TNT oil

[ˌtiɛnˈti ɔɪl][ˌti:enˈti: ɔil]

[化] 梯恩梯油

  • A Method for Reducing TNT in Rock Powdery AN - TNT - oil Explosive

    岩石粉状铵 油炸生产过程中降低 TNT的方法

  • Using by product oil-bearing wax to produce special wax used for low TNT pulverized explosives has the advantages of low production cost and strong competition ability and has popularizing significance for enterprises of wax based crude oil production .

    利用副产的含油蜡研制低 粉状炸药专用蜡成本较低,具有较强的市场竞争力,对我国石蜡基 原油生产企业具有一定的推广意义。