tip over

[tɪp ˈovɚ][tip ˈəuvə]

(使)翻载, (使)翻倒从…的上方倒…

  • Tip me over and pour me out !

    使倾斜,然后让我 倾吐

  • Had he stuck as chancellor and prime minister to the prudence promised in 1997 Britain would not be facing such a dreadful economic bust – nor an annual budget deficit that looks set to tip over 10 per cent of national income .

    作为财政大臣和首相,如果他坚持了1997年 许诺的审慎,英国就不会遭遇如此可怕的经济危机&也不至于让年度预算赤字突破国民收入的10%。

  • It will frequently be found desirable to use a double tip torch to maintain the proper temperature over the large area .

    为了 整个大面积 保持正常的温度,通常情况下需要两个 焊枪

  • The samples used are of good consolidation and the surfaces of the polished samples are even . The friction force distributions of Si_3N_4 tip scanning over the boron carbide surfaces were investigated at load 1 μ N to 6 μ N 1 μ N a step .

    在载荷为1~6μN下,研究了Si3N4 探针扫描碳化硼表面时摩擦力的分布。

  • The wheels she uses as front legs took some getting used to and at first the tiny lap dog would tip over to one side .

    适应这两条新“长”出来的“滑轮腿”很花了“希望”一 时间,刚开始时,她总是不由自主地向一侧 倾斜

  • The utility model provides the safety combined type tableware for the infants and has the advantages of safely sanitary convenient use and difficult to move and tip over .

    为幼儿提供一种使碗不易移动和 的安全、卫生、使用方便的幼儿安全组合餐具。

  • Stoke up ( with sth ) stoke a fire etc Use battery-powered lanterns or flashlights to inspect your home . Kerosene lanterns torches candles and matches may tip over or ignite flammables inside .

    尽量使用电池供电的灯笼或手电筒。煤油灯,火把,蜡烛,火柴等,很容易 翻倒或者自燃引起火灾。

  • Gives equations for calculating when a machine with an arm will tip over .

    给出计算方程以解决一个带机械臂的机器 翻倒的问题。

  • Passing the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket credit card or employee badge .

    将条形码读入器的 商品标签、信用卡和雇员证的磁性编码条纹上扫掠以读入信息。

  • However if somebody already has cardiovascular disease then it might just tip them over the edge and trigger a heart attack .

    但如果有的人本来就有心血管疾病,那这就可能 他们 临界点,导致心脏病发作。

  • Don 't tip these guys over here but tip these guys . that 's bullshit .

    “别 那些人 小费,但要给这些人小费”, 是胡说。

  • Slow-growing economies that fall into recession are typically pushed as some shock forces a pre-existing imbalance to tip them over .

    但是经济发展速度慢了,则往往会 陷入衰退。而衰退之前,事先就早已存在的失衡因素就会 通过一些震荡显现 出来了。

  • Some further credit tightening would tip us over into a more severe recession but it is too early to tell .

    他说,进一步紧缩信贷有可能将美国 推入更严重的衰退,但现在作此判断还为时尚早。

  • He tipped the table over in front of him

    他把面前的桌子 打翻了。

  • The key to tip over the cap of bottle spigot successfully is that if the claw can enter into the rubber spigot .

    翻塞能否成功,关键在于 塞爪能否进入橡胶塞帽内。

  • Now carefully tip the bowl forward over a bucket . A few cups of water will flow out and hopefully also the lost item .

    现在,把 马桶里面的东西倒 桶里,几杯水流出来,还有你希望找到的的掉进去的物品。

  • Safety feature-air purifier includes tip over switch and auto-shut off function to ensure safety .

    安全功能包括 尖端空气净化器的开关和自动关机功能,以确保安全。

  • Scratch process may be divided into three phases i.e. a stylus tip indenting coating surface the stylus tip slipping on coating surface and the stylus tip rising over coating surface .

    划痕过程可以分为划针 尖端压入涂层表面、划针在涂层表面 滑动和划针升高等三个阶段。

  • This results in little movements which can make the egg tip over .

    这在立蛋时会造成鸡蛋有轻微的震动,从而让鸡蛋 倒下

  • Even if you are a good swimmer something could cause the boat to tip over and you could be trapped underneath .

    即使你是一个游泳高手,一些意外能倾 翻船,把你困在水下。

  • Frequency shift image in nc-AFM is studied by silicon tip scanning over rutile TiO2 ( 001 ) surface in vertical route and superposition s1 route with different parameters .

    以等垂直距离路径和径向叠加s1路径,非接触原子力显微镜微悬臂Si 针尖 金红石TiO2(001)面各种 形状量子点表面沿110w_2277方向扫描,研究不同参数下的自振频率位移图像。

  • Exercising too much with no iron supplements will tip one over the edge into a more serious deficiency .

    锻炼太多而又未服铁质补剂,可能 改变人体的含铁量,使 处于严重缺铁状态。

  • When I get all steamed up hear me shout Tip me over and pour me out !

    当我使全身都发出蒸汽时候,听到我呼喊, 使倾斜,然后让我 倾吐

  • Creative greed can tip over into destructive greed when people see others around them with more money leaving them feeling inadequate .

    当人们看到周围的人更有钱,感到自己不够好时,创新性的 贪婪 有可能转变为毁灭性的贪婪。

  • A daruma is a toy that being weighed on the bottom rights itself if you tip it over .

    不倒翁是一种底重头轻的玩具,以你 推倒还能自动 归正

  • She tipped over the chair and collapsed into the corner with a splintering crash

    椅子上的她 翻倒了,咔嚓一下摔在了角落里。

  • We grabbed it just as it was about to tip over .

    我们 它就要 翻倒时把它抓住了。

  • In addition the nosewheel makes it impossible for the plane to tip over on its nose during landing as can sometimes happen on taildraggers .

    另外,由于前轮距重心较远,就不会出现后三点起落架容易发生的“ 拿大顶”现象。(意译)

  • To change the name on the button control and the help tip displayed when the mouse is over it right-click the button control and select Control .

    要修改按钮控件中的名字和鼠标 置于上方时显示的帮助 提示,右键单击按钮控件,然后选择Control。