


  • The main clinical manifestations of these diseases were pruritus titillation minor hyperemia of external ear canal earache muffled ear oily and dry in external ear canal .

    该病的主要临床表现为 瘙痒 ,外耳道轻度充血、耳痛、耳闷、油耳和外耳道干糙等。

  • The incidence of nausea vomiting and skin titillation in the first group was higher than in the second group .

    不良反应:恶心呕吐、 便秘、皮肤 瘙痒 组明显高于Ⅱ组;

  • Results : Titillation icterus and rising of total bile acids ( TBA ) were the main clinical characterization .

    结果: 发现 ICP主要临床 表现 瘙痒、黄疸、胆汁酸升高;

  • The cultural damage wrought by this may be more profound than temporary titillation .

    “悲剧 文学 对文化的破坏可能比一时的文化 快感更复杂。

  • Since huangjianxiang bravely fight like men he seems to have forged a deep bond with titillation and entertainment . inter-circle his call to the self-mocking everyone will mind a laugh .

    自从黄健翔勇敢地“像个男人一样战斗”之后,他似乎就和娱乐八卦结下了 不解之缘

  • Many for mycotic vaginitis 's typical phenomenon often is accompanied by the serious vulva titillation .

    多为霉菌性阴道炎的典型现象,常伴有严重的外阴 搔痒

  • Since the tube is hollow in the middle the splashing water created by your thrusting hits both of your down-there domains adding to the titillation .

    自管,中间空心,创造了泼水你点击你冲下来,有两个领域,增加了 瘙痒

  • Color yellow or olivine sticks thick or assumes the foaming state has the stink mostly for vagina inflammation result is most common by the infusorium vaginitis has the vulva titillation .

    色黄或黄绿,粘稠或呈泡沫状,有臭味,大多为阴道炎症所致,其中以滴虫性阴道炎最为常见,多有外阴 搔痒