


  • The apparatus is small portable the titration process is rapid and only 65 ~ 100 drops of titrant is needed which would satisfy the requirements of spot analysis and rapid monitoring of water samples .

    其主要仪器外形小巧、便于携带,滴定快速、 准确滴定 用量仅为 65~100滴,完全能够满足现场快速水质测定和 野外水环境监测的需要。

  • There is no necessary to ascertain the equivalence point and to standardize the concentration of the titrant .

    滴定时不需要确定 化学计量点,也不需要 已知 滴定 浓度, 而是标准比较、标准曲线或线性 回归试样定量分析。

  • New method for determination of titrant volumes

    确定 滴定 体积的新方法

  • The theoretical basis for electrogenerating Fe (ⅱ) - EDTA complex as a coulometric titrant was also discussed and a useful conclusion was obtained .

    讨论了电生Fe(Ⅱ)-EDTA络合物作库仑 滴定 的理论基础,获得了有益的结论。

  • Studies on the system of polyethylene glycol-tetraphenylborate-metal ions ⅰ . potentiometric determination of lead using sodium tetraphenylborate as a titrant

    聚乙二醇-四苯硼酸根-金属离子配合物体系的研究Ⅰ. 四苯硼酸钠电位滴定法测铅

  • The titrant is indefinitely stable and is of low toxicity .

    这种 滴定 一直都是稳定的,而且毒性很低。

  • The calculating analysis of titration without standard solution is a method that can be used to determine the concentration of substance titrated and titrant at the same time .

    无需标准溶液的滴定计算分析能同时求出 滴定 与被测物质浓度。

  • According to the Mariotte bottle principle a simple apparatus of constant rate titrant delivery has been improved .

    本文根据马里奥特瓶(theMariottebottle)原理设计了一种简易的恒速 滴定装置。

  • This paper deals with the influence of error in electromotive force ( EMF ) measurement on calculation of titration analysis in which Ag + as the titrant and Cl - as the titrate .

    以Ag+滴定Cl-的沉淀 滴定 计算分析为例,研究了电动势测定误差对滴定计算分析法的影响规律。

  • A method for the determination of sulfate in water is established by using alcohol as the medium thoron I as the indicator methylene blue solution as the foil and barium chloride standard solution as the titrant .

    提出了以乙醇为介质,钍试剂作指示剂,亚甲基蓝溶液作衬 ,用氯化钡标准溶液作 滴定 ,测定水样中硫酸根离子的方法。

  • The method determining the chromium trioxide concentration in the Cr-electroplating solution is set up by the electrometric itration with the ferrous ammonium sulfate as the titrant .

    建立了以硫酸亚铁铵 滴定 ,电位滴定法测定镀铬溶液中铬酐(CrO3)含量的方法。

  • Non-aqueous Stannous Chloride Solution Used as Titrant for the Determination of Copper and Iron in Copper Ores


  • The experimental samples were made from the non separated phenol compounds of Chinese Larch tree . The aqueous solution of Ba ( OH ) 2 were used as titrant .

    实验中用改性的混合态兴安落叶松树木酚类化合物为 滴定样品,Ba(OH)2水溶液为 滴定

  • The method is not necessary to ascertain the stoichiometric point of the titration and to know the titrant concentration . It is simple accurate suitable for the determination of mercuric sulfide in cinnabar .

    该方法无需确定的化学计量点和已知滴定 的浓度,方法简便准确,适合于 朱砂中硫化汞含量的测定。

  • An indirect method for the determination of the titer of potassium ferricyanide used as titrant in the determination of honey sugar starch and etc .

    介绍一种建立在化学反应原理和数学推导基础上的间接测定铁氰化钾 标准 溶液(用于测定糖类)的 滴定度的方法.测定铁氰化钾的 纯度(含量)并将其 代入建立 公式中。

  • The standard solution of cobalt is used as titrant the platinum electrode as an indicator electrode while the calomel electrode as a refer - ence electrode .

    以钴标准溶液为 滴定 ,用铂电极为指示电极,甘汞电极作为参比电极,利用电位的突变来指示终点。

  • In this determination the fluoride ion solution was taken as titrant and the fluoride ion selective electrode was taken as indicating electrode .

    以氟离子溶液作 滴定 ,氟离子选择性电极作指示电极,在氟-铝反应 没有 达到 平衡 条件下通过恒电位配位 滴定法同时测定了铁和

  • A new method has been developed for successive titrations of Ti and Fe in a single aliquot of sample solution by one titrant using two Indicators .

    本文提出于一份试液中,用两种指示剂、一种 标准 溶液连续滴定钛、铁的新方法。

  • Electro-generated quinone from hydroquinone at a platinum anode in a 0.5 & 10 N sulphuric acid medium has been used as a coulometric titrant .

    将氢醌在0.5&10N硫酸介质及铂阳极上电解产生醌可以作为库仑 滴定

  • The titrator adopts the peristaltic pump to drive the titrant and adopts the optical switch to detect the number of drip .

    该仪器采用蠕动泵驱动 滴定 ,用光电开关检测滴定 滴数,根据滴数 计算 滴定 体积

  • Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide is used as a titrant and a fluoroborate ion-selective electrode as an indicator electrode .

    所用 滴定 为十六烷基三甲基溴化铵,指示电极为氟硼酸根离子选择电极。

  • This paper discusses the reaction principle and titrimetric operation in defining consistency of potassium permanganate titrant which sodium oxalate is regarded as the basis material .

    分析了以草酸钠为基准物 标定高锰酸钾 标准 溶液浓度的反应原理, 标定操作及温度、酸度、滴定 速度滴定 条件对标定结果的影响。

  • Objective : Adding two titrant standard solution volumes affecting acid base double point potentiometric method accuracy are discussed .

    目的:探讨两次加入 滴定 标准溶液的体积对酸碱双点电位滴定法准确度的影响。

  • The single component of BrO - 3 or IO - 3 and the mixture of BrO - 3 and IO - 3 were determined respectively through potentiometric titration using silver electrode as the indicator electrode and AgNO 3 as the titrant .

    以银电极为指示电极,Ag+ 标准 溶液为滴定 ,对BrO-3、IO-3单种离子及BrO-3与 IO-3的混合离子进行了测定。

  • In order to acquire the net content of sodium chloride in injection we subtracted the base consumption due to lincomycin hydrochloride reacting with AgNO 3 titrant from the measured total titrating volume .

    测得结果扣除注射液中林可霉素盐酸盐对硝酸银 滴定 的本底消耗,即得注射液中氯化钠的纯含量。

  • Cetylpyridinium chloride ( CPC ) solution is used as titrant . Smear membrane graphite electrode and calomel electrode are used as indicator electrode and reference electrode .

    以氯化十六烷基吡啶(PC) 滴定 涂膜石墨电极为指示电极,甘汞电极为参比电极。

  • The volume of titrant and corresponding the peak height were determined during the titration and the data were deal with by nonlinear regression .

    实验时测定滴定过程中 滴定 的体积和相应的极谱峰高。

  • Effect of Accuracy Based on Acid Base Double Point Potentiometric Titration Method by Titrant 's Volumes

    滴定 体积对酸碱双点电位滴定法准确度的影响