。

  • And lastly I copied the tip of the finger off our original source and pasted it over the zipper 's pull tab to situate the tab underneath .

    最后,我 把手指 的部分复制 下来覆盖出拉链的拉扣,这样手指就搭在了拉扣上。

  • What else about the letters that you heard might tip you off that they 're pseudonymous ? Yes sir .

    信里还有哪些地方,让你们觉得它们是 冒名写成的?好的,先生。

  • Just don 't forget to carefully trim the tip off each claw before applying the nail cap .

    只是不要忘记仔细修剪爪 通风报信每个申请前钉帽。