title format

[ˈtaɪtl ˈfɔrˌmæt][ˈtaitl ˈfɔ:mæt]


  • Brief Discussion on the Differences of Title Description in MARC Format

    浅谈机读目录 格式 题名的著录差异

  • The paper has summarized and defined common problems in the title structural layers table format use of area unit wrongly written or mispronounced in agricultural sci-tech papers and analyzed them by combination practice with the investigation .

    总结阐述了农业科技文章中的文 、结构层次、表格 编排、面积单位使用、错别字等方面常出现的问题,并结合实践和调查进行了分析。

  • Set custom day title date format . Leave empty to disable .

    配置自订日 标题日期 格式.离去空的到取消。

  • Following the analysis of the title panel the paper presents methods using the unit to describe the information table using the base table to express the format of the tables in same style and establishing the mapping approach from base table to database .

    通过分析 标题 信息表的构成特点,提出了基于单元概念的描述方法,在此基础上采用基表来表达同类信息表的 格式,并建立基表与数据库之间的映射关系。

  • The product structure info consists in the title bar of the assemble drawing . Currently a number of enterprise product drawings adopt DWG format of AUTOCAD so it needs study to pick up title bar data from the product assemble drawing .

    产品结构数据信息存在于产品装配图纸的 明细栏中,而当前企业的产品图纸大量采用的是AutoCAD的 DWG 文件,因此需要研究从产品装配图(DWG文件)中提取出明细栏数据的问题。