




  • He advises that Tom and I buys the new tire .

    他劝汤姆和我买新 轮胎

  • The microprocessors can monitor tire wear and brake power on the cars .

    这微处理器能监控汽车 轮胎磨损和煞车动力的情形。

  • That flat tire cost me an hour .

    那次 轮胎 爆胎费了我一个小时。

  • If driving tires you take the train

    如果开车 觉得 ,就乘火车吧。

  • Properties such as adhesion in the case of tire cords and dyeability in the case of carpet yarns can be affected by the surface composition of the fiber .

    诸如 轮胎帘子线的粘附性或地毯纱线的染色性能,都受纤维表面成分的影响。

  • If a tire blows out while one is driving at high speed it can be very dangerous .

    高速行驶时 车胎爆炸是很危险的。

  • He felt he would never tire of international cricket

    他认为自己永远不会对国际板球赛 生厌

  • I had a flat tire this morning .

    今天早晨我的 轮胎瘪了。

  • People were beginning to tire in the midday heat .

    在正午时分的热浪之中,人们开始感到 疲倦

  • My tire 's gone down again .

    我的 轮胎又瘪了。

  • Introduced the structure and characteristics of tire curing bladder .

    介绍了 轮胎硫化胶囊的结构和特点。

  • He jacked the car and changed the back tire .


  • His objective was to tire out the climbers .

    他的目标是 使登山者筋疲力尽。

  • The tire 's had a blowout .


  • Hi this is Tony I have a flat tire could you come and pick me up ?

    你好,我是托尼,我的 爆胎了,你能来接我吗?

  • Cost of tire mounting and balance service .

    成本的 轮胎安装和平衡服务。

  • My bicycle has a flat tire .

    我的自行车有一个 台胞了。

  • A nail pierced the tire of our car .

    一个钉子将我们的 车胎穿了一洞。

  • He tired easily though he was unable to sleep well at night .

    他很容易 疲倦,可夜里却睡不好觉。

  • There 's something wrong with my car I think we have a flat tire here .

    我的车是怎么可呢?我想我的车 爆胎了。

  • He did not have enough money to have the tire patched up let alone buy a new one .

    他的钱还不够补这个 轮胎,更别提买个新的了。

  • Install the wheel and tire assemblies .

    安装车轮和 轮胎总成。

  • My car got a flat tire .

    我的车子 爆胎了。

  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tire .

    他用千斤顶把汽车顶起来,换下瘪 轮胎

  • Sooner or later he may tire of constantly putting himself last .

    迟早他会 厌倦总是把自己排在最后。

  • The purpose was to tire out the enemy .

    目的是要 疲惫敌军。

  • A flat tire put my bicycle out of commission .


  • It 's nothing . I had the tire and the jack .

    没什么,我有 轮胎和千斤顶。

  • McKee suddenly noticed tire tracks on the bank ahead .

    麦基突然注意到前方岸边的 轮胎痕迹。